My gym buddy is getting older (50+)

>my gym buddy is getting older (50+)
>visually see him slowing down every
time I see him
>he has a harder time getting up and being mobile
>harder time for his recovery
>he still tries his hardest
Are we all gonna get old bros? Any exercises to eliminate ageing from my life?

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my dad is 75+, looks better than me and still hits the gym like 5x a week
you can do it bruh

I am in my 20's and he is 50+ so I am not having trouble yet. But I came back from the gym today after working out with him and it's kinda disheartening to see him , not regress, just the effects of ageing taking it's toll on him. Kinda having a quarter life crisis here thinking of him and him ageing slowly and deteriorating. Ahhh...

My uncle is like 50 and he's at 10% bf and he's big and stronger than me. He's been lifting for like 30 years though.

I'm 30 and it's already happening to me. Get used to it brah

Your gym buddy sounds like a bitch. My gym mentor/bro is pushing 70 and he still squats 3pl8 for reps, rides his bike everywhere and hits deadliest with me(he stops at 365 but could easily do more)

There are plenty of things the slow aging mentally and physically like exercise, diet, phenylethylamine, phenibut, anacitram, Collagen, msm etc.

wait for him to die and then eat his corpse for gains

and his heart to gain the courage buff

There will come a time when your lifts will peak and start to decline regardless of how much effort you put in or how perfect your routine/diet is. One day all you'll be able to say is "oh I used to be able to lift that much in my prime." You'll deteriorate and decline, and there's nothing you can do about it. Let that sink in.

I don't want to let that sink in

And you'll still be extremely fit and likely far happier than the average person at your age

This fate awaits us all. If you guys follow the delray misfits, in one of the podcasts they mention that even the titan himself, big richard is starting to look his age and has stopped lifting. Mark has complained about passing the peak, Sol doesn't appear as lucid as he did even a few years ago...

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Everyone gets old, but there's a whitepill at the bottom of the glass.

My dad is hitting his mid fifties and still really fit despite multiple injuries that resulted in him being bedridden for 3-4 years and losing 50 lbs of (mostly) muscle. He bounced back from that and still benches 2.5pl8 and did a triathalon a couple months ago.

However late you think is too late it probably isn't. You have amazing potential for a full, fulfilling life, and can remain very fit for a very long time so long as you have the drive to do so. You will also be more mobile, energetic, and happy for having done what the 99% of the population that either lets themselves go or never trains at all failed at.

You'll be an inspiration to your kids, nieces, nephews, or grandkids, potentially inspiring them to follow in your footsteps too. You can't win against ageing, but you can fight like hell.

I don't like this... i want to stay young forever

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>Any exercises to eliminate ageing from my life?

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Dad's hitting 55 and works as a renovator/contractor. Works six days a week and still makes time to go to the gym in the evenings, absolute machine.

That damn bastard said he wasn't gonna let me surpass him in lifts and now he's making really good progress, I'm really proud of him.

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My dad is 52 and he sits and watches tv all day and eats junk food and never worked out since his 20's lol haha

reminder to take the smith and wesson retirement plan when you turn 60

Give him test

I didn't think you'd make a thread about me

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My dad is a fucking skeletal dyel and an autist. He also gets angry randomly and my mom and sisters talk shit about him behind his back or even mock and belittle him...

Pls gib advice i feel bad for him


toxic women. Put them in their place, user. Is your dad a good man?

>tfw if my grandpa didn't have alzheimers and die from it, he'd have lived to at least 90 instead of 84
>still strong enough even in his last two months to actively require the entire security force of a hospital to hold him down
>only until his last month was he truly weak, where he finally stopped fighting

That's the key. As long as you still have the fire, you can still fucking go.

Age comes for us all, along with death. Of course, the dudes with the freakishly high numbers aren't going to be lifting how they were at their prime. Joints have their limits too, man. This is one of those things you have to come across, the acknowledgement that you won't be tossing 600lbs forever, but still cultivating the fire . Also, there's a good chance that OP's gym buddy isn't doing those mobility exercises. A lot of context missing

ITT: zoomers who are too stupid and inexperienced to realize they will be the boomers all the kids make fun of one day LMAO

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Thanks user. Top advice.

My father is upper 40s and he lifts like a titan. Deadlifts over 500 pounds I think. It’s all about maintaining health. And accepting the fact that humans age.

Based grampa

Not wasting energy gymceling is one way.