Do I have Diabetus

So lately I've had super itchy hands and feet. Been getting tired more often even though I eat pretty well. I used to lift 5 days a week for years. But with a new career and all I don't get in as much. I'm pretty healthy but am showing the symptoms (itchy hands/feet, thirsty a lot, peeing a lot, tired).
My question- can i go buy a finger prick thing and get an idea or do I have to do right to the dr first?

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pls respond

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You'll need an official diagnosis to get prescriptions. Go see a doctor. You can buy a kit, but test strips are expensive as fuck.

Go visit grandparents and use their diabetic kit to check blood levels, start working out again and ditch the sugar

i thought the kit was only like $20 till you said that, then went and looked at buying strips for it too. you're not lyin
I was more just curious "where i'm at" if it was way off then i'd obv go to the dr soon, or if it's just other shit.
i've been on trt and do some cycles so a lot of the time i chalk some of my lethargy to that and what not.

tfw i have no grandparents. and I eat pretty clean. I dabbled in physique contests n stuff i'm "a little out of shape" to my standards but I rarely hit past 15%bf.
appreciate the feedback so far thank u boys

You can get cheaper (somewhat less accurate strips) at Walmart for about ten dollars if you already have a kit to go with them. It'll ultimately come out to about thirty dollars.

You MIGHT also try keto strips. They're cheap, but will be much less accurate than simply testing your BG.

Another issue is what type you have. If type 1, you'll end up having some very severe symptoms (aka GET TO THE DOCTOR, STAT), but type 2 should end in general malaise, weight loss, increased urination, what-have-you, unless you've had it or quite some time and have exhausted your beta cells.

If you do have diabetes take the metformin pills for 2 months cause i strongy believe itl make you shit out all that stored sugar, and work out hard, its what i did, no complications here, no high blood sugar anymore and wasin the 400s, also harvard professors and researchers are taking metformin voluntarly cause it has a lot of good benefits, i saw that on a joe rogan podcast, check that out yourself

Lose the weight, fatty. Then it won’t matter whether you had the betus or not because it’d be gone either way.

I have an HSA with a lot of money, i think i'll go pick a basic kit up and just see what it says but still give my dr a call. it will give me a somewhat indicator? i understand there are a few tests they give, and can even determine it may be something completely different. but the symptoms are starting to point to it and i'm a bit nervous .

Also most important thing is dont eat sugar before bed, you have to piss out sugar, you cant do that while sleeping, which is why you piss a lot. Best thing is just to ditch snacks

i'm 5'8 180. 13%. been lifting and doing cycles about 7 yrs dude

i literally eat a ton of fruit before bed and several....several nights my wife and i have a halo top at night. good to know now :|

Yea lay off that shit for about a week, then enjoy it in the day time.

Start a low fat diet (

Not OP, but one time I drank a lot of juice and my piss smelled sweet, I have no other symptoms of diabetes though, do I have diabetes?

Are you drinking constantly/feeling thirsty?
Do you piss more than 3 times a day?
Are you tired to the point of complete exhaustion (like it’s a struggle to lift your head up and physically be awake?

If all these are true then get a ketones test kit from a pharmacy. It detects the level of sugar in your piss like a pool chlorine stick. If you are showing traces of ketones then congrats you have diabetes, otherwise stop being a fucking pussy

I’m at cvs now w a kit but making an appointment but I knew what I was getting into starting this. I’m way overdue for bloodwork. I go very light w juice only maybe 2 years I was going wild w it. Appreciate input

They’re are types and degrees of diabetes from what I understand. I display a good amount. Reading your own body isn’t being a pussy bro

Also fast before taking it a second time

I have diabetes, got it at age 12 (doctors dont know why anyone gets it, so please shut your fucking mouth). Just go get a test strip from a friend or pharmacy, when I was in denmark and forgot it i just went in and tested at a local pharmacy. If it's above 7 you have a small chance of having diabetes, if it's above 10-12, say hello to 10 syringes a day :)))))))))))

If you are thirsty all the time and need to pee all the time, you have diabetes. The body is trying to remove the sugar from your body... Oh and also blurry vision due to sugar being stored in your eyes, it will remove itself when you start medication

ask me questions if you have any

Update- my glucose meter was 102. My blood pressure is high but also was on a lot of adderal and high stress work things past few days. Appreciate you bros, got some maintenance ahead of me

This was fasted btw I haven’t ate yet kinda knowing I’d do this in the am

You should be fine, just no sugar before bed, its tempting as fuck i know but its how ppl getting the beetus, drink lots if water avoid sodas, juices for a while, check again tomorrow

please stop talking if you dont know what youre talking about. you get diabetes type 1 (aka fucked) through genetics/unluckiness and type 2 by being fat and old

I had it... my sons brag to their friends that i beat you please stop talking IF you dont know what youre talking about.

sugar does not cause diabetes. The causal dietary relationship is to fat intake, albeit that high caloric intakes overall do not help (and is why T2D is commonly associated with - but not always - obesity)

This is why, historically, T2D has only really be seen in the affluent - people who could afford to eat a rich, meat heavy diet on a daily basis. Well, thanks to capitalism, everyone can afford to be fat and sick.

this is a respectful, wholesome thread.

A diet high in calories from any source (including sugar) contributes to weight gain and weight gain increases your risk for type 2 diabetes.

Are you trying to trigger me american? SUGAR DOES NOT CAUSE DIABETES TYPE 1!

"what causes diabetes type 1?"

The exact cause of type 1 diabetes is unknown. Usually, the body's own immune system — which normally fights harmful bacteria and viruses — mistakenly destroys the insulin-producing (islet, or islets of Langerhans) cells in the pancreas. Other possible causes include: Genetics

too many faggots itt not knowing the difference between type 1 and type 2, type 1 is an autoimmune condition anyone can get that can kill you quickly if not treated, type 2 is what fatsos get from not eating right, if you have type 1 you've got it for good and will be injecting insulin and picking your fingers for blood tests multiple times a day for rest of your life, if you have type 2 it can be reversed into remission through good diet ,

source: little sister type 1,unfair world

Eat keto going forward and ypu can at least stop damaging yourself. No alcohol.

metformin increases insulin sensitivity, it doesnt cure diabetes

from what you described, and taking into account you have been on roids for quite some time, this sounds like your kidney are shutting down, nothin to do with diabets
itchy skin, tiredness, peeing a lot, all point to kidney damage

Dont compare t1 to t2, t2 is nothing to t1...................................

Op dosnt have signs of type1, so why talk about it?
Makes you shit like crazy , have you taken it before its outta this world, i didnt it cured?


Bc I run a tight ship.
I run on plenty supplemental testosterone and amphetamines to be where I’m at. But I appreciate all the good recommendations and insight from you bros. I was a former fraud general rat here years ago.
Also there are different types of diabetes. Some normal everyday people develop it / born and others develop it from living fat / wreckless like myself or even genetically develop later in life. Yes you can get diabetes from muh sugar but that’s not the only way to develop it.
I immediately am taking bp herbal stuff and lowering them cals.
I just fucking love a bowl of cereal before bed. Prob taking a break from that

From what I understand meta is a prescription here in USA. And it’s seen as like a last measure, usually you stay on it. similar to blood pressure meds. Unless obv drastic life changes