What program are you running currently? Any PPL Chads here?

What program are you running currently? Any PPL Chads here?

On an unrelated note. Bros I just got a date and I'm nervous, it's been 2 and a half years since I broke up with my ex and I don't remember how to hide my power level. How the fuck do I keep the autismo in check? I am supposed to meet this Tinder thot at 2am for drinks but I haven't even mentioned I can't actually drink alcohol for 6 months because of a medical condition (nothing serious). What the fuck do I talk about if all I can think about is blackpills and lifting? Advice? I really need this, I am going to be quiet and retarded and make it awkward fuuuuuuuuccck

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Bros? :(

>Tinder thot
Just unleash your autism.

The key to dealing with women is to not give a shit. Whenever you're anxious/nervous and don't know what to say, just imagine this pepe

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ask questions
dont spill your spaghetti, let her spill hers

Tell me what's your program faggots
But I'm not that good looking, advice?
Okay I will imagine that cute tuxed pepe, then what the fuck do I say?
I've had so many awkward conversations that turned into autistic interrogations because I couldn't think of anything to say so I just asked questions. I hate life

5/3/1 BBB

>Okay I will imagine that cute tuxed pepe, then what the fuck do I say?
Feeling obligated to say anything is your problem, you don't need to entertain her. If you're curious about something about her, ask her. Use her responses to follow up/have conversation.

Talk about your passions openly, lifting and watching anime aren‘t crimes. Also be bold, don‘t put a leash on the autism.

I don't think you understand. You are underestimating my autism, I just wanna casually mention how Israel controls the world and how lifting is great. I don't even watch anime or play videogames, I am empty and don't have a personality. I can't have a fluent conversation with anyone

I am pic related but balding, unsuccessful and not having made it yet

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