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Who do you lift for?
Logan Sanchez
Other urls found in this thread:
Logan Ross
my waifu
Camden Young
Zina Boyd
Jack Flores
Lincoln Morales
Daniel Taylor
Samuel Thomas
for hibiki of course. Ill lift enough for both of us so she can engourge herself on mochi and ramen
Charles Green
>Hibiki finally gets the body of her dreams and lands a hot boyfriend
>he's an Architect and immediately gets to work fattening her up
Josiah Barnes
Brayden Rodriguez
Jack Brooks
God damnit
Elijah Perry
i know the feel. unfortunately it's worse for me because i actually know one
Logan Hernandez
The Father the Son and the Holy Ghost.
Jason Miller
brother, you posted cringe
Bentley Roberts
based and cuckpilled
Cooper Johnson
Only blonde/blue-eyed pornstar to not fuck blacks
James Robinson
Ripped tan ab wheyfu
Lucas Perry
based. all the other girls in this show are trash tier compared to her.
Gabriel Cruz
Samuel Hill
That's now my official term for not-stick-thin-or-fat anime wamans
James Cooper
How about this for a double wammy, I had a childhood friend tomboy that I crushed on for years and never did anything about
>she got married last year
Daniel Moore
I think they are tied
Michael Richardson
same here until the married part, me be 18 she be a year younger
Christian Jones
Dont be like me user. You still have time.
Anthony Hall
oh shit. oh god oh fuck. you're right but i'm incredibly anxious. that's actually my motivation to come here and hopefully learn how not to be a lanklet
Isaiah Martinez
This has absolutely fucking killed me. I'm saving this for motivation. I will never give up.
Gavin King
Learn everything you can and get big bro, and go after her. Worst thing happens is she says no. At least then you'll know and wont be asking yourself what if. Don't be like me. Think of me any time you are thinking about skipping a workout or cheating on your diet.
Jacob Scott
wow. that's actually really motivating, and i mean that in a nice way. Thank you user for trying to make other anons do better. That's an achievement.
Brandon Price
fucking kek
Jaxon Reed
Dayyyum..when did hibiki get a body like that?
Isaac Turner
The voice of truth: , go for her, and good luck
Angel Jones
The weak, the poor, the suffering.
Robert Campbell
big thank. also i'm a newfag here and i like Jow Forums more than Jow Forums, seriously you're actually lending decent advice in the interest of helping others improve. Lawful good of Jow Forums
Luis Morris
That's her goal body/picturing herself in a swimsuit for summer. Hasn't actually got there.
Logan Green
fucking loser. let them suffer and die as they're destined to.
Brayden Sanders
that anime is just a rallying cry for weebs to get fit. not a bad idea but it's thinly veiled
Jaxson Hernandez
bumping for the motivational spirit of this thread
Oliver Richardson
Im not so sure its that as much as just another iteration of the "cute girls doing hobbies" trend for slice of life manga/anime. Mangakas just like drawing about their hobbies and they also like drawing cute girls. Its funny to think that the japanese government is secretly pushing these things though.
Evan Harris
Just according to keikaku
Nathan Ramirez
Not the Japanese government, just weebs who want the best for fellow weebs. Again, a very noble goal to be sure. but it's funny as hecc
Benjamin Bell
It hurts
Brandon Price
>Its funny to think that the japanese government is secretly pushing these things though.
Its not really a secret
they are openly trying to push people to stop being incels and start making babies
Chase Reed
Even /b/ gives better advice than Jow Forums. That place is a shithole full of incels and raided by trannies trying to convert them. Stick around here and good luck.
Jordan Stewart
Luis Myers
Jow Forums is on the same level as Jow Forums in terms of how badly it's looked down upon. Never go back user
Jonathan Nelson
Samuel Allen
Ahhhgh that about just fucking does it, just kill me already, what's the goddamn hold up.
Angel Price
I trust this man
Nicholas Fisher
Based lancia poster
Connor Price
Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade
Joshua Carter
for the niggas that run this page on fb
Anthony Young
To be btter than those around me. Maybe it's a small dicklet thing but I feel the need to be competitive with those around me and constantly better. If not, I feel like I am not living up to my fullest potential. This Epstein thing has been more of a motivator than anything else to chase power. The mother fucker could do whatever he want and while he was murdered, he still lived a life better than the next 6 generation of your descendants would ever know. He had maybe 10 years left before he hit dyslexic old man status? I want power. I want to be the best.
Tomboys are broken women and thus the reason so many nerds want them. For every pure virgin" tomboy there are 99 other tomboys with daddy issues that make Proxy Paige or Annette Schwarz seem tame. Y'all need to stop deluding yourselves on this 1 in a million pipe dream
Brody Rogers
I prefer lift for that 1% Tomboy than the other 99% of trashy copy/paste girls, if one of them are literally me
Jace Rivera
Thomas Nguyen
Fat shotgun tiddies
Noah Hill
Finally, a goal worth working towards
Ian Ward
There was a tomboy like this I knew in high school. She did rotc, practiced wrestling with her brothers, had a great body, but still very in touch with her femininity when around the boys she was interested in (including me). She was the first girl I ever made out with, and we did so in the back of my car during a thunderstorm parked at the beach.
She became horribly depressed over the next couple years, dated an abusive psychopath, put on like 80 lbs and became an electrician before getting married to some shlubby dude. We reconnected on jewbook about a year and a half ago, and she drunkenly told me (days before the wedding) how hot I had become since high school, and how she regrets so much she missed out on in her life despite being only 25.
The tomboy fantasy is really a tragic tale, so I hope nobody falls for this meme
Logan Ross
To end war as a business
Logan Gray
we will all get one eventually right bros? haha
Julian Edwards
Tomboys aren't real
Christian Green
Should have took her first.
Joseph Lee
based and abspilled
I lift to find my irl Ayaka
Zachary Hernandez
I lift for lifting.
Carson Robinson
I couldn't. That night with the thunderstorm was the night before I left for uni and she had another year of high school to go. But all that tomboy behavior is often a cover for depressive shit, which she exhibited for years when we were around each other
Camden Adams
Parker James
I used to know a tomboy back in school, short, short haired, flat chested, athletic, pretty rough girl. She forced me to be her pet dog once, but a collar on me and made me follow her around everywhere at her house, and had to nap with her on the foot of the bed, I liked it more than I should have.
She moved away and I didnt see her again, heard about her a bit since her parents and mine were far of family. She became and engineer and I found her on Facebook a while back but unfortunately her nose never stopped growing, and I mean its massive now, it completely took over her cute face.
Luis Wood
Im going to need a sauce on this.
Austin Diaz
>She forced me to be her pet dog once, but a collar on me and made me follow her around everywhere at her house, and had to nap with her on the foot of the bed
Jaxson Adams
sorry, wish I could help
I'd love sauce too
Alexander Thomas
based and stoogespilled
Josiah Rivera
Nathaniel Hill
Chase Brown
all of that literally applies to any girl you like, tomboy or not.
Jason Gomez
My wife and my child
Seriously, having children was the best decision I've ever made
Grayson Adams
please stop
Daniel Walker
I don't even know anymore
Xavier Carter
Adrian Jones
So Jow Forums just wants a boyfriend that they can fuck and not be called gay. You all are such fags just get a short twinky boy.
Isaac Jones
>Hay, if you like the least gay thing in the worls, why dont you just get the most gay thing then, huh?
Jayden Cox
Jonathan Butler
>you will never princess carry a tomboy while she lightly punches you in the shoulders and calls you lame
>you will never be hanging out with a tomboy when a storm hits and find out she's cripplingly terrified of thunder
>you will never get Jow Forums with a tomboy
>you will never go to the track meet/swim meet/softball game/football game/judo match of your tomboy gf and cheer her on as she kicks everyone's ass, then have her run into the stands to hug you after she wins and tell you she knew she had to do her best when she saw you in the stands
>you will never help a tomboy study for her big test so she gets a good enough grade to stay on the team
>a tomboy will never attempt to cook for you and fuck it all up becaue she's never cooked in her life but you eat it anyways just to see her smile
>you will never coerce a tomboy into wearing a frilly, girly dress and watch as she squirms around all self-conscious and shy
Jordan Robinson
why not?
Xavier Thompson
Because tomboys don't exist outside your delusional anime weeb fantasies.
Jonathan Rivera
Jackson James
Oh fuck oh no
Isaiah Evans
For him.
Ryan Cooper
Looking pretty hefty there hibiki
William Morales
Obviously for that Philippina from the thread earlier today
Owen Bailey
tfw I found my tomboy gf at college
guys this post made me really appreciate what i found. I'm gonna hold her tighter
Nicholas Evans
Guess nowadays I'm lifting for the e-girl I started messaging on Facebook out of depression after she reacted one of my comments in a meme group. Dear Lord what have I become
Samuel Murphy
for the off change i might have to fight a cunt
Aaron Lewis
You eat whatever's for dinner.
Aiden Torres
For my grandma she passed away recently and I promised her on her deathbed I would become the best me I could be in every aspect
Cooper Jones
Good man.
Josiah Gutierrez
Eddie Hall?
William Martinez
Thanks for that vid user Eddies story is pretty similair to mine, really moving to see a big man like him cry. I'm gonna hit the gym tomorrow
Adam Nelson
I lift for myself. You don't have a right to be proud of yourself if you haven't worked towards anything. I take care of and maintain my body because if I don't respect myself, why should anyone else.
Kayden Gutierrez
Nobody. Unironically nobody. I do it because it sucks and I hate it, because I'm a miserable bastard who just wants to inflict pain on himself, I do it because in some sick way, I like it.
Tyler Green
Quaren would be Karate girl
Dylan Myers
for any and every girl, I just want any girl to give me attention. to look at my male secondary sexual characteristics and get instinctively turned on. being an eyesore is just not acceptable.