I hate women

dead female jpgs

Attached: 1320174492_24.jpg (500x368, 25K)

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But she's not dead...

Wtf happened to her in this image

she did the stanky legg too hard

You don't hate women. You hate yourself for being a pathetic incel and are just projecting.

last seconds of life

Attached: lol.jpg (1024x644, 176K)

dEAD wome n??? tHey are gort!

Attached: 56o374.png (800x855, 1.14M)

As a pathetic incel I can assure you that these two things aren't mutually exclusive.

Did she stump on a Lego brick?

Attached: lego.jpg (350x350, 49K)

u mad faggot? go tell ur gf about it

Attached: i blame russia.jpg (1025x702, 70K)


>tfw female and gets off to violence against women

Oh oh, me next! Here is some OC of a dead beaver I found by a foeted stream in recompense for shitting up the thread with blatant attention whoring. The littering in the image made me grumpy but hey, world a fuck, amiright?

Attached: 20190408_152257-1.jpg (1936x2582, 1.59M)

>...I think she may be hurt
holy shit my sides the commentators made this so hilarious

What's the story here? Is that gang violence it something?

I like these images and projecting myself into them. I want to become nothing. I want to go back into nature. I kind of want to be abandoned, left to rot like that. Looking at images like that calms me and makes me feel okay with the fact I'm suicidal. I think maybe it vicariously soothes me.

When people are lame or at-peace purposely to irritate me it implies I am on the right track, user.
I hope successfully you kill yourself but I hope your method of choice is slightly botched so you suffer a bit first.

Attached: MEAT.jpg (300x320, 26K)

Imagine being so angry that women won't fuck you that you get overjoyed upon seeing dead women.

Imagine being such a cucklord that you whiteknight dead females

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No no, user. Deaths too easy. Making roasties live out their life in suffering is the better choice.

Day of the spray soon.

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Women are leeches. ESPECIALLY your mother. Though you might like that your own mother is a leech, idk.

t.a woman

>ESPECIALLY your mother.
Oh Christ, tell me about it. I'm glad I never have to see that woman again.

I suspect I am a man trapped in a woman's body and I also suspect that Mothers can leech the energy from their male children and redirect it to their other more easily controlled siblings. Yeah I know it sounds schizo but at this point I could give two shits. Glad you have the distance you need; may she rot and gnash her teeth in vain as my own mother does.

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