How do I make myself like beer?
How do I make myself like beer?
You gotta drink good german beer
Find one you can tolerate and keep drinking.
Or man up.
You don't.
Drink liqueur and cocktails instead. Fuck beer
Beer is overrated. If it didn't get you drunk, barely anyone would bother to drink it.
Way too bitter.
Such as? How do I know what constitutes a good beer?
I like the flavored steel reserves, the blue one is pretty great. Does that count?
I don't like it but I like being drunk so I'm to try to acquire the taste for it. If you say anything negative about beer alkfags instantly start seething.
am i a fag for drinking ale?
also am i a LARPing fag for drinking mead
>I don't like it but I like being drunk so I'm to try to acquire the taste for it
You realize beer isn't the only thing that can get you drunk right tard?