/fast/ #474

>What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.






While you're at it watch the rest of this guy's videos on nutrition.



>take around 4700 mg of potassium per day max
>2000 up to 3000 mg of sodium per day max
>MIX THIS INTO AT LEAST A LITER OF WATER, sip it through the day. This will keep you hydrated.
This is regularly referred to as snake juice.

"Our results suggest that a fasting program in conjunction with resistance training can decrease fat mass, and maintain muscle mass in resistance-trained males."

>Sugar is more addictive than coke

If you're lean, 5:2!-- OMAD (one meal a day, 1-2 hour eating window) 5 days a week + 48 hour fast a week
If you're a fatass, FAST UNTIL YOU AREN'T.

You don't have the willpower to fast to death. Now look down. See that large bulbous gut? That's food. Thousands and thousands of calories stored and ready to be consumed by your body.

This is the coolest part about fasting. Your body remains very anabolic when you fast.

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS846US846&ei=4xBOXdmbE8K-ggfH3rSYCA&q=10pm et to Australian Eastern Standard Time&oq=10pm et to Australian Eastern Standard Time&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i299j33i160.2906.4998..5530...0.0..0.140.933.10j2......0....1j2..gws-wiz.......0i71j0j0i131j0i131i67j0i67j0i10i67j0i10.4HAmxpCpryo&ved=0ahUKEwiZmcKJh_fjAhVCn-AKHUcvDYMQ4dUDCAo&uact=5

>gain 1.2kg first day on a water fast

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>tfw leaner than I have ever been in my entire adult life
>tfw energy levels, mood, fasting blood glucose, blood sugar, heart rate variability have improved dramatically
>tfw people keep voluntarily telling me how good i look

And all I'm doing is drinking the SJ, eating every couple of days, and getting to the gym once in a while.

Feels like a cheat code bros

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>tfw you lie and tell your friends you're feeling ill and can't come to pub trivia tonight because you know there'll be pizza and beer and you're on day 4 of fasting

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IF the last 3 days steady 100gr lost per day.

how frequent are you going to the loo?

I keep getting runny shits drinking this, did you guys get the same? How much less of it did you take to stop it?

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What would be better for me on OMAD, 600 calories worth of pasta or 600 calories of peanut butter sandwiches? The only other thing I eat is at least 100g of grilled chicken (usually ends up 150g) and a whole milk protein shake. 22oz and 2 scoops. I am trying to lower my body fat %, if that helps. My daily intake is 1500cal

Sorry if I sound like a newfag. I am.

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absolutely based making-it tier

Once you're lean and have fixed your crappy eating habits you can indulge in a pub night now and then, and it'll feel fucking great

hang in there lad

Anybody know what happened to Cole? His channel's been pretty quiet.

On the last Q&A he mentioned that the fasting routine he was doing was super extreme and he couldn't wait to talk about it later.

Cole pls come back

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update: I checked the FB group and it looks like the madlad will be live this sunday at 10PM ET

>water fast
Enjoy your cardiac issues

Remove Epsom salts


True, adding the epsom salt to the mix I think makes it a bit more palatable imho

if you want to lower body fat avoid causing insulin spikes (aka eat only foods with a moderate glycemic load/insulin index). 600kcal of pasta is not ideal, and 600kcal of peanut butter sandwiches may not be ideal either depending the amount and type of bread

Yeah Jesus even just 1tsp of KCl is intensely salty

Is whole wheat bread.

Where do I get potassium and sodium to put in my water

Brainlet here, I can't even figure out what that time is in my time, Queensland, Australia. Can someone please help me?

ill try doing it for 2 days to see how much ill lose and if it's at least 3 kg ill wait 3 days and then do it for 5. But ill only do waterfastin

How did I do, /fast/
>Eat 1lb raw ribeye steak, stick of unsalted butter, 6 raw eggs, cup of raspberry, 16g sugar worth of kombucha tea, 4 tbs of lemon juice, 2 tbs of Apple cider vinegar.
Plan on two days of fasting, maybe 3.
Was at 152 at my lowest when I started 3 weeks ago, went up to 156 recently due to fuck ups, but still managed to fast around 72 hours each week.
Did I mostly gain water weight due to my screw ups? Did I take too much carbs that will cause fat retention?

Not when I started, SINCE I started, I was around 164lbs, 3 weeks ago.

looks like its 12pm monday lad

google.com/search?rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS846US846&ei=4xBOXdmbE8K-ggfH3rSYCA&q=10pm et to Australian Eastern Standard Time&oq=10pm et to Australian Eastern Standard Time&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i299j33i160.2906.4998..5530...0.0..0.140.933.10j2......0....1j2..gws-wiz.......0i71j0j0i131j0i131i67j0i67j0i10i67j0i10.4HAmxpCpryo&ved=0ahUKEwiZmcKJh_fjAhVCn-AKHUcvDYMQ4dUDCAo&uact=5

Thanks m8

>16g sugar worth of kombucha tea
for what purpose
totally could've avoided and had a better probiotic than that

Samefag here, I tried

Potassium chloride =1/2 tsp
Sodium chloride =1/4 tsp
Sodium Bicarbonate =1 tsp
Magnesium Sulphate =1/4 tsp

I can barely taste anything in the water.

Is anyone still here? I literally just had the watery shits again, fuck this.

stop drinking so much salt water

it's the mag sulfate that is making you shit

Is it good to do a 3 day fast, eat light (calories wise), for one day, then do a 4 day fast?

I'm extremely new to this, I thought 2 liters of it was standard daily.

Hm, I'm not sure m8, I only found the mag sulphate a few days ago and started incorporating it. There was a couple of days there where I was waiting to get all the ingredients but still making it just with baking soda and Himaylayan Pink Salt and it still gave me the shits

>decided to start strong with fasting
>remember the recipe from the previous thread with the ACV and lemon juice
>measure it out and drink it through a straw so I don't destroy my teeth
>mfw it hits the back of my throat

It tasted like battery acid and I can still feel it fighting in my gut but at least I aint hungry anymore.

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start off slowly, 18, 24, 36, 48, and so on

Look up what it does before you start making broscience theories

Understood, I'm not going to the gym or lifting weights. I just go on 45 minute walks daily and sometimes walk up a steep hill which is about 5ish ks, I probably don't need to drink 2 liters of it daily when I'm not smashing myself in a gym.

In saying that though, Col promotes having that much sj daily if you're a fatass and sedentary, so I don't know. Of course you've got to be fasting, which I am.

>Be 300 pound fat as fatass
>Eat half a large pizza over the course of a night
>Decide this is going to kill me, but not before I live what could be decades foreveralone and in huge medical debt
>Saw the snake diet video before, resonated with me but was too afraid until now
>Saw awesome results in people who looked just like me
>Started out with a 48 hour fast
>Was miserable, but the snake juice helped
>Got into heavy ketosis early into the fast, broke fast with grass-fed beef, peppers, broccoli and kale
>shat my brains out almost immediately, but felt good afterwards
>Felt that I could have gone longer, so currently shooting for 72 hours
>Bought blood glucose tester a day after the ketosis strips
>Was at 86 after earlier fasting, 76 yesterday
>Just took another test an hour ago
>Blood glucose of 69
>Close to the 48 hours out of 72, don't want to break keto
>Just started fitting well into a shirt from college that I needed a pry bar to put on earlier this week

Should I hit the breaks here? I feel decent now, but is soldiering till 72 hours going to put my ass in the hospital? What would be best to raise my blood sugar if needed?

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What's the concentration of KCl
That sticky about skiing people to add potassium chloride in their diet is retarded and needs to be taken down
I'm no expert, but if some idiot decides to take this up and get his proportions wrong, he could very well kill himself

I have no idea. How do I tell? Here is what I use.

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You can get good results doing 48 hours at a time. No need to freak yourself out. However, a normal bi-product of fasting or keto are low blood sugar levels. Do you have diabetes or something?

>try to do a 72 hour fast
>make it to 68 hours
>eat a slice of salami

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if that's all you're taking them I have no idea. may be you need stop taking any supplements and just get it naturally from your foods. if you feel weak or have any other symptoms like muscle ache etc, then start adding supplemental electrolytes.
Again that sticky is cancer

Never checked, that's why I started testing my blood sugar recently. If I had some wack ass 200+ blood sugar, i was going to cut keto immediately on the account of not wanting to dissolve the hull of the fucking Nostromo with my blood. Was also looking for a significantly high than average fasting blood sugar to begin with.

Inbetween this and what I'm gathering from /fat/, I'll check my blood sugar again in the morning before making a long term decision. God willing, I'll pound out this next 24 hours without incident. If what I see scares me much more, I'll be on some berries or other low glycemic fruit.

I'm not following any sticky m8, I watched Coles snake juice recipe clip and looked at his site and sourced the ingredients myself. I don't take any supps, I just fast and try different amounts of this for snake juice, no luck yet.

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Hey, I made the same mistake as you when I started. I thought that the recipe implied drinking 2L a day, minimum, and had the worst shits because I was forcing it into myself.

I would say drink to quench thirst and curb some hunger. I would say I have like 16oz minimum and then drink more if I need it later on. Doing really well.

lad jew juice is for electrolytes, first search what symptoms do you have when electrolytes are low, second learn to listen to your body

Hm, so 16oz would be roughly 450mils or so, how much and what salt do you add to it?

>Be on a permanent bulking diet
>Fast occasionally (rest days) to reduce fat
Is there any real problem with this plan?

Close enough, aim for 69 next time. Yer gonna make it

I ended up vomiting the salami (no, not on purpose)
so I think I'm ok anyway

>Eve of day 5
I've had a nightmare today. I my memory fails me, but it was a luxurious and decadent scenery. All sorts of items for a feast. Thoughtlessly I've ate some, then minutes after -in dreamtime- realized I was not supposed to and cried out in disappointment of myself. I woke up. Not screaming.

Thus starts the dawn of day 6.
I dare not look ahead for I know the distance would dishearten me. However as I glance at the growing path behind, I cannot feel but dread overtaking me. Have I not gone on long enough? The hand that cusps my several inch gut says no. I feel no hunger in my stomach. The hunger is more within the scape of the mind.
I thought I've made it trough when I've reached my four day record, but no. The path became more clear and steadier, but just as bumpy and harsh as before. Maybe it is only my legs that got better in carrying me.

If you've been taking your salts then it should be fine. Maybe some magnesium since I used to run out at the day three mark and started to get some cramps.

You don't have to push yourself, consistence is key. You have to put in effort, but you have to always ask yourself if you could put in the same effort or more again. Like if you call it quits here, you should do a 48 fast again the very least next time or better.

What exactly are you worried about?

Every 3 days but I read you should go everyday so I just took some of grandma’s laxatives (supposed to promote gut health too)
It’s only been a day. Also had some snake juice for insurance.
I peed out 1Kg now but that just brings me to break even, no loss.

starting point

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Day 1 of SJ fast.
The drink feels nauseating- it reminds me of driking sea water. Its both scary and wierd since I’ve always been taught explicitly not to do it .

What fucking weak ass ocean do you live by?
Snake juice is dramatically more palatable than the ocean.

Sea water salt concentration is much different

>Wednesday 9am 96kg stuffing myself with kebab and whole lemon cake
>Thursday 9am 96,2kg stuffing myself with 2 burritos, fries and another whole lemon cake, last meal on 10pm
>Friday 9am 98kg eat nothing all day
>Friday 10pm 96,2kg I'm not really hungry, but my head hurts
>Saturday 10am 95,4kg a little hungry, not more than every other day, although I usually take 5km bike ride to work before breakfast
Should I keep going, or eat some eggs? I'm 180cm, about 27%BF.

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What about bourbon fasting?
Long ago I went from 195 and 6% to 135 and ?% in just 6 weeks living off of a liter or two a day of Wild Turkey.... It took me 18 fucking months to put that mass back on!!!

Wild turkey fasting will give you the cuts you want and more.

I want to cut for college.

What schedule should I adopt for minimal muscle loss.

I'm thinking Full body Excorcise day, 48 hour fast, Excorcise day, 48 fast, continue. All Keto.

How fast would I loose fat this way?

>The path became more clear and steadier, but just as bumpy and harsh as before. Maybe it is only my legs that got better in carrying me.


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Are you kidding? Stop fucking eating, drink SJ.

Sounds healthy

Stop fucking eating, drink only snake juice until lean, then worry about exercise

after a few weeks of fasting (6:1) I am down 10 kgs. for the first time since january, I'm 87 kg. I reckon that my goal is about 65 kg.

>tfw have no problem fasting for 2-3 days
>tfw literally CANNOT STOP BINGING when I refeed

How do I stop this

plan out the meal you will eat in advance

You're in a pattern where your food- and dopamine-addicted brain is "bargaining" with yourself, so you trade a few days of "good" behavior for "ah fuck it" binge eating. I had this too.

What fixed this for me was a long ass fast (10+ days) which helped reset a lot of the underlying food addiction.

Clean out any junk from your house and plan your re-feeds ahead of time.

When re-feeding, keep the window tight as fuck (1 hour max), stuff yourself on veggies, eat slowly and mindfully (no phone/TV). I'll actually finish the plate of food and set a timer for 20 minutes, only getting a second helping after the timer. This feels pathetic, but it's better than being fat.

If you do get the urge to binge, put on Snake Diet guy's videos to inspire you to not be a fat fucking pig.

Also, I just want to say that this advice is coming from an actual former fattie who was overweight for 15 years. The 10-day snake juice fast, then a 48/OMAD style of eating, genuinely changed my life.

Previously I would create good eating habits for 2-3 weeks and inevitably lapse back into shitty eating, usually because of the "bargaining" effect I mentioned. I was always thinking about the next "treat" and justifying it ("well I worked out really hard this week, I can order takeout sushi since it's healthy...")

Now, I feel mildly grossed out thinking about eating junk food. I will enjoy a small slice of pizza or chocolate cake now and then, but it doesn't light up the pleasure center of my brain like it used to. It's just a nice treat at the periphery of a healthy fasting-focused life.

It's like a switch in my brain flipped, and now I have the eating habits and behaviors of a naturally lean person. I imagine things changed around quite a lot at the hormonal level.

Okay /fast/ help me with this because I dont know why my body cant keep going with long fasts.

Around the 6-7 day of fasting after getting up from the couch or the chair I get extremely dizzy, to the point that I have to sit again because I will black out if not.

I don't know if it's because I am missing salts or because I have too many or what.

I drink the standard 2L snake juice of Cole, the one from the OP.

What should I do?

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FACT: 99.9% of fit healthy individuals accomplish their goals by eating healthy appropriately-sized portions of food, and working hard everyday.

I'm not anti-fasting (especially for people who are hugely obese and have binge eating disorders), and I have even completed a few very short fasts to challenge my willpower. And I'm glad you all have found your niche and you're all trying to make it..

But some posters ITT who act like fasting on salt water only, for 30 days at a time, for the rest of your life, is the only way to lose weight and be Jow Forums, are brainwashed and narrow minded fools. These posters spend way too much time on youtube watching videos (by posters with credentials/souces you don't vet), and buy it as Gopel. (No different from a cult member or a religious individual.) Take what these posters say with a grain of salt. You should go outside and socialize and spend more time with actual humans living in society, and talk with the Jow Forums people you meet. Ask them what they do to stay in shape. 99% of them will not say they do prolonged snake juice fasts. Try suggesting long term snake juice fasts to Jow Forums people you meet in your day to day life. Get some feedback from Jow Forums people you see in real life, rather than someone posting at a computer.


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If you're new to these fasting threads, just be sure to take everything you read with a grain of salt. No one responding to you is a medical professional and just because they watched some video doesn't make the information contained within it correct. Every person is different but 99% of fit and healthy individuals eat healthy and workout daily and don't ever need to try drastic crash diets.

Trial and Error is your friend. Try out a routine for a few months, and if that doesn't work, try something different. I believe Fasting is a last resort after you've tried everything you can.

And NEVER fast because you think it's the easy way out. Many fasters ITT are only fasting because they are too lazy to work hard. Sweating and working out is hard. Cooking homemade healthy food and meticulously tracking your food intake is hard work. Don't chose to fast just because you want to be lazy and lay around all day, because once you finally start to eat again, you will gain back any weight you lost frok living a lazy sedentary lifestyle. Start developing active healthy habits NOW. Dont chose to be lazy your entire life.

Thanks for reading. And be safe. We're all going to make it (but most dont need snake juice fasting to make it).

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Anyone here tried this? I signed up for the $100 challenge where you try to loose 4% of your weight in 30 days. Hopefully it's not a scam.

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What size are you? You may need more salt in your snake juice recipe if you're very large

Also, consider breaking the fast. This always happens to me on day 9+, and i decide to break the fast because i live by myself, and if i pass out, there's literally no one who will find me

I am 6,1 feet tall and at 229lb right now

Sometimes the snake juice gives me the shits even if I take only two or three sips and drink it through the day, so I don't really know If I should add salts to the juice or I am missing salts cause I shit them.

mixing up my fast a bit
breakfast and lunch within the space of two hours and then a 25 hour fast until brunch tomorrow

How much tea can I drink in a short time span before risking breaking a fast?

I've done some small multi day fasts before and drank just water, but 24h into my hopefully first week+ fast I tried out some Matcha tea which normally tastes meh but being fasted makes me love the flavour and I wanna start testing different strengths and styles I've got in my cupboard while I can appreciate them
Currently at 40 hours and had 3 cups of tea so far

u forgot the discord invite, faggot

I've never, ever fasted and not had a head-woosh when i stand up quickly. It kicks in even on 48's.

Since all of my bloodwork, blood pressure and glucose levels are pretty much perfect, I don't think it's anything to worry about. It goes away shortly after I re-feed.

Not eating for 7 days IS HARD ON THE BODY. It's a stressor and it isn't unusual for some side effects to pop up. If you aren't suffering unduly, I wouldn't break the fast just because of this.

Occasional dizzy spells that resolve quickly aren't as bad as being fat :^)

If it's just for 2-3 days, then is it possible to fast with regular water only or is that too dangerous?

Just opened up my bag of "skinny me" pants that I haven't worn in over 3 years.

A whole suitcase worth. I bought them when I was lean. When I started gaining weight, these were the first sign —all of a sudden, these nice pants were super tight around the waist and thigh.

Been carrying them around for 3 years, never tossing/donating them, because I knew that would be a final admission that i would never lose the weight and fit into them again.

They fit perfectly. I just spent the whole morning putting them on and off. I literally can't believe it.

Thank you /fast/

Never gonna be fat again, as God is my witness.

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>t-shirts that I wore when I was 13 now fit like a tent
>pants that used to fit snugly are now 4+ inches too large
no better feeling user. we're all making it.

>when the water-shits hit

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I will deal with them and try to not break the fast, If it gets too bad I will just refeed lightly and start again
Witnessed. I wil join you in the valhalla soon user.

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Will the time in which I have my one meal have an effect on my morning workout? I really only have time to lift as soon as I get out of bed at around 6am. Would eating at night be better for me than eating at noon?

Passed the 100 hour mark, and started to poop liquid whereas I didn't poop in days. Am I just losing water weight, or there is cause for alarm.
It's too much salt, isn't it?

I just ate 2 entire soft boiled eggs

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I regularly do OMAD but tried to do a keto OMAD today and have a really bad headache. Is it due to the no carbs?

Fasting has gotten too difficult for me. I've been doing a few fasts a week since February (36-100h), and now it's too difficult to get 48 hours. Switching to PSMF for fasting days for a while. I'll go back to real fasts after a month or two.

snake juice is an insane meme, you're all insane literally destroying your bodies. stop listening to dumb celebrities and fucking intermittent fast

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But it's the celebrities who push IF.

Explain how snake juice destroys body

at how many hours in?

can someone post an amazon list to get the full snake juice recipe? or just post himalayan pink salt? every review I see of a promising looking pink salt, it just says there's sand in it or something ffs


fuck pink salt




also fuck the magnesium salt, use this before bed


>salt and potassium destroy your body

based. thank you.
>sitting at 336lbs right now, 6"3 height. I'm currently on a water fast
>2 days 20 hours in
>guess I'm just going to fast until I'm not fat anymore, even when I refeed I'll just do a can of tuna or something. I don't even care about the health risks, I'd rather die than be a fat mongrel

By drinking a bunch of water, you dink.

Thanks user, I'm going to throw out my pink meme salt.

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Anybody got results pics they want to share? need some motivation to keep up my fast this week.