Used to be obese lardass

>used to be obese lardass
>lost a lot of weight over the years
>now bitter and resentful with people that I know wouldn't have wanted to even look at me when I was fat
Has anyone else went through this? How do I let the resentment go? How do I forgive normalfags?

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Because people are allowed to have preferences retard.

I just hate fuck them... I assume you are talking about girls.. specifically good looking ones that are a bit whorish..

I know I am not better than anyone else and admit my flaws

All women, even the very best ones are inherently whorish. They behave this way to ensure the best mate for their offspring. They are programmed to be this way the same way we have primal urges from our reptillian brain to mate and provide.

When you were overweight, women intuitively thought that being big like that means being sick, and they're right. You would not ensure good offspring, you will die young and teach poor eating habits, thereby perpetuating the sin of the sloth and the glutton onto her offspring. They were right to deny you, and even now they're right to deny you.

Obesity takes care of itself, much like all problems in nature. Your decadency pushed you away from them, not them pushing you away. Your anger is merited, but you should direct it inwards and above. Who taught you these poor eating habits, who said it was okay to gorge? To have no discipline? If it were up to me i'd leave you to die.

Whatever you did to lose weight, keep doing it and then don't look back. Any anger you have should be a driving force forward. You're an addict, and you'll always be an addict and you'll likely succumb back to it. Keep it in check user.

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By realising you're a hypocrite. Look at the girl you attached to your own post. Beautiful and skinny.

Anyway, who cares. If you're anything like me, your personality is incompatible with nearly everyone. All this means is you're not a boring loser anymore

Oh wow, you actually took control of some visually showing aspect of your life, and now fellow humans give you more respect because they can now actually see that you're at least responsible enough to not die on them prematurely from your own mistakes. Realize that this is the level where you actually are worth their notice. Now get more respectable.

You do the exact same thing to women, retard

>people didn't compliment my car when I drove a Taurus so when they compliment my new Audi I resent them.

You looked like shit so people didn't like you. You look good now so they do.

I don't blame them at all for not wanting to associate with me. I wouldn't associate with former me. Fat people are gross full stop.

Damn dude, you must have been ugly as shit. Post body