What program are you running currently? Any PPL Chads here?
On an unrelated note. Bros I just got a date and I'm nervous, it's been 2 and a half years since I broke up with my ex and I don't remember how to hide my power level. How the fuck do I keep the autismo in check? I am supposed to meet this Tinder thot at 2am for drinks but I haven't even mentioned I can't actually drink alcohol for 6 months because of a medical condition (nothing serious). What the fuck do I talk about if all I can think about is blackpills and lifting? Advice? I really need this, I am going to be quiet and retarded and make it awkward fuuuuuuuuccck
ask questions dont spill your spaghetti, let her spill hers
Ethan Roberts
Tell me what's your program faggots But I'm not that good looking, advice? Okay I will imagine that cute tuxed pepe, then what the fuck do I say? I've had so many awkward conversations that turned into autistic interrogations because I couldn't think of anything to say so I just asked questions. I hate life
Kayden Young
5/3/1 BBB
Nolan Bell
>Okay I will imagine that cute tuxed pepe, then what the fuck do I say? Feeling obligated to say anything is your problem, you don't need to entertain her. If you're curious about something about her, ask her. Use her responses to follow up/have conversation.
Liam Rivera
Talk about your passions openly, lifting and watching anime aren‘t crimes. Also be bold, don‘t put a leash on the autism.
Evan Diaz
I don't think you understand. You are underestimating my autism, I just wanna casually mention how Israel controls the world and how lifting is great. I don't even watch anime or play videogames, I am empty and don't have a personality. I can't have a fluent conversation with anyone
I am pic related but balding, unsuccessful and not having made it yet