Why do u guys lift so infrequently

i dont get it. ppl who only bench twice a week, and squat and deadlift once a week? I undestand if ur a beginner, cus ur muscles r gonna take super long to recover, but as an experienced lifter i WONT be sore from any lift for over 24 hours. Hence I do every lift every other day. If I take longer breaks my numbers drop. Hence here is my routine

A day (morning): Bench, skullcrushers, 15 minute of bodyweight ab workouts, starting to incorporate 30 min run

A day (evening): powerclean, squat, OHP, 30-90 minutes of basketball

B day (morning): Deadlifts, bicep curls, 15 minute abs, 30 minute run

B day (evening): Pull-ups OR lat machine, bent-over rows, 30-90 minutes of basketball.


For each lift, I cycle between 5x3, 5x5, 3x8, and 3x12 depending on what i feel i need to improve on. The gains havent stopped.

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I used to work out every day but I started getting sick

Some people have actual jobs or activities that don’t let them have spare time for lifting every day

Tl;dr not everyone is a loser like you

You only do 15 minutes of abs a week?
Just do it everyday


>lifting 2x a day

Isn't this a waste of time, I almost remember reading something that you need to have a full night of sleep to actually make gains.

>Implying im a loser because I exercise 3 hours a day while u know literally nothing about my other 21 hours

post body

Enjoy your flat abs

Some days I chunk it all into one mega workout. But for example, on A days, if i do OHP in the same session as bench, the one i do later will suffer. similar for deadlifts impacting my pull-ups and bent-over rows. Also, If I go to the gym for 1 hour, I leave with more of a pump than if i were to go for 2 hours for whatever reason. So instead of 1 pump a day that is kind of wearing off by the time i leave, i get 2 pumps a day.

What. I do it everyday. u just misinterpreted

>I undestand if ur a beginner, cus ur muscles r gonna take super long to recover, but as an experienced lifter i WONT be sore from any lift for over 24 hours
You do realize recovery is not directly linked with muscle soreness don't you?

>but as an experienced lifter i WONT be sore from any lift for over 24 hours. Hence I do every lift every other day.
You're such a DYEL
Post lifts so we can laugh

u got it backwards. beginners recover faster. they are physically incapable of taxing themselves beyond recovering in 48 hours. no matter what they do.
takes about 3-4 years to get to a point where your body is efficient enough to tax itself to the point where it takes 5-7 days for a full recovery. and then thats inefficient as fuck to train doing, so you seldom do it.

beginners can progress with 3 days a week because they gain so fast anyway. 3 days is enough to tap into that maximum gains train. more is pointless form efficiency view. Advanced lifters need to train more often because their bodies need more complex stimulus to grow at that point. its not so simple as lift, add a bit more this time, and continue. the volume and intensity needs to be balanced constantly, and deadlods must be used every few weeks at that point. You have to overreach. advanced lifters who never overreach and go beyond their recovery dont progress unlike a novice.

If you are still progressing on this routine you mentioned, and you are not feeling beat the fuck up after around 8 weeks of it without deload you are still in novice territory. 3 days a week would suit you fine. same gains, more time to do other shit.

Your rutine sounds like garbage that builds no endurance. I bet you run on a treadmill.

I get in 3 hr lifting sessions 3 times a week, 2 hr cardio sessions 3 times a week. 1 rest day (sunday) and still work/ find time to study. Down side.

I have no social life and no gf. Also post body I mog you anyday of the week.

140 lbs

bench 210
deadlift 285
squat prolly 250, havent 1rm squat in a while
OHP 130

>implying running on a treadmill doesn't build endurance

3 days a week full body compounds is all you need to be big and strong and look good.

Dyels will continue doing meme routines though

what? when i first got into lifting id be sore for an entire week from squatting, and sore for 3-5 days from benching. It's so easy to tax yourself beyond quick recovery when your out of shape and your brain isnt used to recovering...

also what is overreach?


im doing half of my body 3.5 times a week, and the other half 3.5 times a week. isnt it the same concept more or less?

>t.fat fuck that thinks a platform moving towards him is the same as running on a track or trail
Go out for a 1 mile run and come back when your balls have dropped.

Idk your programming seems confused and all over the place

what u consider novice territory? im an intermediate according to this website

I do both dude. Idk why you picked 1 mile, my grandma can run that...

it's a bit whack but I keep getting stronger and it's fun

Post your runs and body, I mog and out run you any day of the week

and if i workout less frequently i start getting weaker

Actually not bad numbers desu, but by no means "experienced"
You're so light fren, are you skellington?

I just started running again but at peak it was 2 miles in 14 min would be a solid run for me. Ill post bod when i get home. u post ur height bodyweight and numbers tho

5' 7 manlet. I said experienced cus ive been lifting for over a year now, however, there was a 2-3 month break in the middle of the year

You'll start to be more intermediate as you get even stronger, meaning you can't recover in a short time frame. Meaning you'll have to squat "lighter" sometimes while this adaptation occurs.

HLM and TM give a good example of how this is achieved, I'm not saying do those programs just be aware of the concept for when you stall.

Squat: 405
Deadlift: 500
1mile : 6:47
2 mile : 14:41
I haven’t timed my three mile yet but it should be around 20-22 mins.

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yeah your lifts rape mine but ur cardio isnt even that good to be so confident youd mog me

whats your weightlifting routine?

Im nearly 60lbs heavier than you and could out run you. How old are you? Im 21

He doesn't go to the gym before work everyda. Dyel

lol ill be able to outrun u with 3 weeks of training from scratch. idk why on earth your brain wants to round 50 to 60, but your 4 inches taller. I bet you have way more bodyfat too. im same age

Mike Mentzer trained one muscle group every 14 days and critiqued heavily on dudes working out 6 days a week

>Bench is 210

Bruh, 215 is right around the corner and then 220 and then 225, your gunna make it.

I do push /pull/ legs/ calisthenics
I always vary what im doing that week. Try not to do the same exercise (except the big three) two weeks in a row.

Mostly sets of 12-15. Supersets mixed in here and there with 30 mins of cardio. The cardio can range from running on a trail or track, stadium steps, wind resistance bike, or simple walking on the treadmill reading a book.

I recommend ‘Nihilism: By Fr.Seraphim Rose’


I doubt it you’re probably going to burn out or injure yourself with that routine. You need to ease on the volume your spirit can go on forever but our bodies break down

numbers don't even come close to justify making this thread

Young lifters are always the first to give advice about rest and recovery

By the time they hit their late 20s and have developed chronic injury problems they stop posting so much

are you saying that young lifters advocate more or less recovery? I've beef lifting for 2-3 years now and find myself focusing on recovery way more than I used to

He obviously means they advocate for less. I stopped counting how many retarded dyels Ive seen here saying they lift every single fucking day. People like that just make me lose hope in humanity, muscles grow when you rest but they are just adamant about muscles growing the more you wear them out without recovery. Just sad.

Soreness DOES NOT equal recovery. As a beginner you will be sore but mostly recovered in a day. As an advanced lifter you will no longer be sore basically at all but it will take longer to recover.

I used to life 5 days a week, some weeks 6 days.

Way stronger now that I life 3-4 days a week but push harder.

Also life has too much going on and I wanted to enjoy it. Even with my own home gym with all the proper equipment.

Because I compete in athletics. Training is 10-11 times a week and lifting next to that is 3 times as assistance work.

>Why do u guys lift so infrequently
>arbitrary split to artificially increase "frequency"
Hey fag, you're still only doing a 3x a week frequency you fucking contrarian faggot. Do full body everyday you fucking pussy.