>mfw this is natty
Why do retards still roid when they can look like THIS while not autistically measuring what they eat at the same time?
Mfw this is natty
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop flexing your abs so damn hard you look retarded
This is basically my goal body
cus i dont wanna look like shit
Because 1. He looks like shit, and
2. You need roids, specifically test, tren and mast (along with hair removal and fake tan) to get that shredded, shrink wrapped, vascular, fitness model look. To be a real shreddedbrah, aestheticsbrah, to look just... *kisses finger purse* , to be a real zeezbrah
this guy doesn't look bad don't get me wrong but he IS really fucking soft. could do with cutting a few lbs imo
Post body
>thinking fags on gear watch their diet
They dont
>He looks like shit
post body
sure you could get this natty being a gymslave and sacrificing social commitments etc
or just run low dose test/tren and get this body in a month lmfao
For any natty that is reading this, remember: you can be as based as you think you are but when you look in the mirror your body doesn't prove it. Maybe, just maybe, at that point you should question whether the things that people (your favourite fake natty youtubers) tell about steroids are true.
For example, if you believe steroids make your dick small you have been deluded. Instead mindlessly bashing on performance enhancing drugs, try to understand them, and you will soon realize the positives outweigh the negatives.
Good luck natty copers. May you step to the light and take the red pill.
>dude just roid so you don't even need to workout anymore lmao
t. pea balls
yeah, he just have a very fortunate fat distribution
this isn't even natty limit, he looks big only because he's 15 % bf and is flexing
>pea balls
easily fixable with hcg
post body
>shaved chests
Why is everyone on this board such a huge faggot?
>destroying my organs for a slightly better look
no thanks fag, have fun dying at 65
body dysmorphia
just because you can't look like Arnie as a natty doesn't mean you can't look good as a natty
but these immature fools are tricked into thinking that anything below Larry Wheels-tier is DYEL status
Nobody in /fraud/ looks like that
They all look like angry red bloated spotty messes or complete DYELs
The natty look is far better
Hes leaning forward and lighting is coming from a high to low angle(look at his shadow). Hes flexing with all his might. Relax walk around in some natural lighing on a beach looks like the average gym goer.
People are brainwashed
Into what is achievable naturaly due to socialmedia fake natties shitting up the fitness industry. So this guy walking around will get mired by fatties/skellies. But gymtards will be like "Bruh what u started working out 9mo ago?"......"Oh 4yrs ago bruh look at this video of this 17yr old natural transformation burh, im on his program oma be big. Maybe u should get on his program."
It doesn't matter if you /fraud or natty all that matteres is your happy with your body and are a healthy adult.
excellent post
the internet Jow Forums in particular, has skewed peoples opinions and perspective on what is "impressive"
outside of here, mildly athletic people with good social skills get admired constantly, but on here, literal professional bodybuilders are considered "DYEL status"
this place is a joke
real life is outside
this website should only be used as an entertainment medium
but these unfortunate individuals take it way too seriously, and unironically corrupt their minds
It's too late for me user. I cannot undo the damage Jow Forums has done to my brain
>the natty look
the fake natties u look up to on youtube and ig? they're all running low dose masteron/winny
>looks like shit
I hate this board, dude is a prime man that women and men list after and you call this shit.
>destroying my organs
>he thinks a bit of exogenous test to give him the same levels as his grandfather's average will make his liver explode
>looks like shit
Post your body right now
i dont want to be a zebra
I just want a juicy butt
>the fake natties
Nah myself
this is the natty limit
Didn't they have to run him off stage with a heart attack or something?
Because Not all of us are 5'5"
You say that, but I'm natty.
I haven't had to become a drug addict to achieve this and I lift more than all the roidy boys in my gym. I haven't had to take so much as a scoop of protein powder to achieve this; I just eat food. So who is coping? The pussy boy roider who can't be assed doing it the hard way or me?
Now if you're actually doing bodybuilding comps I understand the need to take them - you aren't winning shit without them. You need the look that you will only get by taking them. But if you're not and you take them you are literally the epitome of a coping, compensating little bitch, and as soon as you can no longer get them you will shrink and look like shit.
These don't look better than the picture in the OP
What's up with that skinny waist? Why are you people so obsessed with high definition? Isn't it enough for you to look like a man instead of an auschwitz twink?
They're gay
mirin hard if natty
lifts? post a full body pic
posto el bodio
Stop posting your own manlet twink physique you fucking actual take it up the ass faggot jim
There's this roider at my gym, quite a short guy with a big read beard, but normaly quite ripped, always strudding around like he owns the place.
Didn't see him for a month, he was back at the gym today the guy literally looked like somebody pulled the plug and deflated him. He halfed his size, and was walking around quite timid. Obviously he was off cycle.
One of the reasons I will never roid, you have to keep taking that shit or you deflate like a balloon. Meanwhile I can maintain my physique all year long.
Also I enjoy having a large nutsack for girls to gobble on, don't want to have shrunken balls.
post body, it doesn’t matter if you can maintain it year round when it looks like shit and you have to make up cringe fake stories to convince yourself otherwise
Calm down tinyballs
I'll add that this guy looks amazing. I'd do anything (accept steroids) to look like him at 6'4" but it'll never happen. I'm about as upset about this as i am ill never be a rockstar and i love guitar more than anything. But some people would rather die than not make it. It's vain and selfish but that's what people are. If OP doesn't understand this he needs a serious life lesson. Basically this thread is "why are their bad people?" Get off this board you underage kid and enjoy your first boner in a couple years.
Im not a roidcel but your story was cringe lmao
obvious samefag
>these drugs are fucking me up
>better take more drugs!
drugs are bad kids, stay in school
Which user here has this collection to dump?
you look great user. my only problem is at this point I have been lied to by so many fake natties that I just cant believe you. dont take it personal.
Dat roid cope though
I don't know who's the bigger faggot, the faggot that took all these pictures of himself or the faggot that actually saved them
I see enough 6'4 guys at my gym who look big, maybe you should stop making excuses
you got a problem with faggots, faggot?
We don’t mean it playfully, we genuinely want to curb stomp your head into a pile of mush
kinda similar story here.
>have this guy at my gym who was reasonably strong as a natty but nothing impressive at all
>beat him on strength in every exercise
>he puts 30kg onto his bench in a matter of weeks
>I break my wrist and can only do light band exercises and stuff that doesnt involve gripping anything (so almost nothing)
>somehow I still maintain my muscles and strength reasoonably well
>1 month back at it almost as big as before
>see that guy in the gym again
>lost a ton of size, aparently injured his shoulder on bench press a few weeks ago
>he can still do most exercises fine just not pressing movements
>somehow still deflated and lost strength and size all around
>seems depressed that people comment on how much size he lost
always thought that guy was natty but after the insane bench progress he made I shouldve known he wasnt. must be a really shitty feeling to get an overuse injury because you roid and go too far only to go offcycle and look worse than you did as a natty.
This guy is the biggest attention whore on here, constantly posts his manlet body and pretends it isn’t him
imagine putting your head in between his thighs my god
how much do i need to squat to look like him
high bar i mean
How tall is he
Who's we?
how much do you need to bench before you actually get pecs
i swear to fuck i am doomed to no pec for life
have legs almost as big as him. I can squat a bit over 405lbs low bar. Can do around 3-4 reps with 375lbs. And when I do highbar I generally do reps around 300-315lbs.
It's not what you bench it's how. I could bench 265lbs and had no chest. My form was good i had a wider grip than most people and still no chest.
Started doing meme cable stuff and boom. Bigger chest. There is a reason bro splits and the cable machines exist. They work. Don't be a purist guys.
he claimed he is 5'11. Who knows if it was really him replaying though
desu idk
same bro. 100% natty here. see pic related
Natty bodybuilders and juiced bodybuilders don’t even train the same way. Take two guys with the same drive and work ethic, put one on juice and the other will never be able to out train him.
man you need to reevaluate your life.
i wonder what this guy looks like? i hope he aint ugly
>i just eat food
fuck you faggot. fuck out of here.
post diet
>Not having a folder of goal bod pics
Never going to make it. Bet this faggot has thot pics of whores he'll never obtain though
a man should abstain from both. a man is his own man who pursues women that are real. i dont need no pictures.
unless youre a faggot ofc.
This is true and happened with me and my friend...
I'm natty
What kinda cable memes are we talking about here friend
you can literally be a twink and get a huge bench press from reducing your ROm by arching, proper leg drive and enough motor unit recruitment. With cables and machines you're only using mechanical loading
i heard the tissue in your dick is actually growing. problem for me is the shrinking balls, the only reason i didnt start to roid yet.
that shit is irreversible
Not everyone is blessed with such compact stature.... Manlet
No one whos actually 5'11 will tell you. All real 5'11's will claim 6'0 at least. If hes claiming 5'11 online than hes probably 5'6-5'7, tops
wtf this stuff makes your dick and balls bigger?!
>mfw this is natty
>Why do retards still roid when they can look like THIS
BDD. Your question is idiotic.
Also sometimes impatience, people don't wanna wait 2/3/4 years to look like that.
never mind that shit causes gyno
well fuck
I'm a real 5'11 and i literally never claim 6
You're 5'8, stop lying to yourself
I sincerely hope that they die a horrible dead. Steroids users are the weakest men of the earth.
You're a idiot
Yes you are pinning.
>a bit of exogenous test is sufficient to give you physique
This is the lie. You need way more and the more drugs you take, the more sides and long term damage.
>Lol how are sides real when you can take drugs for those too?
Yep and the drugs you take to mitigate your sides from steroids come with sides of their own. There's no such thing as a free lunch.
>okay but like don't be a bitch haha just deal with the sides and look shredded
Not everybody feels one is worth the other. It takes a certain mental illness to say "I want to look good today in exchange for looking JUST tomorrow." And the worst part is, so many people take steroids only to wind up looking painfully average.
Mirin Adonis belt. Routine?
Bost pody
God damn Jow Forums is fucking mental
why do i have a boner after reading this thread haha
Post balls
no retard, you dont need grams of gear to get your desired physique as soon as possible unless you're chasing the IFBB freak look
baby doses with good diet and training is the way to go in 2019. you want to be a natty slave and train with your natural test levels that has already been fucked by GMOs, hormones and microplastics in the water, go ahead. just don't whine when you look like shit in the mirror.