Is there anything more cucked than donating blood?
>destroys your athletic performance for weeks
>robs you of gains
>helping random strangers for zero compensation
>your DNA is taken from it and put into a database in case you ever commit a crime
Is there anything more cucked than donating blood?
>destroys your athletic performance for weeks
>robs you of gains
>helping random strangers for zero compensation
>your DNA is taken from it and put into a database in case you ever commit a crime
>not selling blood
>not selling sperm
I think I will go donate blood soon to get free blood test.
>not donating blood for a free day off
It pays for itself.
also, useful when cutting
to the extent any form of charity is "cucked" yeah it is you selfish cunt
if you're worried about being identified from dna then don't fucking commit a crime dumbass
It’s cucked because you aren’t donating it to anyone. Your giving it to Jews that sell it at top price.
Can you imagine being so devoid of independent thought and brainwashed by this board that you believe charity is "cucked"?
It used to get me off work when I was in the Navy, so I would do it all the time. Fuck that big ass needle though.
Does it really lower your athletic performance for weeks?
Charity is cucked by literal definition. Youre giving poor people, retards, sick people, and other trash shit you worked hard for for free. Literally cucked.
If you give to charity, you will never make it
This is your brain on 'Murican mindset
No, only for a couple of days.
But if you are a pro athlete the loss of eritrocytes may impair you a bit. Other than that OP is bullshit
Shoo shoo gains goblin
>Gives a relief to your heart if your blood is more dense than the usual (like I have it)
>gains impaired for only 2 days if you are a pro athlete which literally noone is on this site
>helping random strangers for no compensation (altruism is a virtue of noble men, not that a jew like OP would understand)
>not donating directly to a clinical center but get cucked by red cross like OP did
> not donating your strength to help the sick and weak
Never gonna make it.
>Is there anything more cucked than donating blood?
Having a daughter.
Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
Holy kekkeroni yes God forbid you help sick people. The fuck is wrong with you.
>Taxes are cucked by literal definition. Youre giving poor people, retards, sick people, and other trash shit you worked hard for for free. Literally cucked.
This but unironically
By this Jow Forums's definition of fucked not taking food away from a starving 10 year old is cucked. It's retarded and if everyone on Earth had that mentality than we would be living in a shithole. Believe it or not most of you guys have received some acts of charity that helped you.
Having said that, your blood or anything you donate will first go to billionaires who pay top money for it to be first in line for it. I remember reading this thing about some guy who had 4 heart transplants at an old age and ended up dying anyway
Based and incel pilled
You okay there buddy?
Just think about it logically.
I bet you put your wife out for charity as well cuck
Based and logicpilled
My dad cucked me from selling sperm, because he got parkinssons disease at age 45
>Easiest way to immediately reduce toxic iron buildup
>Reduces cholesterol, glucose levels
>Lowers risk of heart attack
>"I donated blood" sticker and bandage will get you out of speeding tickets
>All the snacks you want
>You get fun t-shirts and gift cards for donating
Is there anything more BASED than donating blood?
>literally boosts the performance of your bone marrow - sudden loss of blood mobilizes marrow to make more new blood cells at a faster rate than normal
>you are able to see how your body reacts after rapid blood loss (I've seen guys bigger than me faint like pansys)
>creates a nice caloric deficit (5000-6000kcal) which either helps you cut or makes you able to eat whatever the fuck you want for 2-3 days with no consequences
>if you donate to a hostpital you pretty much save lives of other people which is charitable as fuck
>you automatically become CHAD in the eyes of everyone when you say donate blood on regular basis
>free medical checkup
>random free stuff such as t-shirts, blankets, mugs, pens etc.
>you can get tax refunds based on the amount of donated blood
>discounts at pharmacies, public transportation, bookstores etc.
If you are perfectly healthy you have no excuse not to donate blood.
If you still won't do it, you NGMI.
Can I get your daughters number bro?
wait its seriously that many kcal?
I donated blood 3 times when I was younger and each time I thought I was going to pass out or puke while just sitting in the chair. I think it was because I was underweight, because they check your iron levels beforehand.
It's a pasta
>if you're worried about being identified from dna then don't fucking commit a crime dumbass
Are you really sure that there won't ever come a time when there are crimes worth committing? And if that unhappy day ever comes, wouldn't you like to not be in a database?
The trust you have in authority will kill far more people than the real criminals that are caught with this technology.
Oh yeah, blood is really energy-expensive to make. Where I live you get a "caloric equivalent" when you donate blood and the package has literally 8 full sized chocolate bars (100g each, 800g total) and some chocolate wafers, which add up to easily over 5k kcal.
>he doesnt donate blood to get rid of excese iron,metals, old blood and renovate bone marrow
>his life force is not so overflowing as to literally exude into other people
Sure bucko
Im bummed out because after the first time I got banned from donating blood because my father AND my mother had malaria so there were fossil cells of the disease are present in my bloodstream, its literally nothing but it freaks out the test as a positive despite not being the case.
>This is your brain on 'Murican mindset
The most charitable country on earth.
>By this Jow Forums's definition of fucked not taking food away from a starving 10 year old is cucked.
Africa is about to explode into the largest humanitarian disaster the world has ever known because we kept shoving charity at people who would not take care of themselves. We have entire generations of incels posting on an African mud cookie cutting forum due to the subsidized plague of single mothers.
You are wrong. Tough love is the only real love and is the only way to make people take responsibility for themselves. Charity only subsidizes whatever the charity is for. The world is absolutely going to shit because of misplaced charity.
>he actually donated blood
>23&me has contract with red cross to screen donations for infection
>you signed your rights away and gave your DNA to the sister in law of mark zuckerberg
I literally do it simply because I like the sensation of bleeding. I watch them put the needle in.
I only learned about the health benefits of it after I started doing it.
>Not donating blood
What kind of job gives you a day off when you donate blood? Has to be unimportant
This. They resell it for $400-700. In exchange you get a cookie. I'd donate blood if they gave me half of the $. Its a giant scam
lurk moar
Not true
>also rent free
Jokes on you I#m not alowed to donate blood because of my add meds and the massive amount of hookers I bang
In high school this used to be a really big thing. The blood bank people would stop by twice a year and literally everyone I knew would donate. It was like a cult and trying to explain why I didn't want to voluntarily give my blood away was pointless. So, I just told everyone that they wouldn't let me donate since I wasn't born in the US. It was bullshit and I never even looked up the rules, but they bought it.
They turn around and sell your blood for excess of $800 a pound, giving shit away for free so some kike can sell it is not "charity" it's retardation.
The laws are such that you cannot be compensated for giving blood. And they are selling your blood. It may be a non-profit organization. But the guys running it are still getting fat stacks of cash from stuff you're giving away for free.
The law should be changed immediately. This would fix the supply problem.
Plasma pays for most of my rent. It is used to create lifesaving medicine (and bullshit cosmetics too). But they don't have a supply problem.
>zero compensation
I used to do it for money in my student years. But it was just plasma.
Polack here, we get 10 bars. 100g each, probably ~600 kcal a bar.
I read that blood donations don't actually cost you that much calories though. More like around 500-600, if that much.
Gonna mog you in the resurrection bro. Get gains for your permanent body too
why are you trying to sow division within your society?
>donating blood
The human body has NO way of eliminated heavy metals. In the natural environment there is no need for this ability.
Donating blood eliminates heavy metals from the body. One of the reasons women typically live longer than men may be because of regular mensuration.
Plus it a good deed for a stranger, god likes that.
Imagine paying to make blood then giving it away free while they profit.
What deprived life do you live that you think people in dire need of constantly undersupplied blood should have to pay shit tones more for it? You probably dont hold the door open because you think your alpha and should go first.
I do it because its fun and because its good to good things. Honestly if you enjoy being hedonistic go ahead. Overall you will look back understanding your values are trash and your are unfullfilled
What 3rd world country do you come from that you can get paid for giving blood????
Hahah pussy has leukemia
Maybe with some tough love will make your bone marrow actually make some useful blood again haha idiot who needs charity
Altruism is for the weak
Hmmm yes my DNA determines my rights.
Pol at its esscense.
What are they gonna do with my dna sequence it and make some cool little proteins? Actually illiterate in science
>donating blood for a free day off
the ABSOLUTE STATE of wagies
Why do you think chad is always stereotype as having everything but also being kind? Because if you are good enough to care for everyone indiscrimantely then you arent worried as coming off as weak.
Nope. You’re literally giving away your life essence to someone.
Sorry fuckers, it’s MY blood and I need it
>Why do you think chad is always stereotype as having everything but also being kind
That isnt real. You made it up and its a top level cope
You could just donate plasma.
Its just the parts of blood that includes sugars water and salt. Good for cutting and has literally zero downsides assuming your veins dont bleed any extra.
>Is there anything more cucked than donating blood?
nope. Unless you get paid, don't do it.
Literally took me two seconds to find an example of this.
Or are you saying the connection I made using this as evidence is made up?
Search up evolutionary reciprocity or altruism formula. Evolutionarily helping people can be explained as beneficial if it is low cost and high potential return.
What is more chad than being able to do any potential action because you are so capable that it is equivalent zero cost to you essentially rendering the formula useless.
All individual humans are weak. Without the technology and knowledge created by other humans, you would be nothing. Don't believe me, strip your ass naked and walk into the woods. Leave all man-made objects behind. Fashion your own tools from stone and timber, hunt and forage to feed yourself, fight off large predatory animals and start prepping for winter.
All human strength and power comes from cooperation among groups. Working together is what allowed us to conquer the earth. The drive to altruism evolved BECAUSE cooperation was such an outstanding survival strategy.
Altruism is for the strong.
This man said it the best. If you can't agree with this you are an outcast. Enjoy boiled chicken, an empty room and a hollow life.
*H I T S P I P E*