Anons i come to you to tell you this: Sexual desires can be completely tamed
>be me a 24 years old
>i struggled for years with my unsatisfied libido and almost daily masturbation
>once i turned 24 i lost all interest.
>don't masturbate, i don't lust for any girl
>i'm just polite to everyone i know and strangers.
>My libido just died and i feel liberated
Is it low test? drugs ? enlightenment?
i don't know but it feels great

Attached: 1553990863031m.jpg (1024x688, 143K)

It's called psychosis.


This is a God given gift
You could not get laid/get a gf so God solved your problem.
Make sure to thank God for it.

Attached: monk_02.jpg (1500x500, 188K)

If that's the case i will thank him right now.
I feel like a child, innocent again without the need to seek carnal pleasures
i'm not white

Christfags are so pathetic.

user, this what the Bible mean when it said about being pure like a child.
This has happen with me 2 years ago, so I decide to become a Christian.
Make sure to thank God by living a good live, since you are free from despair and lust.

Attached: monk_03.jpg (259x194, 7K)

I just had to bypass robot


Jesus was a cuck. You will suck his cock.

Attached: fuckjesus.jpg (152x320, 13K)

Hail Mary motherfucker.

Attached: sonofyhwimpaledwithbbc.jpg (680x960, 80K)

Anons, there's hope for all you to live happy as a Christian. And I'll pray for you.
But if mocking religion help you copping with suffering, I'm glad to help.

Suck my cock you closet fag.

Attached: JesusbeingBJed.gif (500x438, 347K)

do you think i can become a priest? since i have no libido to worry about it and i have considered it from time to time, specially when i get fed up with my work as a lawyer.

Bet you'd need salvation for all the lives you fucked over.

Being a priest is hard, take a lot of time (10 years of study) and is specially hard for a new converted.
You'd have to become a (very) active member of a church before starting your studies (this is why new converts have problems)
You have to see that there are many positions inside the church, like monks and missionary that also contribute for the church.

"He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone"
i defend workers and those very few that i have dissapointed at least received compensation

>many positions
>like missionary
>church priests

Attached: UMfdCuU.png (128x128, 22K)

Suck my balls fucking whitey cracker inbred hillbilly piece of shit.

Attached: suckhisdick.jpg (600x797, 104K)

Tell me, are you happy user(s)?
Your live is good for you?

It's quite alright.

Attached: Holymaryandaryanrace.jpg (800x1050, 266K)

bet you are just toothless dog

I fail to see how a person that need to shitpost when someone found happy without sex or in religion is happy.
When was the last time you smiled with genuine happiness?

Can you reach genuine happiness through some blind belief? Christfags are stupider than you'd believe.

Nigger faggot ding dong. Jesus suck my schlong.

Attached: Readurfuckingbible.jpg (500x770, 50K)

i've been gradually closer to religion since i turned 21, after being an atheist for years.
i don't imply my experience is certainly religious but i'm eager to know what caused it.
Since i don't have any health problems and my life is not harsh all i need is to know if this mindset will remain with me.

I'm just happy that I at least recognize that I'm many times an idiot, and stupid many more times.
But you should learn about Christianity before, repeating blind believe memes.

I've always believed that those who go from one extreme to other are morons that were born with inferior thinking capabilities. Just look at any nazi turned communist and vice versa. You are just lost case and there is no hope for you.

Christianity is like oldest meme ever. Shut the fuck up fag.

Attached: submittosatan.jpg (1200x1259, 279K)

>I've always believed that those who go from one extreme to other are morons that were born with inferior thinking capabilities.
Good excuse to believe yourself as smarter

Used to seek the excess of sex, now he's seeking the moderation of chastity. Seem like he's far closer to the middle than you with your militancy.

may your superior thinking capabilities rise you to excellence but don't let pride be your downfall

user, if you don't want a live of study and effort, you can always choose to become a monk or find a girl and have a decent marriage.

i'm satisfied with my life, i've studied the law for years and i'm a new and relatively succesful lawyer. I only had one single time consuming and mind tiring worrying and that was my frustrated sex life and one day it all went away and i've been feeling greater than ever.
But just the mere act of posting a christian imagery has triggered a lot of people here

Something similar has happened to me the past year, 26yo, I barely fap once a week now and it's more of a chore because I only do it to relieve stress. I'm guessing low test, I've always a fucking pussy and they say your test only drops as you get older.
I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand I should be happy since I'm on track for wizardry anyways and I no longer help my strong empowered female coworkers when they are desperate for my expertise unless it's in the best interest of my own advancement. On the other hand I feel like defective fluke of evolution that doesn't deserve to exist because my family are always asking me if I am seeing any girls, dropping not-so-subtle hints they want grandchildren, etc.

As user his superior capacities requires him to get triggered with religion

Huh? The fuck you talking about fag. I am not opposed to moderation of chastity. What I'm opposed to is Christianity or any Abrahamic religion for that matter.
This is like:"I took these products by this company and I've never felt better!" Can't you fucking see or are you just purposely denying. You bet your damn ass I am way smarter than you.

>What I'm opposed to is Christianity or any Abrahamic religion for that matter.

>smarter than anyone
Maybe smarter than some of your Jow Forumstard friends, but that's it

>Huh? The fuck you talking about fag. I am not opposed to moderation of chastity.
Good to hear it user.
>Huh? The fuck you talking about fag. I am not opposed to moderation of chastity.
Could you take your time to explain why?
>This is like:"I took these products by this company and I've never felt better!"
It's more, I was robot-broken and somehow I'm happy now. I should tell my fellow robots about this.
>Can't you fucking see or are you just purposely denying.
Whatever dude, I don't agree with your "smart" opinion, not my problem
>You bet your damn ass I am way smarter than you.
user, I honestly don't care if you are smarter, I'm smart enough to be happy.

Nice one guy, we all know yous a faggot

Accusing me of being a bigot without even trying to see things from my perspective. Nice going.

user, if you need to attack religions at random because your superior brain forces you. I can only be sorry for you.

Then you should feel happy being stupid. Ignorance is bliss. I hate you for that though and many others will too. You can just tell them:"Why you hatin though?" Meanwhile it's your own fault.

So I should just stay silent and be a good boy then? How convenient for you.

>I'm smart enough find a way to be happy
>I must be incredible smart
user, I couldn't care less if you hate me or not.
But I don't hate you, I do care for you, and I'm sad to for the way you choose.

You should choose do to whatever you want, God gave us all free will for this very purpose.
I'm just sad for you.

I'm not here to convince anyone to join any group or to practice religion. I'm telling you my story and i regret posting a christian drawing since it caused so much anger

remember what i said about pride, not because of this discussion in particular but because how it will affect your life if you refuse to humble yourself.

Moving on...
Are you planning to find a girl to settle?

I come to warn you all in an obvious reminder, all anime will return imagery of degeneracy which will negatively influence you. It's too late for me, but maybe I can help some user out there. Carry no doubt, all anime is evil.

You are disgusting beyond extreme. But I am easily won over by petty promises of care~

Yeah and I'm exercising that. Not because your sky daddy allows me though. I could eat as much crab as I want and he won't do shit.

user, how can you won if we were not disputing anything? Lol
Maybe I'm too dumb to see all conversation as competitions of intelligence.

Attached: nun_02.jpg (257x196, 10K)

if i find someone i see no problem in having a long lasting relationship. I'm not awkward at all, my profession requires strong social skills since i'll be dealing with people higher on the hierarchy of the judicial system most of the time and communication needs to be clear and concise. My clients also expect me to be able to explain what's going on with their cases and what can they expect from them.
The"problem" might be that i don't feel compelled at all, my desire to seek the affection of women faded away and my physical urges are at a all time low

Maybe you could find a girl with very low libido and have a relationship that's basically friendship.

No, I mean you win me over~

I just loove caring people.

Whatever dude, you already got your attention, time to move on.

So you really are this petty? So much for all that caring.
My exquisite intellect allows me to gain whatever I want really. Don't be jealous.

that might be a good solution, i have made the acquaintance of many women trough my years of college and career, i'm in good terms with all of them and in general i'm polite to everyone even if it's just because of societal norms.
It shouldn't be hard.
But i tell you, my incapacity to bond further with them was tormenting me years ago and i'm really intrigued by this sudden change

I myself decided to marry, not because some sort of love or strong bond.
Then I found a girl that wanted the same and married.
Her company is pleasant and couple live is far easier.

Why you speak like fags?

i'm convinced that i'm not normal but at least i'm not vulgar

English is not my first language. Sometimes I just write English words with Portuguese grammar.

Nah, you are just phony.

and what are you ?
an arbiter of authenticity ?
That's good, a life of mutual support and the joy of friendship