Well Jow Forums, my gf just broke up with me...

Well Jow Forums, my gf just broke up with me. My heart's just been broken because she told me that she wasn't even into me for the last month or so.

Can you suggest anything that will get her off my mind?

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Get fucking ANGRY
Take everything she's ever given you, every little gay sentimental memento you have, and PURGE IT WITH FIRE
Next time you see her fucking DECK HER IN THE MOUTH

Sorry to hear about that user. I've been through something similar and it fucking sucks ass, but I'm gonna tell you now. If she wasn't able to be honest with you about how she felt for the last month or so.

You deserve better and that there is better people out there for you to get together with.

For the time being I'd just do things that make you happy.

Spend time with friends, watch movies, play video games, anything and everything that helps you feel better.

You'll feel upset for a bit and that's alright it's all just apart of going through the process of a break up, so don't be afraid to cry and let out that pent up emotion. The worst thing you can do is hold it in. Don't hold that shit in. Cause the only way you're going through it is by just embracing it.

Find a friend or a family member. Just talk to them about it and let them know how you feel, and I'm sure they'll help.

Really sorry to hear about that user, I'm rooting for you and hoping that things get better soon.

You got this!

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wow, surprisingly wholesome, but I can't do that... it will make me even more sad

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At least she didn't lead you on and cheat on you user. Overall sounds like a normal none bad break up.

Could have been way worse so feel bad for a week or so but there's other fish in the pond.

>but there's other fish in the pond
Hehehehehe I was told that after my last relationship ended 9 years ago

Hey thanks man i will do that

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Well yeah it was just a normal break up. It really broke my heart though and I don't think I will continue with my love life for a while...

Ah? Did you actually try all these years or just kind of go eh? Life is okay without a person by my side.

Yeah it is bearable but it certainly is easier if you have someone next to you

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I tried for 7 years before I stopped caring. It's actually a huge burden off of my shoulders now that I've just accepted that I'll never be with a female again.

Govon Grindr and fuck some sissy or his mouth you could at least top a twink sex is good way to move on

Yeah I'm not into gay shit but I'll consider

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Just gotta wait it out buddy. You start with thinking about her all day, then slowly it fades. Eventually you'll realize that you haven't thought about her in a while and that you're finally over her. Don't worry about how long it takes, just know that it will eventually fade.

But she'll still show up in your dreams sometimes and you'll wake up missing her

Yeah, I dunnow about decking her in the face, but definitely don't just sit around and be sad, OP. I know how it is, though, man. Take your time, but know what you need to do now. Breakups make bodybuilders, man.
Just go and start working out. That's how I get over my consistent feelings of anxiety, sadness, loneliness, et cetera.

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weird because i actually started considering to go to the gym again because of all of this stress

She just says she wasnt into you to because she wants to make herself believe that it wasn't her fault and that she has no connections to you, its gonna be ok man.

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Impregnate her, user.

Definitely. It's surprisingly good for stress. Try just doing cardio for an hour or so, then try lifting with the machines for a bit. The cardio helps me when I'm just so stressed out that I can't bring myself to think or do anything, and lifting helps build your confidence. Just don't hurt yourself or go too fast, just be steady and take things slow. Also, I enjoy shooting, too. Just target shooting. It's surprisingly cathartic.

Things will get better, user, even if things seem bleak, even if you think you'll never stop thinking of her, there's a world elsewhere. You just need to take your time.

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51938996 here again, don't mention it man :)