How the fuck does this FtM Trans have more muscle gains than me and other gym goers I know...

How the fuck does this FtM Trans have more muscle gains than me and other gym goers I know? Seriously are our test levels going down that a female has more tests than we do?

Attached: 3CF4212800000578-4202900-image-m-14_1486546870017.jpg (634x1104, 149K)

Attached: mqdefault.jpg (320x180, 12K)

They use artificial test, at higher levels than your natty test.

>literally on test and has test levels much higher than any man naturally has

They use roids obviously, even using a small amount will give you an edge over a natty, because roids give you stable levels but natty test flactuates

What the hell? They say it's TRT and not steroids.

>They say its TRT

Exogenous testosterone is a steroid

TRT isn't natty despite what some coping faggots say

Based and redpilled