>millionaire >self confessed sex addict >once banged 9 chicks in a day, said he didn't even want to bang the 9th but felt obligated >aesthetic, even more a manlet
"Because he's the hero Jow Forums deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent Jow Forumsizen, an honest misogynist. A glimpse into the world of making it."
I respect him and I actually honor how he came forward with his steroid and test use.
Brody Howard
He's also basically a navy seal. Was booted out a few days before graduating for the third time because his superiors hating him.
Jaxson Brooks
You forgot >saved hundreds of people during a Las Vegas shooting with his SEAL training
Lucas Diaz
He sounds stupid which he might be, he's also a complete liar, but he's based and I wish I had his life
Caleb Wood
>manlet >extremely insecure >chinlet >faked his acquiring of wealth, actually just inherited all from his father, and is in reality a shitty poker player >has to pay for all the thots
Ethan Nelson
>gets to act in shitty movies thanks to his dad connections >his 5 sec appearance gets cut.
Andrew Campbell
I don't even like speak of the man, because pointing out how pathetic he is opens you up to immidiate accusations of being jelly and salty and he gets way more attention than he deserves, but when you say shit like "hero of Jow Forums", those are fighting words and I have to respond.
That fucking loser who's only talent is spending money does not deserve to wipe Zyzz's ass. And Zyzz was kind of a loser himself to be honest.
Dominic Peterson
>And Zyzz was kind of a loser himself to be honest. this Just like us. We all have some sort of autism.
Ian Fisher
>manlet yes, still gets laid >extremely insecure ? cope >chinlet hard cope pic related >faked his acquiring of wealth, actually just inherited all from his father, and is in reality a shitty poker player
literally no proof of that but ALSO who actually gives a fuck where he got his money
isn't most of his money inherited? and he likes to roleplay like he made most of his wealth from poker, but I've heard from people in the know that he was an average joe
it's a meme, he recorded some crap trying to make himself look like a hero during a shooting. asked a cop for a gun in the middle of it
Sebastian Ross
I-is this really bilzfag sans beard?
Jayden Thomas
>blue eyes >green eyes >completly different facial structure nigga what
Nolan Brooks
Looking up to guys like this is a surefire way of knowing you're unironically low IQ
i mean if you're going for thots they aren't going to know the difference and dan definitely lifts for thots
Henry James
Oof. He is so damn ugly without that beard. I guess he really is /fit’s hero. Ugly face, short, tries to make up for it with muscles. Only difference between him and most of you is that he inherited money to pay women to hang out with him.
Luke Wright
Wow not only is he a chiller but a jawlet as well. And his head is massive lol
Elijah Green
Their wyes are the same color lol
Jeremiah Lewis
If he didn't get free money from his dad he would be a total nobody.
Nathan Rodriguez
why do wimmin all do that weird pose
Robert Collins
The only vaguely admirable aspect of that loser is the body. Paying instagram whores with daddy's money isn't admirable unless you're a retard or from the third-world.
Christopher Anderson
yeah but he did get free money and now he slays more pussy then you could imagine
u mad?
Hunter Morales
I only know this guy exists because of this board and my 1 douche bag rich kid employee I have who idolizes his life. I think that’s all I need to know to come to the conclusion that he’s a literal who.
Luke Davis
Dan pls go
Colton King
Bilzerian is such a loser that he passed all the seal training but wasn't allowed in because the other candidates and the COs hated him and thought he'd be too much of a retard to trust with a gun
>trust fund kiddie >coping manlet >shit poker player He is not /ourguy/
Juan Rogers
They all look extremely bored lmao
Ryan Perry
Should see the recent video he did with Thor. He looks depleted and sad now.
Also the dude seems to have very much an excuse making attitude.
Nicholas Reyes
i think the difference is people admiring his lifestyle vs actually admiring him as an individual. as an individual he's nothing special but nigga know how to live
Jeremiah Gutierrez
you'd think with the money he throws around he'd get a bigger jet
>like 10 girls and none are cuddling with dan on the bed :(
Luis Wilson
he told them no cuddling because he didnt want to make the other girls jealous
a huge cat fight would be more drama then its worth dude has great charisma and nice body no homo tho haha
Every single thing he does is an over calculated and obsessive attempt to make himself look as alpha as possible. Its an act, and its honestly pretty fucking lame
Jack Robinson
>nigga know how to live yea, nothing like paying people to hang out with you, living the dream!
Jayden Collins
I feel like he's probably depressed He's basically completed life When you complete everything you lose the satisfaction of working towards something It's working towards something, a goal, which gives people the most satisfaction in life.
Also, If I go on holiday, have a great time and fuck a 10/10. It's the highlight of my year. If he does it, it's just like any other day. Which is great but I imagine it loses it's magic after the first 50.
Then you have all the shit like do the women really like him or are they using him for money etc.
I like the guy and I'm not saying I would not trade places with him, but it's all a persona.
If the highlight of your year is going on vacation and fucking a thot you are seriously pathetic.
Jacob Sullivan
he's pretty much admitted this, wouldn't say he's depressed though dude just doesn't have anything to do like hobbies or skills besides having sex with models
Gabriel Rodriguez
>does fun things with women >has a camera crew around to take candid shots
>"overcalculated and obsessive!!"
Levi Thomas
It was an analogy you retard, but it goes for most people For most people going on holiday is the highlight of the year for them or one of them What better happens in the other 50 weeks for most people?
Levi Ramirez
Can you imagine a life so pathetic that the highlights of it are escaping from said life? Achieve something instead of living for the next escape.
This would be fun for 10 minutes and then all the girls would get petty with eachother and you’d be stuck with 10+ girls with princess syndrome all arguing with eachother on a 12 hour flight
I'm sorry about your pathetic life. You'd think someone on Jow Forums would at least strive towards a PR or a physical goal rather than getting drunk in Spain and falling over a balcony.
Wyatt Kelly
Literally everyone looks good in a flight suit.
t. 6/10 that wears one every day
Benjamin Cox
>Can you imagine a life so pathetic that the highlights of it are escaping from said life? Achieve something instead of living for the next escape.
Kek, anons highlight is he lifted a weight not the fact he spent 14 days with his boys fucking girls and having fun. Gains are a means to an end dickhead, that end being fucking girls.
Because I lift for girls Fuck it, everyone does to some extent for that Not saying it's the only reason to lift But anyone who says they don't lift to make them self more attractive to others is a liar.
Leo Smith
There must be something massivly wrong with him and I dont believe he is actually happy because for some reason he feels obliged to spend all his effort into fucking social media when he is literally rich as fuck and could just do whatever he posts about, without worrying to take a good instagram photo every 5 minutes.
Why the need to let the whole world know what you do, when you actually could just enjoy your time instead of shitposting about it?
Jose Parker
>our hero he is seriously one of the most fucked up people I have ever heard of. I honestly hope half his persona and stories are fake just so he can feel at peace sometimes.
Jordan Bennett
Anthony Fisher
>he looks up to Bilzerian I was wondering how someone could be so stupid
Hunter Russell
You can bang supermodel-grade chicks for what a typical American spends in a restaurant in Eastern Europe. You're literally one plane ticket away from replicating Dan Blizerian's greatest achievements if you save a bit of your entry-level salary.
The real satisfaction from fucking girls comes from the fact that they fucked you because you're an awesome guy. And if you worked hard to be an awesome guy, it's even more satifying. Without that, sex is like spraying yourself with champagne when there's nothing to celebrate.
Anthony Lopez
This can't be Dan. He looks like a child with a beard and mantits.
Dominic Martin
>browsing Jow Forums
Adrian Morris
Dan, if your life is so great, why do you keep posting this tismic shit on a Belarusian Raindancing Enthusiasts' Forum?
Tyler Rodriguez
thats not a snapshot
They probably fumbled around for 20 minutes to get the angle and poses right lol
Adam Bailey
dan himself has said he's only into sex if the girl is into him.
he's a shit head but all the "he pays for girls to be around/fuck him" its probably the biggest cope against him. everytime hes asked where they come from he says they come to him, mostly for exposure. and not one of the girls has said they've been paid off
hate on dan is merited for sure but that shit is just the saddest cope
Liam Rivera
>I can tell from the pixels
Dominic Campbell
are you literally that stupid?
Daniel Allen
He was booted out for a fucking idiotic accidental discharge which is a mistake only a woman could make, you better be getting paid for this shilling or you're a cuck
Kevin Wright
The truth is that Bilzerian is a coward. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and yet all he's achieved is becoming a shallow facsimile of masculinity and caricature of success, all a facade to hide the fact the he is an impotent coward. He could have become a ruthless businessman like his father, but he lacks the guile and intelligence to do anything more than sign checks and pay people off. The pathetic video Bilzerian posted during the Vegas shooting is concrete proof that he desperately wishes to become an action hero, a paragon of the warped image of masculinity he's built in his stupid mind. Bilzerian could have used his vast wealth to fund a personal PMC to live his boyish fantasies of glory and war, but that requires bravery, something a coward like Bilzerian sorely lacks. Bilzerian will die with a scream as he realizes he could have done so much more.
Liam Gonzalez
Yeah and then he gives the ones that are escorts cash so that they will touch his pee pee, sorry, your pee pee. I'm sure it's a very big pee pee Dan, there's certainly nothing about your behaviour that would suggest otherwise.
Bentley Rivera
The reason no one likes Dan is because he doesn't seem to do anything, he just has idle wealth, he was a failure at the only thing we know he actually tried.
Respected male role models need to be a success in some field in addition to having a Chad physique and impressive life style.
James Fisher
There are two people in the world that think Dan is cool, Dan and his mom, and his mom doesn't know how to use Jow Forums.
Lucas Hughes
this interview with him one of the guys loves him and the other one hates him, uk vs usa
Then why the fuck does he hang out with a bunch of Instagram-obsessed thots who don't even want to fuck him? No matter how you slice it, there's something very sad about the whole situation. Living your life to scream "I get laid" to the whole world sounds like some nightmarish psychosis.
Look at Elon Musk, do you think he'd have any trouble arranging to get gangbanged by a bunch of hot girls doing it willingly, without getting paid? Of course not, there's an army of "gamer girls" and "geek chicks" who'd line up just for the bragging rights. But that's not why we talk about Elon Musk.
When you have a lot of money, everyone rightfully asumes that you have no problems getting laid, you're held to higher standards than that.