Kissless hugless virgin

>kissless hugless virgin
>make fun of wagies on Jow Forums for years
>get a job one day
>get my first gf a month later (she's a coworker)
>have sex 15 times a week

Fuck this place and everything it told me

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What's the difference between dragon and wyvern?

fake, I have a job for years and still no gf

Dragons have 4 legs and two wings

Wyverns have 2 wings and 2 legs

Then kill yourself immediately. I literally got together with her a month after I started working there. We're still together 4 months later.

Dragons have 6 limbs, 4 legs and 2 wings. Wyverns are like bats, the front legs are combined with the wings.

Good,we don't need more normalfags here

You're missing the point, idiot. If you stopped repeating the same stale memes on this board all the time, you can become """""""normal"""""""" too

You're missing the point, retard. Your sorry ass is still posting here, despite being """""""normal"""""""".

dragons have 4 legs and 2 wings, wyverns have 2 wings and 2 legs. The dragon is basically an alligator with wings, while the wyvern is a cooler pterodactyl

can anyone convince me to care?