"I'm not going to abandon you"

>"I'm not going to abandon you"
>abandons me
Guys what did he mean by this?

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ur gay stop posting

It mean that any feeling that you thought he may have for you, is a lie. The truth is that he felt nothing for you.

How are some people so cruel? Why would anyone lie about something like that?

There many reason why someone would do that, To get something from you, To use you for money, Sadism. I don't know the reason why but know that many people are cruel without reason. That why you must learn to hardest your heart and forcing on making yourself stronger in this cruel world.

I don't have anything to offer though, if he wanted sex it would have been easier to hook up with someone on tinder. I have no money and I don't think he was a sadist.

Maybe he enjoy hurting you emotional, there are some people who try to be your best friends or lover, only to leave causing you to wonder if you did anything wrong. these peoples are the worse for they leave a pain in your hearts that last for a long time.

I won't abandon you! Pick me! Pick me!

Oh. Are there really people who do that? I guess I'm glad I got out when I did then.
Never dating a robot again, in fact probably never dating a man again.

I'm a woman! Pick me! Pick me!

>hurr every robot's the same
fuck you too

Reminder not to engage with OP.

I find it really hard to believe a girl would want anything to do with me.
Not all of them, but it's not worth sifting through the hundreds of terrible ones for the one decent person.

It's actually a gay dude.

Nah, if she were a man, she would've mentioned that when it became apparent people were only replying to her because they thought she was a woman.

I'm a man I say that almost every thread.

It's a dude named Nick

I've never posted my name in these threads. Someone posted in one of them asking if I was Nick.

You post this shit all the time fag. He lied to you, move the fuck on.

Shut up Nick we know it's you

It's not that easy, if it was I would have already.
I'll take it, nick is a better name than mine.

OP I'm in a similar situation but it's actually worse because she didn't completely ghost me, she still sometimes talks to me briefly but she actively avoids me most of the time.

What should I do?

You're asking a crazy person who has made the same thread for months how to get your ex back. If I knew the answer to that question I wouldn't be sadposting every night.

hey i have something to tell you, ill post it the next time you post this thread

see you there!

Why not just post it now?

I cant post right now, i'm busy.

But, you are posting right now.

hey, cant really respond to this comment either. i'm super busy, totally swamped with stuff. i'll get back to you later when im able to post though



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