Why am I so weak?

I see people post on here about noob gains all the time and how easy it is to increase lifts early on.
>Skinnyfat 20%ish BF
>Been a sedentary gamer 90% of my life
>Electrical work for 2 years, was seen as weak by coworkers when I first started, but now have functional strength and do my job very well. No issues.
>Began SL5x5 in June and have been lifting faithfully, resting and sleeping properly, don't drink, and have just started cutting at a 500cal deficit 3 weeks ago
My lifts have completely stalled.
>160lb squat
>115lb bench
>70lb OHP
>155lb DL
>120lb Row
Is this normal even for a noob? Even cutting why am I on such babbys weight? I know cutting will do that but people always say here noob gains will still come. My plan is to continue at the same deficit till the end of August, eat at maintenance for 2 weeks and then start bulking. Am I retarded? Feels like I'm spinning my wheels

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I fucking hate that image, delete it.

Fuck off

if you've been eating and training properly, then you don't have the genetics to be strong

>Le schizotypical introvert

I will not accept that. I'd rather spin my wheels forever than give up

you can definitely get a lot stronger though. finish your cut and start bulking

oh shit wtf this is the only one of these images I've ever related to.

Those lifts aren't horrible, OP. Keep it up, plateaus happen but stay committed.

Switch to GSLP and don’t expect big strength gains on a cut

Thanks, user. I really appreciate it. I get really hard on myself sometimes since I'm doing everything by the book and as well as I can, yet I see posts here about how a dyel can walk in to the gym and 2 months later he's 1pl8 OHP.
Then my wife says "Weren't you lifting that same weight last week?"

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>tfw ice never worried about plateaus
>everytime it happens i just feel a sense of "this is just how much my body can lift right now" and keep at that weight while trying to increase it now and again
>essentially think of lifting as a way to maintain my body, and not as a way of life or even really a hobby
>tfw despite all this I've always eventually broken through my plateaus and made great gains while never being able to connect with my "fellow lifters" with regards to feelings like OPs post
>tfw I've also never felt any sort of thrill or maximum pump at breaking new PRs, it's just my body picking up heavier weight to maintain my health.

Just keep picking up the pieces of metal user. Theres nothing religious about it, just keep lifting

>admit you were an unhealthy sedentary gamer for your formative years.
>Reeeee why cant I lift and progress as fast as everyone else?!?


Thanks, dude. That's actually something to think about. It's just my insecurity from years and years of being a self hating skinnyfat. Got sick of it and I am expecting too much too soon.

I kind of thought everyone here was a sedentary fag for most of their lives before getting fit. That's why we're here and not on bodybuilding forums or reddit

you mad, palliati?

I had a similar realization starting out. The guy who got me into the gym was an old friend that I had reconnected with as adults after drifting apart as I dove into GAMER CULTURE deep and wouldn't resurface until my 20s while he was a well adjusted normal human being type. He was really nice and just happy to be helping someone out, but after we were sure my form was good he decided to see what was appropriate weight for me to start with.

My squat and DL were pretty decent starting weights imo, probably because of my love for hiking, but then we got to OHP. I couldnt lift more than 55lbs for 5x5. I had no arm strength whatsoever. None. For the first 2 months my bench was atrocious as well and there was nothing I could do about it. We talked about it a lot as he was a bit confused as to why I was starting out miles beneath where he did. He hadnt played sports, he had never been a health freak, he was just a normal guy who started lifting. In the end I just manned up and decided it was the price I had to pay for my shitty teenager years and that I was probably lucky to not weigh 300 lbs.

Ive learnt that the actual, dedicated sedentary lifestyle isnt one that as many people live as you might think. True hardcore gamers need to rise up! And then squat down! And rise up again! And do this until failure!

you will make it.

finish cut and bulk

Sounds pretty relatable. Thanks for the encouragement. There really must be a huge difference in basic strength and fitness between sedentary normies who at least walk around their house and maybe go to the park here and there vs gamers who intentionally sit on their ass 12+ hours a day.

pls delete this image
who makes these and why do they always hit home :(

this gave me a tingle in my peen

Literally me holy fuck even the age is exact

heh, have some more, weaklings

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>has a gf

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haha that's the only one that doesn't describe me too! what a coincidence haha

Calories a day?

delete this right fucking now

no one even askes me if I'm ok or not because I pretend to be alright.

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no wonder mass shootings are increasing

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>young men are told from the ground up that they are worthless sacks of irredeemable shit
>men are constantly bullied by society whilst still expected to carry the most weight
>men cannot be proud of their achievements, their heritage, their nationality or anything at all without having their lives ruined and any sign of weakness is exploited
>intimacy and love has been destroyed by slut culture where women are either on the constant spin of the cock carousel or fat ugly misadrists
>can literally spend the rest of your life in jail and/or have your entire life destroyed by some dumb thot over false accusations
>everyone is just the same superficial lie of a human whose IG is the polar opposite of their real identity
>what is left is to either swallow the black pill and face the world as is or succumb and become a soicuck npc