Why do Americans willingly accept "Mandatory Overtime"?

Why do Americans willingly accept "Mandatory Overtime"?

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cause if you say no they goin fire yo ass

>start new job at store
>store open from 9:30 to 4:30
>get paid only during opening hours
>have to get there an hour early to get the store ready
>have to stay there an hour after work to restock
>no one gets paid for these 2 hours a day
>go on the HR website
>file all of my overtime on there
>get paid literal thousands
>start noticing that people at work hate me
>don't know why
>one day a coworker brings up that I'm "funny with my overtime"
>realize everyone hates me because I'm not willing to work for free like the rest of them

>why do poor people accept bad working conditions
Hmmm, really a mystery.

>they would rather get annoyed at you for not working for free, than get paid for their work themselves

Normies, I just don't understand them. Why don't they do the same as you?

Nigha you are in the right in that situation. Only cucks enjoy doing work for no gain

Because decent working conditions are communism and communism is bad.

Because i get paid $50/hr for it.

Yeah just like the gulags or reeducation camps and sweatshops in China. Great conditions. Unlike the evil Ford company that willing paid workers double the average salary and 40 hour work weeks to specifically please their workers.

not only that but if that company is making them work unpaid they are in violation of the law and could be fined heavily and forced to pay all that unpaid time back to every single employee that worked there during that period which could amount to a massive amount of money.

I don't mind. I mean double pay past 40 and triple past 50 and on holidays is fucking great. But fuck that unpaid shit. People will actually do this.

>But fuck that unpaid shit. People will actually do this.
I do it (accounting during month-end procedures). But my typical days are relaxed compared to people doing other jobs. I can come and go as I please and what not, so even if I did 3 days of mandatory overtime, it's still not a net assault on my free time.

>Why do Americans willingly accept "Mandatory Overtime"?

Because they uncritically believe that capitalism is the only possible system that can work -- and so if the lord masters of capitalism tell them that they must work overtime, then they accept it uncritically.

Once you start accepting the blasphemy that capitalism has flaws, then it opens up a lot of new ideas to you.

I'm so fucking mad about this word being used holy shit i'm autistic but it makes me so angry no one fucking says that even in essays what the fuck i'm seething what kind of faggot would use that word

>used to be called the 9-5 and it included an hour lunch break
>now the standard for "fulltime" is 8-5 or 9-6
>no one even talks about this
>i have never seen this brought up by the media even once

capitalism is fine just as long as their enough socialism injected into it to keep employees from being treated like fucking slaves. The problem is companies have gotten used to pushing all the profits to the top and paying the workers who generate the profits fucking nothing. If you bring this up people will bitch and say the price of products will go up. But they are forgetting the part where that could be controlled by simply giving less money to the fucking investors who are doing fuck all anyway. Yeah they invested their money to get a return but that doesn't mean they deserve the majority of the profits. They are parasites sitting around waiting for their money so they should get smaller dividend checks unless the company is doing so well that the employees are well taken care of already.

Some might argue that investors would not want to invest as much in that situation but that is bullshit. Even if they are making less money than they used to you can bet your ass they would prefer sitting around waiting for that money than going and scrubbing floors for it. A free market is good but things are getting to the point where capitalism is becoming more of a parasite and controlling more of the nation than it should.

So you can make overtime pay lol. If you don't want to stay overtime tell your boss to fuck off. I'm salaried tho so I leave when I feel like it

Because otherwise they, and their families starve and have to live on the street

>Unlike the evil Ford company that willing paid workers double the average salary and 40 hour work weeks to specifically please their workers.

Henry Ford was too stupid to explore the idea of paying his workers less and less so that he could discover the point at which the workers would finally revolt. It would take smarter minds that his to explore that idea years later.

Capitalism always eventually seeks out the most ruthless and abusive predators, and then awards them control of industry.

Henry Ford wasn't ruthless enough, so eventually his idea to pay workers a living wage went out of style, as new generations of industry captains learned (and reaped) the benefits of unbridled corporate greed. As you can see from the pic, 1973 was the start of a significant new era in this endeavor -- an endeavor that, 14 years later, would be concisely summarized by the fictional character Gordon Gekko when he said: "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good."

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>reeducation camps
political prisoners are not workers and therefore are not required to be treated as such.

>sweatshops in China
China is the most radically capitalist nation in the world.

>But they are forgetting the part where that could be controlled by simply giving less money to the fucking investors who are doing fuck all anyway.

Capitalism is the very system that was designed by those investors. Capitalism provides benefits entirely for those investors, and it is controlled exclusively by those investors.

Capitalism is, in fact, the only system that could possibly have been designed by investors.

For a vast majority of investors, their whole reason for living is to put their money into an asset, and then sit back on their fat ass and do fuck-all.

You are complaining about something that is a fundamental aspect of humanity. You are right to complain, but your complaints are utterly, utterly useless.

>China is the most radically capitalist nation in the world
user im not sure you understand what capitalism is

user, I am not sure you know what China is.

>get paid only during opening hours

Is that even legal? What the fuck.

heres your (You), faggot
Just because they have a big gubmint doesnt mean they are not capitalist as fuck. they have literal cities that are owned by privately owned companies. go suck a 12 gauge brainlet

>im not sure you understand what capitalism is

And I'm not sure why you can't do a simple google search before posting. Here are some of the top titles I get when I search for "china capitalism":

How China Became a Capitalist Nation - U.S. Global Investors
Why China clings to state capitalism - The Washington Post
Opinion | Is China's Version of Capitalism Winning?
How China Became Capitalist
China Does Capitalism Better Than America
China's capitalism v Japan's socialism
China's Transformation towards Capitalism

With such an overwhelming number of articles discussing China's conversion from communism to capitalism over the past few decades, might it not behoove you to read up a little bit on one of the most important economic changes of the modern era?

And yet, life is at least 3x better than it was in 1973. It's almost as if the automation spurring the productivity spike has increased our quality of life without needing to increase compensation at the same time.

fake. if that happened you would have gotten fired.

>state owns or controls all the businesses and banks
>business is for the gain of the state/party
>"privately owned companies" that are actually run by party members
>forgetting the decades of anti-capitalist propaganda, campaigns, killings, etc
>forgetting about all those non-party member landlords and business owners who were struggle sessioned in sports stadiums a few years ago
them calling themselves capitalistic is propaganda to get foreign investors/money involved, but it doesn't actually pan out into true capitalism

>tfw work only 6 hours
quit your bitchin at least you are paid enough to leave the house

So basically what you are saying is that the state participates in capitalism and is very good at it?
There's a name for this, it's called "state capitalism".

You should show your coworkers how to file their overtime on the HR website.

It's because public education is free child care. Late term abortion if they fail. Brag about how wonderful this all works if they don't. There is more jobs than people, and they don't care because they had a job before they found out it was a problem. That's "motherly love" for you.

>the state participates in capitalism
that's not what I'm implying
in practice, the state determines who gains from capitalism because they do not let people they don't like succeed by not letting them get certain loans, licensure, etc
when the state owns the banks and has a thumb in the pies of every business and does not let new entrepreneurs succeed without them being in the party, that's not capitalism
>and is very good at it
they're very good at it because there's nothing else to compare it to within the country; they hold all the cards

Because it's mandatory

>life is at least 3 times better than it was in 1973
Imagine actually believing this

You do realize that under """democracy""" the big companies are so far up the senate's ass that they may as well be state party members anyway, right? There's really no difference.

>better healthcare and medicine so certain diseases like sickle cell, some cancers, and even the chicken pox aren't necessarily deadly
>less likely to get shot in the streets for not being a straight white person (in the US)
>less likely to get shot in general in the US
>in the context of the US, there isn't civil unrest in the streets from civil rights/anti-vietnam activism
>in the context of Asia, you're less likely to get shot from US soldiers or some communist dictatorship
>in the context of Africa, you're less likely to get shot for having any particular kind of skin color, depending on where you are
Just in survivability I'd say we're doing okay now, comparably.

>if that happened you would have gotten fired
That's what a normie would think

One of my first jobs was working in a warehouse where they would hire batches of people in probationary periods. Everyday they "offered" 2 hours overtime. Sometimes I took it because damn I would make bank but fuck working 11 hours everyday. So I was one of the few people that often didn't take overtime. So when the probationary period finished up, guess who got fired?

It's not. If in the US, you get paid for your work. Depends on the state but in general, if you work over 40hrs/week on average, you get overtime.