Weekly Family Thread

Post stories about your family or just discuss them.

Also if you can hug them and/or tell them you love them and post results.

Previous threads
Formerly Karen/ Anonette threads

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best thread comin again

how's your week chris

>go into older sis room
>lay on her bed
>give hug
>sister.exe has stopped functioning
>get shoved off bed
>tell her I love her
>she says she loves me too but I need to stop being wierd

kiss her on the cheek and post reaction

Take your incest elsewhere, normalfags

Pretty good. Couch talking about sushi made me want to go get some so I took Karen out to get some sushi at a last minute notice and it was amazing. She ordered a bunch of gyoza, I drank a bit of sake and had to have her drive home because I ended up getting drunk.

Cute. Do you guys get along well?

i wish anonette finally did it

No way that is not going to happen because I like my balls to not have a foot kicking them.

We get along well enough, we drink together and spend time with each other a lot.

i wonder how a drunk sex between you two would look like

would it involve lots of handholding and headpats and also lots of "onii-chaan~~"

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whats wrong with kissing your sister's cheek? i mean, i did kiss my younger sisters cheek often when we were young

How are you anons doing this Sunday morning?

Depends on who is drunk. It can range from soft and compassionate to rough and painful.

Just finished playing some vidya and I'm now smoking a cigarette while blasting metal, same as ever desu.

How about you user?

> be me
> be last day of high school before exam study break
> mom tells me to bring an old shirt and get signatures from everyone
> get my friends to sign and draw on it
> they all draw loads of dicks on it
> get home
> dad sees shirt
> dad asks why the hell are there so many dicks
> tell him my friends drew them
> says my friends are faggots
> I ask why
> he said when he was in school him and his friends drew boobs and naked girls on each other's shirts
> mfw all of my friends are a bunch of closet homos

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wait you unironically have sex with your sister? I thought he was trolling? tf

user i already have accepted i will never have this kind of sweet wholesome sibling stuff even though im a massive hardcore stage 4 turbo-siscon, so at the very least i'd be happy to see someone else lives happily with his cute imouto

though i do have 2 younger sister yet i dont have any slight interest in them somehow

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Dude he has been having sex with his sister for like 5 months.

>zoomers are fags

no surprise there

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Pretty good. Enjoying my Sunday morning, just had breakfast made for me, and might go out later.

If there is a surface, a dick will someday be drawn on it. It is a universal rule.

Yes lol. In fact, I'm sneaking money out of our bank account so I can buy her a ring for when I ask her to marry me.

But you can't marry your sister user.

you cant stop the power of the purest form of love user

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Maybe not officially but I can still put a ring on her finger.


That's the spirit man. If you love each other why should anything get in the way of that. Faggots and trannies can marry each other and it's celebrated so why shouldn't you be able to? The government has no right to delegate love between two adults.

>have 2 little sisters
>made them jelly biscuits for breakfast
>sit down and watch Gumball with them
>gonna bring them to the park later

Feels good man

Gods mine is fucked
>be me
>product of teen pregnancy
>parents get married, sister 1 is born
>mother goes super bipolar type 2, divorce follows
>50/50 custody
>dad is cool, moves in with grandpa
>mom likes to party and do drugs and neglect us
>tfw hungry 2 year old and eat rat poison
>dad gets a new girlfriend
>she's nice... when he's around
>50/50 custody slowly becomes seeing mom only when she's sober and willing
>one day mom picks me and sis 1 up from daycare
>drops us off at dad's with note
>"you can keep them. don't want them anymore"
>years go by before I hear from mom again
>meanwhile dad marries new girl
>turns out step-mom is a narcissist
>emotionally abusive and esp hates me
>do dumb shit to rebel, get beat
>"what's wrong with your son?"
>me and sis keep our heads down for the next few years, focus on enjoying school


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>I'm sneaking money out of our bank account so I can buy her a ring for when I ask her to marry me
When I first asked about you buying her a ring and proposing to her, pretty much everyone snobbed at me.

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pt ii

>me and sis 1 bond over hating step-mom
>always claim I dunnit so she rarely gets hit
>half-brother is born, immedietally after step-mom is nicer
>couple years of normal family life go by, is nice for once
>almost a teenager now, step-mom preggo again
>meanwhile, dad's best friend goes through divorce, is broke
>dad moves him and his 3 kids in; K1 and K2, girls my age, and K3, boy my brother's age
>house isn't big enough but we make do
>K1 and K2 spoiled brats, think I'm wierd, sis 1 goes along with it
>sis 1 starts acting like them, brother is always busy with K3, dad's at work 24/7
>tfw cramped but also lonely
>few months later half sister is born
>new baby plus 2nd family is putting pressure on their marriage
>mom starts being mean again, talks with basement dad a lot
>he's a 30 year old WoW NEET
>somehow they fall in love and step-mom divorces dad
>2nd family and step-mom move out, 50/50 custody again
>me and dad start running together to cope, sis 1 is still a cunt
>after a year of running, I'm in near marathon shape as a teenager, doing well in school with a few friends
>tfw peaked in middle school
>step-mom breaks up with loser NEET and begs for dad back
>the madman agrees

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Women eh. I wonder with how many brothers and sisters youll end up after this whole ordeal does down

pt iii

>we then move far away
>lose all my friends right before high school
>play with half siblings a lot, make half sis a tomboy and half bro good at video games
>step-mom is bitchy 24/7 now, nothing is good enough for her
>"hey son can I borrow your phone? you dont have any friends so you dont need it anyway"
>fine if you leave me alone bitch
>2 weeks later find phone in million pieces on floor
>dad caught her using it to cheat with loser NEET again
>she's on the couch for a week then kicked out
>step-mom is constantly trying to guilt trip us into supporting her cheating
>tell her to fuck off, pick us or him
>high school isn't much better
>couple years in, no guyfriends, token girl pity friend
>realize all I want in life is a normal family
>late to puberty but can find a future wife now before college fucks her
>no luck, women just ain't attractive.. not gay tho
>walking down street one day, finally see hot girl
>she's like 10
>tfw pedo


forgot pic for pt iii

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>cousin is max soi
>played bass guitar in a """punk""" band
>uncle is hardline conservative military veteran
>plays jazz piano and some double bass
>me is me
>plays electric guitar and electric bass
>yesterday, family get together
>uncle pulls out his keyboard and asks me to jam
>get my bass out, which my cousin takes and says, "Thanks!" like the smug bastard he is
>get guitar out instead
>without giving respect to his elder or the music, cousin begins playing some song by the Pixies
>uncle is already visibly upset at cousin's soiness
>uncle looks at me when cousin is finished, "I-IV-V with a quick IV and a ii before the V"
>nod in agreement, cousin laughs and says, "what?"
>start playing, cousin starts playing something entirely different
>sounds awful cause cousin is playing some entry level alt rock song
>want to play Cortez the Killer
>carefully explain chord changes to uncle and cousin
>cousin still fucks it up
>we keep playing for a while, cousin fucks up everything
>uncle tells me afterwards that even though I'm unemployed, he knows I'm on the right track to not being as big a fuck up as my cousin
My uncle is based.

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>>walking down street one day, finally see hot girl
>>she's like 10

pt iv

>absolute state of my life
>feel depression slowly creeping in, spend more time with family instead of video games
>my tomboy little half sister is pretty smart for her age, how cute
>oh fugg
>first real crush is on my half sister
>I'm driving at this point, get a job and take hard courses to distract myself from feelings
>I stop even going to mom's house when half sis is there, then mom gets married
>the 3 K's become step-siblings, loser is step dad now
>dad finds new woman, gets married too - new older step bro
>tfw have a younger sis, 2 younger half siblings, an older and younger step brother, and 3 step sisters (hidden 4th K)
>mom is also now pregnant by loser
>I fucking graduate and fuck off to college, running away from my feelings for my sister

It's been a few years and since then depression has driven me into short-lived homelessness and a lot of useless therapy, nowadays I'm just bitter... I still see my family rarely, but they found out about the pedophilia and they all look at me different. My feelings for my half sis have mostly faded, but she's so clingy when I'm around... almost 10 now... I don't talk to my mother, and have ignored the hundreds of calls, messages, and emails shes sent.. fucking hate all women forever and always
my full blood sister is living my dream, with a third kid on the way - I love her but I fucking hated that she ended up like that through thottery, I despise women like that

thanks for reading robros

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Oh boy this is going to shit pastrami sauce

I've spent the entire week cleaning and scrubbing for ungrateful swine who didn't do it when they always invite company over or want to have a nice night in. Then I got my first credit card ever, something I thought I'd never be approved for, and had to spend half my fucking credit line on a new mower because my family destroyed my old one I bought last summer. At least we got to grill out and have ice cream this week.

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So thats how the creepy pedo uncle is made, insightful

Damn man. Hard life. Well you should be concerned with yourself it seems in your situation. Sometimes cutting ties is the best thing you can do for yourself.

Holy shit, your parents almost created a clan. Can relate, mine are like this as well

I do everything I can to not be the creepy stereotype, I sure as hell didn't want to be a pedo. I know it's wrong and all that shit - I love kids to much to hurt em you know?
I'm living a clown life in a clown world dude
I worry I'll end up like this guy though, esp if I'm smoking a lot of crack

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holy shit OP how old are you again?

jesus thats a lot of siblings

>cutting ties is the best thing you can do
That's why half of us are made robots - others are so unlucky they never make ties worth cutting
Irish catholic family lad (in burgerland of course)
I think its 9 total.. i lose count though kek. The newest sin child of my mom is around 3, and is a very ugly girl

Have you tried porn therapy?

how old are you OP? if youre like under 25 ther is still chance

A full year of CBT, porn and aversion therapy
The only thing it did was make me a bit gay for boys, though general therapy practice did help me learn to fight depression
There's no cure; chem castration only kills sex drive. If ever some part of me was capable of loving women at some point it was taking outside and shot long ago.

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I really wish people had to pass at least some basic fucking sanity tests to have kids.

22 going on 23

video related

>Cortez the Killer
It's a shame your cousin fucked that one up

I wonder what's Anonette doing... hopefully her brother

irl incest isn't good user....

but they already did user

Last few days have been wierd. I made our night out wierd and I've been really frustrated and embarrassed to talk about it to him about it.

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you can't leave us hanging couch.

So you have finally reached this stage...
What did you do couch? Did you kiss kiss him this time or maybe you were the one doing the inappropriate touches?

tell us what happened, couch

That's pretty much how you greet the threads every week though.

is it happening lads? couch finally kiss her brother??

Dont leave us hanging like this couch

The only way to end that frustration is to talk to your brother about whatever happened and I think you know that too.

>go out to dinner
>it's really nice, he tells me I can get whatever I want on the menu and that he is buying
>get a crab roll, he gets some roll with sauce on it
>he tries to feed me one so I let him and its super spicy
>mouth is on fire and he is laughing at my suffering
>he apologizes and orders me more food
>we leave and he brings me to the mall
>"I'll buy you whatever you want but just limit it to $100."
>we walk around the mall quietly
>decide to break the silence
>"Hey do you think it looks like we are on a date, lol."
>he is quiet for a bit and just says "I guess it kinda does, but that's fine I guess."
>feel a bit embarrassed by my fumble
>he grabs my hand and holds it while we walk
>we go get the headset he wanted and he asks me where I want to go
>not really used to him actually going into places with me so I try to goto places I don't think would cause him problems
>end up buying some shoes and a cell phone case
>try to pay for them myself but he insists he is paying and doesnt take no for an answer
>we walk around for a bit more just window shopping and occasionally goofing around
>really nice night and feel really happy
>we get home and he says he wants to relax so he goes and takes a shower
>he cuddles with me on the couch while we watch TV and we talk for a bit about stuff we did
>he falls asleep and I just kinda end up watching him sleep
>think back to what anons said about just giving him a little peck
>don't know why but I decide to do it
>can feel my heart in my ears as I get closer
>push forward a bit and just put my lips on his
>hold my lips there longer than I know because I have no idea how long I should do it
>feel him move and he pushes me away just a tiny bit so that I'm not on him
>he freaks out and asks what the hell I'm doing
>spout out complete gibberish and run to my room
>stayed bundled under my blankets not knowing what to do or why the hell I actually did it

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wait a minute
you crushing on your brother? how old are you two again?

You should stop it here, it will only get worse

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Every morning I get up he is usually going out the door and he even volunteered for overtime this weekend, I haven't slept with him in days and feel to awkward to try, he avoids me by going to bed early or going out and even during the day he won't look me in the eyes at all, we haven't had much conversation since either and it hurts. I don't know what to do and its extremely frustrating and I've cried multiple times the last few days over it.

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Leave a note if you can't see him face to face.

And here i am wanting ONE imouto, this isnt fair

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sorry for making you think it was a date before you went. but for the peck on the lips, did user tell you to do it while he was sleeping? it probably really surprised him. did he act disgusted or angry, or was he just startled? whichever it is, you have to confront this at some point, if you go on ignoring each other (esp. since he is a tsundere) you two might go on avoiding stuff again.
yea, you should probably talk to him about how you feel and try to work things out.

Why even live If i'll never know this feeling :(

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Any anons have normal family things going on? Like divorce feels you never got over or plans for a family vacation coming up soon?


I'm gonna try to talk to him later, being able to talk about it is kinda helping me feel better.

I think he was just a bit shocked, he didn't seem mad or anything and he doesn't seem mad now.

I could make him something to apologize with. But he'll be home in like an hour so I need to hurry and make something.

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To be fair, you'd probably freak out if he did that to you, right?

good plan, and just so you know he could be avoiding you because he is trying to face his own feelings. For you two, going slow (and not doing stuff when one is asleep) in your relationship is probably best since you both don't quite know what you want just yet. I know things will be alright for you two, ganbatte!

I suppose you are right.

Thank you user.

She freaked out when oniichan kissed her in his sleep. Wasn't even a real kiss. Their lips just touched too.

Eh, I'm hoping you can get past it. It might seem a bit harsh, but what went through your head when you did it ? It's not inherently bad, I mean I kissed my sister once because she wanted to know HOW to do it. Don't make a big deal out of it. It means whatever meaning you give it.

>I kissed my sister once because she wanted to know HOW to do it
Unless she wanted to learn how to use tongue I don't see the point.

Yes you can, try it it's fun.
So you did want to kiss your brother lol.

Also I'm very angry right now at many things including my brother. Ocarina of Time is done and WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BEAT IT TO UNLOCK MASTER QUEST I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO PLAY MASTER QUEST. Also work is stupid and my schedule is dumb this week. Also brother pulled a Chris in my mouth. Also the ungrateful fuck doesn't like my boobjobs so I'm currently seeking a fit tomboy girlfriend to replace him.

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How I wish I had a family I loved.

I spent the weekend at my friends place, we snorted caffeine powder all day and night, watched TV shows, shaved half of my hair, fixed his computer, all that shit, his mom made us some really good food, everything was so chill and comfortable. I was feeling good - I was even thinking of trying to go back to uni and try to pass the exams I have left, which I'm currently avoiding like plague.

And then I have to fucking come back home. It's no longer nobody's "fault", I just hate my family. It's been going on for so long that it's become an involuntary reflex, whenever I see anyone from my family I start feeling sick, lose the will to do anything I wanted to, lose the enjoyment in anything I do. Not even videogames or TV shows feel good because I'm constantly anxious that someone will barge in and start talking to me. I can't relax. I can't make music. I don't even WANNA relax or make music, I don't even wanna live when I'm in this house, I don't even wanna get better, I just wanna stay miserable and die in my fucking stinking pit of an armchair that I spent most of my time in.

Anyone else knows these feelings...?

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I mean as a guy I can tell you that once you've had a blow a boob job is a huge downgrade. The moistness of the mouth with the pressure and softness of the tongue is amazing. A boob job is just meh compared to that. Did he splooge in your mouth or sonething?

>Also brother pulled a Chris in my mouth
What did you do Chris?

Paijuris are more a fetish thing anyways. If you like it you like it. If you don't you don't.

I'll just say it boils down to the fact that she kept drooling while kissing. I basically showed her that you can actually kiss someone without showering them with saliva.

I wasn't really thinking clearly, I don't know I just thought back on how sweet he was and when I was looking at his face my body kinda just started moving on its own and before I knew it I was already on his lips.

I guess maybe I did. I mean I don't really know how I feel about it. I feel jumbled up inside about it. It's hard to describe.

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>that pic
I wish I had a gf with abdominals like that.

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That's what I thought but people (including him) were like NO DO IT IT'LL BE FUN.
Dicked my throat. At least he KINDA asked first, he was like "Ima go a tiny bit deeper" but that was not a tiny bit.

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Well I wish you happiness in whatever you do. Just don't diddle any kids user.

You need to talk to him. What you say doesn't matter but just open up a conversation.

What exactly is "pulling a Chris"?

Move out then user, it seems like that might be your only solution.

This. Boob jobs are nice but everything else is way better.

Maybe he was curious to see what one would feel like.

You need to think real hard on what you want, and what you feel. Knowing you, you're just figuratively punching yourself with a moral compass. I'm not good at those things, but I'd go the stupid route : ask him to kiss again, or just what he thought about it.

He needs to dick your pussy. You want him to do it but I'm guessing his autism pulls you out of the mood pretty easily.

>Move out then user, it seems like that might be your only solution.
I wish.
I don't know how to stop being miserable long enough to move out... It seems like mustering my courage and skipping town seems like an only possible solution...

Sis called me late last night because she had a falling out with her bf and none of my other sisters were up at that time. They'd gotten into an argument with each other in front of their mutual friends and I helped her write an apology text back. When she was younger she was a total bitch but in recent years she's been trying to not be, and she's really making headway and I'm proud of her. In doing that with her I realized that her bitchyness was just a projection of insecurity and I told her to keep her eye on the ball and talk about wanting to work things out instead of laying blame on him entirely. Im proud of my sister and I love her just as much as I always have

I know what you feel about your family. It's not my exact case, in fact I love my mother (family love, don't get me wrong) but she's the only one who respects my boundaries and peculiarities. However when I moved out to go to uni it felt great. I was no longer on the edge all the time, just depressed. It makes a big difference. I was somewhat at peace. It's not the case anymore since I had to move back in. Now, I'm searching for a place because I can't stand it anymore. Depending on where you live, moving out might be more difficult, but it could also save your life. It's worth it. You might even make friends with yourself.

See I guess.
lol that's not the problem at all.

This It's her own autism that's holding her back.

Then what holds you back? Your own nervousness or him? You can talk with us Anonette.

Either that or he is refusing to dick her because he himself is scared of hurting her.

I don't know. It's just a big fucking step, it's just hard. I was thinking about this and it's like... Okay, if I wasn't a virgin I could probably do it. If I was a virgin but he wasn't my brother I could probably do it. I think it's getting over the losing my virginity hurdle and the "This is my fucking brother" hurdle at the same time that's kinda too much.

But I don't know I think I'm just waiting for the right moment. Even if it was a joke I kinda liked the idea of waiting until we get "married" lol. Maybe we won't go that far but I still think we should wait until some special moment or another I don't know.

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That's fair. You guys haven't had any big bumps though that you haven't sorted out and it seems to me like he is actually in love with you so just keep it up. I mean you do love him don't you? Want to spend as much time as you can together and stay with him forever and other gooey stuff like that right?

Reposting the same old stuff.


I'm sure that's how he caught your cold.

We talking muscle girls? too bad I'm irrelevant now

Boy you really farted the flour on this one, if I got this right you said "this totally looks like a date haha" and then tried to kiss him, all on the same day. If I were your bro Id assume you are the one with feelings towards him and maybe Id question all these days you were trying to get closer and closer. You really do have some explaining to do to him.

Master Quest is some of the worst garbage Nintendo ever came up with. It starts weird but alright until it starts pestering you to do all kinds of annoying stuff. Which is funny because it's like the sequels learned from that version when it was time to do game design.

>What exactly is "pulling a Chris"?
Remember that episode when you grabbed her head without warning?