Would you date a basic 5/10 girl like this?
Would you date a basic 5/10 girl like this?
Gavin Parker
Adrian Turner
i wouldn't date any girl
hate em
Gabriel Ortiz
I always told myself that looks dont matter to me
But when I found a perfectly fitting girl for me that liked me I turned her down because she had a 5/10 face (7/10 body though)
Aiden Gonzalez
I don't date millwaukee trash
Dominic Miller
fuck off sarah you are not cute anymore
Leo Roberts
She's to pretty. She won't settle for me
Austin Collins
Shes past 30 and has a kid though
Ryder Thomas
>fuck off sarah you are not cute anymore
Yes she's cute. And her name is "Sara".
Nathaniel Adams
lol her eye shadow looks like garbage
Camden Martin
aww shes retarded