About to watch this. Will this motivate my ass to go to the gym?

About to watch this. Will this motivate my ass to go to the gym?

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Other urls found in this thread:


No! This will.


If you're an insufferable weeb faggot, then maybe


I don't have a vision.

user, you need to find things you are interested in. Real meaningful things, not weeb degeneracy, unless you want to make anime? Read, listen, create, do something. I believe in you!

Nothing will motivate your useless weeb ass to do anything but jerk off tonight


>will sitting on my ass for hours on end to watch Asian doodles motivate me?


You don't need motivation, you need discipline.
And anime is for faggots and losers.

It's a terrible waste of time and you'd be better off working out than watching this rubbish for skeleton/fat Japanese weebs.

I watched the first episode and started lifting.

I think using the media we consume as a motivator for self improvement is probably one of the healthiest responses we can have.


what's the problem?


The general lifting advice this show gives out is actually pretty accurate, color me impressed.

What anime is that, is it this?

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low quality due to shit bandwidth. You are better of torrenting from Nyaa

This website is for faggots and losers though.

Imagine wasting quints to whine about anime quality lmfao

>Despite coming on Jow Forums I was never into anime
>Gave this a watch after seeing it on Jow Forums a lot
>one of my gym buddies noticed one of the songs on my phone playlist while we were working out
>"wow I love this show man"
>He's a huge ripped alpha chad type and i never expected him to be into this stuff
>talks to me about anime all the time now and keeps giving me recommendations and stuff
>I suspect he was keeping it to himself and is super excited to finally have someone to talk too
>unironically trying to talk me into cosplaying with him at an upcoming convention

>well, I guess i'm a weaboo now

song related:

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Shounen anime is pretty popular among people who lift

It sucks

Yes, it motivated me. Thank Christ this place is anonymous.
I watch the episodes, laugh a good bit, and then write down exactly how to do each exercise shown, then search up second opinions to see off it was accurate.

I've already lost 8 pounds since the show started but that only shows how much I had to begin with, and that was just off of MyFitnessPal + home exercises. About to start a gym membership as soon as the semester starts and hopefully find some way to get a PT to waste their valuable time and energy on a shitbag like me

oh hey, it was actually me! what a coincidence!

shoes only good to watch the hot black haired bitch do exercise demonstrations

shows* bit retarded soz boys

>hopefully find some way to get a PT to waste their valuable time and energy on a shitbag like me

just sign up and pay man. they are accustomed to training newbies all the time so don't feel awkward

Good job user

You'll thank yourself for it

Hibiki's neverending zeal to keep working out and better herself inspires me to get off my ass and go to the gym.

If a fictional anime girl has the motivation to lift hard, why shouldn't I


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just go to the fucking gym fatass and have the discipline to keep it up.
there is nothing wrong with external motivation as long as you actually act upon it.
we're all going to make it brah

lifting is for faggots and losers. if you aren't strong and fit just from genetics alone you should kill yourself

>not bringing out the full potential of your genetics

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>positive feedback even here
This isn't what I expected
Are all liftbros like this?

What's going on here?

yea basically.

ppl will talk shit about ur method, ur diet, ur routine but most people wont fault you for trying

I haven’t watch it yet but I can guarantee JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure will get you pumped the fuck up!

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Arnold's 2 sons

faggit anime full of reddit tier retards spouting their memes daily

read berserk for true alpha potential

Also it will turn you gay

the fandom =/= the anime

Arnold has three sons
His bastard is the best, the Jon Snow of the Schwarzenegger family

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sometimes mistakes do happen for a reason

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Good job user but don't rely on motivation. It's gonna wear off after a while and after that you'll need discipline to keep you going

Motivated me to do 4 weeks of stronglifts so far. Well see how far it takes me.

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thats pretty impressive if you only started lifting 4 weeks ago

Imagine being inspired by 2D.

Sounds based to me.

>Imagine being inspired
Yes, always a good thing , no matter where you get that inspiration.

the stream is fine faggot i just watched it

It helps my kids understand fitness. There's a lot of fan service, but no nudity or heavy vulgarity. They're lifting, cardio, and eating better.

>visible artefacting

just like fit then

I don't have to imagine

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Im also 5 11 and 210 lbs. They are definitely beginner numbers.

That's one great speech, very inspirational.

Imagine needing an anime to tell you to improve yourself lmao. The absolute state of this board

There is truth in Discipline is the best thing, but whatever helps and motivates besides that is just good. Enjoy whatever you enjoy. One punch man and Violet evergarden have shown that anime is pretty cool and mainstream.

The image of being completely pathetic, lazy and unsuccessful instead of reaching the ultimate form of myself is filling me with enough rage to lift as greatly as possible

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It starts with motivation, it continues with discipline.

stupid nigger lover

Arnie sons (of 3)
>midget awful mexican maid mother on left, puts in work, looks great
>Kennedy official public American royalty mother on right, lazy shit, it shows

The MC is a muslim with an Egyptian father.

Arnold is a fraud

First anime I've watched all the way through since the kid goku dragonball.

It always puts a smile on my face and makes me happy even though nothing about it is exceptional. Watched the first episode of K-On after the fire and liked that too. Is this what all anime is like? I heard this genre is called slice of life - any recommendations for anything else?

take the first napkin, user

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Okay now this is based

>>polnigger get out

??? A boomer with teenage kids watching anime together?

More healthy than our savior Lord Jesus Christ?



>He doesn't worship the sun

Not only is a motivator for self-improvement but its basically propaganda telling Japanese people to procreate. "Here's all these hot single women who go to the gym and they love guys with muscles"

Imagine getting mogged by weaboos as they steal your girl

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Is Abe playing 3Dimensional Shogi?

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she's apparently really big in japan
why are the japanese so crazy over this girl?


>‘I’m more recognized in Japan than in Russia,’ says Olympic champ Alina Zagitova

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unironically yes. It's even taught me a few new things.
did you forget what site youre on?

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>I-It's an anime website!

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this desu

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The opening is super catchy

>being this new
its a cambodian anime smuggling forum, no shitty images will change that

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Maybe. Just don't use it for actual lifting advice, you will literally die or end up in a wheelchair


I don't know user, it took me 3 months of lifting to be able to OHP the bar.

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Of that genre or generally good or noteworthy anime?

A-are you a girl? And possibly in London? Haha

word brother

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>tfw lmao1pl8 ohp for the first time to the tune of onegai muscle

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I feel this is how phil heath came to be

Discipline is a meme. It helps when you're down to get your ass moving but it shouldn't be the reason you do what you do or you'll grow to resent it.
First you should find something you enjoy


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Its a anonymous website, but fuck user, great work! Keep it up! Anime is the spark, your discipline will be the one keeping this fire!

>Tfw reading good examples

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Is his name Markus