I want to kill myself because everything is fake. My friends, my family, my interests. All I do is lie and nothing feels real anymore. I'm fairly young, but even if I grew to be successful, the situation wouldn't change. What are your thoughts?
Suicidal sociopath
ok firstly, you're not a sociopath since sociopaths are never suicidal or depressed.
secondy, why do you think that your family is fake?
Sociopaths can still feel. Just differently.
I don't love my family so all of my interactions are fake and pre-planned. Its really tiring.
Do you feel empathy or sympathy towards anyone? Do you feel like you aren't real, or that other people aren't real, or both?
I really try my hardest to feel empathy and sympathy. And I know I used to. It just faded and it feels like reality is fading. Everything I do is fake unless I'm alone. But when I'm alone people make it seem that I'm missing out on something. Its just a cycle
why do you hate your family?
I am just trying to know whether your being paranoid schizophrenic or are they actually bad towards you
I don't hate them. I really try to love them. I just don't. It feels hollow
also just because you lake empathy and honesty doesn't mean that your a sociopath, again, sociopaths don't care if their unwanted because they never feel that they're unwanted by others, instead, they're 100% sure that others like them because sociopaths are narcissists and in fact others do actually like them because they're very charming.
I don't care if I'm unwanted. I'm curious why others dislike being alone. Like I'm missing something I cant have
why you don't like them? do you have any reason not to like them or is it in your blood not to like them?