are you supposed to be able to always take a deep breath with that satisfying feel? sometimes during my exercise when i try to take a deep breath i feel like it wasn't completed or that i didn't take enough air before starting a set, it really hinders my performance.. is this normal?
Are you supposed to be able to always take a deep breath with that satisfying feel...
the more you think about this stuff the less you're going to perform, it has nothing to do with breathing or eating a banana 15 or 25 minutes pre workout
Holy fuck hahahhahha
>it has nothing to do with breathing
Some pro bodybuilders hold their breathe while lifting, some others breathe, the only problem of OP is that he's an overthinking faggot that will never achieve anything
breathing technique is substantial for athletic performance. the fact that you think breathing doesnt matter at all shows how little you know about anything. refrain from giving advice from this point on, youre clearly a worthless dyel.
So you are saying i should not focus on breathing while working out?
how come nobody has the same technique then? Right, thank you for your service dyel, I bet you do keto diet or figure out when you should eat low digesting carbs and high digesting carbs, you're not nearly advanced enough to care about any of this shit
You're supposed to breath with your diaphragm thorough your belly, not your chest
You (like me) likely have no control over your diaphragm yet, can you do that belly roll thing? That's diaphragm control
based sp poster
>t. DYEL
Ok how do i do it? Is there a video explaining?
Not yet sorry fren, I need to research myself also
I resume OP's post
>Hey guys should I breathe at 80% or 100% of my lung capacity¨before benching that bar? I feel like that's what's making me progress slower! Please help!!!
That's pathetic
On what movement do you have trouble taking a deep breath? Te only movement where I felt this was an issue for me was the squat and that was because I didnt raise my chest up enough, the bar was basically crushing my rib cage, and it was fairly difficult to breathe fully.
I'd say most exercises, its just hard to take a deep breath between reps
haha if she were squatting next to me I'd have no problems taking deep breaths if you catch my drift haha
Are you breathing with your diaphragm? I have that issue whenever I'm stressed too, outside of lifting. I started breathing with my diaphragm, hold a breath for 10-15 sec, then slowly letting the air out through the mouth. Then after several of those I can take a full, deep breath. I realized I wasn't using my diaphragm to breathe often which was causing me to have shortness of breath or unsatisfying deep breaths.
hahaha what if she just accidentally fell down and sat on my face, imagine the smell ? hahaha