>He cooks his eggs with butter then adds salt
It’s like you don’t want to live past 30
He cooks his eggs with butter then adds salt
Cook your eggs with just a LITTLE SPRAY of the oil in a can shit, in a nonstick skillet. Scramble them too, throw in some Dak's seasoning and boom egg
>cook eggs like this
>already over 30
Where's your god now?
Get that good non stick cancer solution
>SPRAY of the oil
I just buy regular oil, because I don't live with my mother.
You magnificent bastard. Here, have my upvote!
just flip the fuckers. no sunny side up pustule yolk
Cooking spray is for tards who can’t cook in butter without burning it, salt is harmless in moderation.
tldr: fuck outta here brainlet
>It’s like you don’t want to live past 30
i definitely dont
The aerosol propellant in the spray ruins the nonstick coating over time... You're better off pouring regular oil, or using a regular pan.
> not getting enough water to piss out the sodium
> not exercising enough to burn the calories in a pat of butter
I drink a pint of water at least once an hour and walk at least 3 miles a day
Me neither. Butter and enough salt.
Really? didn't know, thanks user. I'll use veggie oil in a bottle then.
>It’s like you don’t want to live past 30
I didn't want to live past 11
>he doesn't just use a bit of objectively healthier for you, but stigmatized lard
fuck off old cunt
>He cooks his eggs
>It’s like you don’t want to live past 30
Really don't give a shit, desu. I'm gonna add my salt and butter instead of being a bitch about everything.
>caring about salt
Just drink more water you tard. Have a little potassium via pineapple. Jesus fuck it's like you don't even understand how bodies or cooking works.
>put eggs in the microwave
>fuse in the plug breaks and the microwave goes off
>bowl of half scrambled - half raw eggs
d-do i eat it brehs?
I eat raw eggs with unpasteurized butter and I'm almost 30 in great health
I already lived past 30 and I can confirm it's a bad idea
What the fuck is a raw egg?
>don’t want to live past 30
FAT IS GOOD, what, I bet you eat fucking bread as well you ample adipose tissue having, carb consuming troglodyte. I bet you don't want to live past thirty.