Wife's away for the weekend

>wife's away for the weekend.
>put on some power metal
>blast out 4 hour session while loaded on Lidl discount energy drinks
>cook up 2kg of chicken breast and 4 cups of rice with some green shit
>eat it all
Tomorrow same shit, but deadlift day. Get at me.

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>resistance band
>those babby weights
>4 hours

ask my how I now youre DYEL

Hell yeah man

Where are the rest of your pl8s?

That band is for facepulls brah. If you're not incorporating resistance bands into your routine you're the fucking DYEL. 20kg Lateral raises aren't baby weights for me. Post body or shut your nigger mouth
There's 300kg of plates in that image mate

resistance bands are a meme, I use them, for warming up that is you fucking skellington

>There's 300kg of plates in that image mate
Lol ok bud

>20kg lateral raises

LMAO, bet your form is fucking shit


Is the barbell 45?

I was looking too and took me a while to see the 45 plates hanging above head height? What the fuck are you thinking keeping them up there?

yea bro. Lidl toxic wasted is based.
>head height
lmao how short are you bro that rack is only 1m85

why do u keep posting pics of your weight room talking about your wife?

>for warming up that is you
based retard
because ive been here for about 13 years and earned the right to post anything i want

post body

>am not retarded enough to get married
>every day is for myself
Keep humble bragging about how you lost having any sort of life for yourself I guess

you next bro.
based. grats on your crushing loneliness that triggered a neurological response (triggering) that resulted in you posting like a passive aggressive bitch itt

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>get married
>you can do things you like only when wife is gone
what was the point of getting married in the first place?

Holy fuck this protecting and unreal amounts of cope. I'm not a smooth brain dependent on validation from others and trying to fault everyone else for not throwing their life away. Have fun never having any personal space or privacy and having to check in with your bitchy, fat wife in five years whenever you do literally anything. You'll be more lonely than ever since your socializing will be limited to exclusively to her

Lol okay Milos Sarcev

>this fucking insane incel rage
hope the CIA niggers see this you kids need your guns taken away ASAP. don't kill anyone bros.
thanks for recognizing me mate. now post your body

>n-no I didn't throw my life away
You literally made this thread to brag about having time away from your wife, but you seem like a shitty enough person to deserve this. Remember down the line we warned you

Ok fren

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looks like you're real butt blasted and projecting.
typical incel. unable to stand on his own, needs group validation of his thoughts. sad. low energy

Can I come over?

nice i bet you can squat a lot with those short femurs. grats on your leverages little bro. you look decent for a natty, the fluff adds flavor you know
sure brah.

>>wife's away for the weekend
Am I to understand that you have to eagerly wait for your wife to leave before you are permitted to do things you like?
Off the top of your head, does she have to sacrifice things that make her happy when you are in the same domicile?

of course man. living with another human being is all about making compromises here and there to spend time together. they're another human being not your clone. they'll have wants and needs just like you. that said now and again having time to be 100% self-centered is cool, but a life i'd want to always live though, kinda like beeing a NEET. cool on paper but the reality is you turn into an angry incel who falls for obvious bait on the internet posted by lazy old fags

>of course man. living with another human being is all about making compromises here and there to spend time together.
What does she give up?

>wife is a Jamal and Tyrone's apartment for the weekend
>I can lift weights and listen to music now! Normally I can't do that because she says it's disgusting!

How much did your home gym setup cost OP? Are you bong?

she was really fucking messy when we first met. now she does all the house cleaning tip-top, makes food when im working out after work. relationships are all about give and take. if you're so self centered and childish you can't give up anything just stick to Tinder; but even that's drying up.
No. German. About 4.000 euros in all
fuck i hope so bro. being cucked isb ased

Some women spend 9 months being pregnant. Even multiple times.

Why are people hating on married life? Of course you cant spend all day lifting and chilling when you're married or even single as an adult. You got kids and a partner to spend time with, not to mention chores, work, etc. Responsibilities. Bunch of incels who think living a good life is spending life alone and all day on Jow Forums and playing video games and hating on people who have a life

>No. German. About 4.000 euros in all
Milos is Serbian

are you asking why nu/r9k/ hates anything that remotely mentions women? or are you asking why it's really funny to bait out the insane retards that have invaded this board

>the fluff adds flavor you know
Trying to lose the flavour but thank you Milos

And austria is 35% Serbian which is 50% german which means 14% of germans are Serbian. Glad i could help you out little femur bro

>14% of germans are Serbian
If this was higher Germany wouldn't be such a shitty country

i recommend not eating as much food. good luck brah you look good for a natty no joke. maybe in a few decades you can be big and strong like Papa Milos

germany is pretty based by every measurable metric. great quality of life, decent wages, good social services, low rent, almost no unemployment, very low crime. it's not for no reason that most euros try to immigrate here brah.

>she was really fucking messy when we first met. now she does all the house cleaning tip-top, makes food when im working out after work.
That didn't answer the question. I don't care if she now likes to clean and cook. That's something any adult would do it.
Does she have to change her behavior and skip her hobbies while you are in the same house as her. Or do you actually think that not being a slob and doubling the portion of the meal she would have cooked for her self anyway is a huge sacrifice?

How's it feel knowing your wife is off with Jamal faggot?

Living the dream, but you gotta go heavier.

>Some women spend 9 months being pregnant. Even multiple times.
Oh yes. And you probably tell yourself that they are doing it all for you. Not like they have the same fucking biological imperative as you to reproduce.
That is just the logical extension of "she'll have sex with me, so I'll do whatever she wants".

>Does she have to change her behavior
I mean there's a clear example of that I just mentioned.

It seems to me no matter what I give as an example you won't accept it as sufficient; this is because you have a predetermined mindset, one which I cannot change for you. now you might this i'm projecting here, but i think we both know you trying to claim that is disingenuous.

Also her only hobbies are reading books. And watching youtube videos of dumbass dogs.

She sacrifices her time to do the shit I hate doing (dishes, vacuuming, etc). Don't know what you expect exactly.
im pretty content at a bit over 1/2/3/4 brah, im 53 not about to try to diddy 350kg
Really good bro.

>his wife cooks and cleans for him
this is how the jews must feel on Jow Forums

>i recommend not eating as much food.
Bulked 24kg from a skeleton, the food was necessary at the time, down 7kg so far
Doing it for you Milos

>start thread with "wife's away for the weekend"
>start going apeshit when someone calls you out

>typical incel. unable to stand on his own
said the guy who can even listen to music when wife's around

>13 years on fit
>bit over 1/2/3/4


Very based. Keep up the hard work kiddo. Unlike the incels of nu/r9k/ you're gonna make it to the top brah
don't always need to keep going heavier brah you can just be happy with what you are. now post body since you decided to slight another man's lifts; those are the rules.
>he's still having his incel nuclear metldown

Fucking lmfao, Germany is a musilm shithole. My uncle went their for vacation and being Persian, he saw a shitton of mosques and musilms around. Enjoy becoming 3rd class citizens after arabs and Turks. Euros are pussies

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>She sacrifices her time to do the shit I hate doing (dishes, vacuuming, etc).
If you think that's a good deal, I won't disabused you of that.
>Don't know what you expect exactly.
Just trying to get a feel for what would be expected of me if I were to be married. I think that most men are getting fucked over. And I thought I'd pick your brain to see what you thought was adequate reciprocity.

>Germany is a musilm shithole
100% true. Your persian uncle; i dont know how thats related or why you added iti nto the story saw a bunch of mosques. insane. truly, insane.
what's going on exactly with the hair around your niple bro

Not OP but take one like this also

>Just trying to get a feel for what would be expected of me if I were to be married. I think that most men are getting fucked over. And I thought I'd pick your brain to see what you thought was adequate reciprocity.
Alright bro. I'll give you a bone, the long bone so to speak. I have to give up some self-time i.e., while i workout 6 days a week if my sessions run longer than 2hrs she gets a bit pissy because she gets hungry but wants us to eat together. in return i dont need to chase down sex or do house chores. when i come back form work the house is clean. i also sometiems have to watch dumbass youtube videos of dogs and pretend i think they're cute.
stop solicing dick picks in this thread brah

>i also sometiems have to watch dumbass youtube videos of dogs and pretend i think they're cute.

talk about cucked

Why cant you do that with your wife at home???
Are you that pussy whipped? Lmao

My family is Persian but extremely nationalist secular, he never thought western Europeans would allow so many subhuman musilms to live in Germany, not to mention Germans today are fucking retarded. Literally arabs and Turks in gangs chilling around, he almost got robbed too.

honestly i kind of agree. but that's married life for you bro. sometimes you gotta pretend you find dumbshit cute and go dress shopping on occasion because your uneducated as fuck opinion "matters".
lmao based

You are be another divorce statistic baka

Very cool thanks for the story about your family and their personal nationalist secular origins/thoughts. Hitler loved muslims. Muslims have been in Europe for like ever. It's not a new phenomena. In fact there are less muslims in europe now than pre WW1. Maybe they should teach you history in Persian nationalist secular school

>You are be
Nah brah after 20 years you don't get divorced shit's just too much work. not that i'd want to. spending your life with someone whose company you enjoy is based. even if a bit of me time once every now and again is fun. all about balance brah

alright brahs. im going to go masterbate to some hentai, eat a banana and update my instagram. Milos out

no you don't can't imagine my girl ever doing something like that she feel very stupid, I dont mind going dress shopping though and fucking her in the changing rooms

>Alright bro. I'll give you a bone, the long bone so to speak. I have to give up some self-time i.e., while i workout 6 days a week if my sessions run longer than 2hrs she gets a bit pissy because she gets hungry but wants us to eat together. in return i dont need to chase down sex or do house chores. when i come back form work the house is clean. i also sometiems have to watch dumbass youtube videos of dogs and pretend i think they're cute.
Alright. I'm not trying to talk you into leaving her or anything. And I accept that there is a very nuanced give and take in the modern family.
I hold that women tend to be infantilized to the point where they internalize it and force their significant others into buffoonishly seeking ever more degrading ways to appease them. And I think if men were just a bit more cagey in their dealing with them, both partners would be happier with each other. However, I freely admit to having picked up a bias in my life.
Jow Forums probably wasn't the best place to discuss this though. I just saw your post and kicked into gear. Good luck.

Bro with that body don't you miss fucking other women?

Can you post glutes though?

Holy fuck, that's godlike.
Massively strong old men are the peak of human impressiveness.