Attention boys of Jow Forums, i today would like to talk to you about mommy mary...

attention boys of Jow Forums, i today would like to talk to you about mommy mary. she for so many of you is the textbook embodiment of what you want in a girl. everything about women which you hate and distrust, she is the opposite of. as the Spouse of the Spirit, what she loves, and the only thing she loves is what deserves to be loved, is virtue. is logic, reason, intellect, intelligence. what you have for so long felt that roasites have lacked, and have resented and hated them for, our mother mary, holy, unblemished, perfect in every way, loves and has in every respect, come to your mother autists, come to your holy divine mother.

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Is this some kind of Jesus thing?

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well mother mary is Jesus's yes!

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Stop worshipping Mary.

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i don't think she would like you to be saying that...

Oh no, I'm not falling for this again. I let Jesus into my heart once and that fucker stayed for 3 weeks without ever doing the dishes once.

i only stayed for three days bro, and your dishwasher was full

Fuck her like any other female. Don't waste your time fantasizing about fake pure women anons. They don't fucking exist.

WRONG Mommy Mary does exist

He literally thought of his ideas while on the shitter. Go fuck yourself protard.

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Ah the holy trinity of:
>single mother
>teen pregnancy
>rape victim
She's the epitome of everything a robot does want in a gf.

thanks user for that insight. btw where'd u put your leather jacket while you took this pic?

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getting a 13 year old virgin mary pregnant does sound hot desu desu

she was not a rape victim, it is clearly recorded that after she was told she was to be raped by God, she said, let it be done according to your word.

Amen!! I love my mom in heaven.

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plus, and this is going to sound very wicked, the roman soldier who the jews say raped her was apparently named "Pantera" which obviously means panther. ok, first off. i can think of no closer human approximation to God than a roman soldier named Pantera, that is literally the coolest thing i can think of, maybe this Pantera WAS the Holy Spirit?

Pilate's letter to Tiberius Caesar describes Jesus as blonde and tall

" I was told it was Jesus. This I could
easily have suspected, so great was the difference between him and those listening to him. His
golden-colored hair and beard gave him the appearance of a celestial aspect. He appeared to be
about thirty years old. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a Contrast
between him and his hearers, with their black beards and tawny completion! "

Her earthly spouse is St. Joseph, she's not a single mom.

Bamp for Mom appreciation thread

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Find that's even worse, she'll cuck you with the chad of chads.

lol i am a christian but that's funny that is really funny

Comfy thread. Ave Maria.

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Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum.
Benedicta tu in mulieribus,
et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus.
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei,
ora pro nobis peccatoribus,
nunc et in hora mortis nostrae.


When is the Pope going to consecrate Jow Forums to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

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Protestants are atheists.

I will if they make me Pope senpai.

ECHS stands by this construct. All the women that stand behind me stand behind this.
>Elder Jarara submits to this seed of story


post more pics of mom

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As commanded.

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wow she is really different from traditional portrayals I have seen

She is the immortal autistic queen.

Considering she was a devout Jew, I'm pretty sure she would.

On the contrary; protestants are monotheists.



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trips of truth brah
God has told me the difference between atheism and religion is knowing that the Catholic Church now has a monopoly on the word "ordained"

ordained means ordered in Latin

What makes Mary so Divine? Did the holy Spirit ever come to her? Jesus got the holy Spirit when he got baptised by his cousin John the Baptist at 30. When did she get the holy Spirit?