Mastic gum for facial gains?

insecurelet here looking to purchase some mastic gum could anybody recommend me which one to get? im Canadian so .ca sites only. Also, how would I go on about creating a routine for chewing would I do it for 1 hour a day? etc.

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Other urls found in this thread: gum&ref=nb_sb_noss_2

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Amazon? gum&ref=nb_sb_noss_2

which ones do I buy kek

buy this one
all the face gains you'll ever need
stop being such a pussy, leaf

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>not wanting to improve yourself
okay cuck

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I ordered some from Greece on eBay. Enjoyed it so much I ordered a full pound the second time. Well fuck me, that shits been stuck in customs for 1 month now. They probably think it’s drugs or some shit. I’m probably on all the fucking lists.

t. Canadian

>tfw government trying to steal ur face gains

I doesn’t even stop at face gains mate, have you seen Canada latest food guide? Completely fucking retarded. I swear they want everyone to be a fat lazy legumesboy

damn so no luck at ordering mastic gum here in canada what province do you live in?

Explain to me why not go to the grocery store and buy a pack of chewing gum for literally less than a dollar, it's the exact same fucking thing

>fucking up your stomach for .002 mm gains on your jaw

dont do it please

regular chewing gum adds up over time you cant just do 1-2 pieces you have to constanly add like 3-4 pieces and if your doing this daily mastic gum would be the best option since it always remains hard for perm use
what do you mean it fucks your stomach up? I thought mastic gum cures symptoms such as your gut health?

you chew when you are grinding food that is going to go down eventually to the stomach, when you chew the stomach prepares itself for such food, fooling your stomach for hours with gum is so bad at least in personal experience, having your mouth of stomach feel like its burning really sucks

Obviously I will probably only aim for 1 hour a day and will be eating before I chew gum whats wrong with this? iv chewed gum for an hour straight with no problems

What about teeth gains? Will it fuck up your pearly whites?


all you're gonna do is give yourself lockjaw.

so im fucked

BC, but dude, just don’t be greedy like me trying to get 1lb. Order a smaller quantity from Greek sellers on eBay, it’s much better than the amazon price.

Bullshit. I saw visible gains in under 2 months.

Don’t fucking listen to that twat. Fucking crabs man. The gum is based. It’s good for your teeth too.

Prove it’s not a placebo you dumb namefag

My uncle is an orthodontist. He made me chew gum my entire life. I have a really nice and sharp jawline. But I you can't chew the social anxiety or lack of friends away.

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>implying you can change the shape of your jawbones
You are either born with a good jaw or not, jawlet

the nly issue is that im buying somthing from some random from bum fuck greece and its going in my mouth what do you think about this?

if nature cucked you, there's nothing you can do, fucko.

>tfw you are Greek and you can buy this stuff in the supermarket with ease

Where the fuck do you think mastic gum on comes from?!?!

Start your own online mastic gum sales website. I’m not even joking. I bet you could get rich.

No pictures of the tears, just a fucking box. Probably shit quality, probably the crumbs that they sell as B grade. Probably 2 or more years old. Listen to my original advice and order direct from Greece via eBay.

Eh there’s probably somebody that’s already done it. After so many experiences in life I’ve come to accept that any idea I have in my head, somebody’s always done it before me

this shit tastes like tree sap. how the fuck do you guys chew this?

It is tree sap.

>not swallowing the dogpill and chewing on a rubber ball
Not gonna make it

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great attitude user, but I think somebody has already posted the same post, so why post it at all

unironically did this and destroyed 2 balls. I'm a jaw strength beast but my jawline still sucks