I'm a P.E. teacher. AMA
>Have been on Jow Forums for 9 years almost
I'm a P.E. teacher. AMA
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what else in life have you failed at?
Being a virgin
How scary is it working with kids nowadays
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I deal with Jr High kids. They actually mire me a lot. I try to be very positive but stern with them without coming off as some sort of drill instructor. I'm not scared since I'm not some creep.
I remember some of my seniors trying to "floss" during class time. Made each one run a mile.
My highschool had a gym and taught us barbell lifts, do you do the same or is it just cardio hour?
how much do you make? do you have to teach a class like workshop or history to also be a pe teacher?
are you fat like most p.e. teachers?
post body
How’s the jailbait? Take any good pics?
Idk how American schools work but do you also coach any of the school teams (football, basketball etc)
How many of the girls have cute tight asses they wear sexy little short-shorts to show off
How do you deal with the kids that don't want to even try?
How do you deal with ability imbalance in teams?
>trying to floss
>make them run a mile
Fucking based
>I'm not scared since I'm not some creep.
lol. This will not help you.
I agree with this. At the end of the day if they're is an incident, it's all about the affected party's perspective.
There's a curriculum I need to follow but I try to include weightlifting to get them interested but I try not to push it so they don't hate it. Mostly the boys will be into it to look like me.
I'm strictly a PE teacher. I make about 55k a year, worth it for all the time off. Can always substitute for extra money. Sometimes I'll chaperone for school activities.
Pic related
I tell them to participate or receive a 0 for the day. All my students like me so even the girls that hate physical activity or the obese kids will at least try. They all know I want to see effort if they want good grades from me
Not a pedo m8
I don't coach. I like my free time.
Seek mental help.
Usually all try if they want a good grade for the day. I go on a pass fail basis. If they don't show effort they get an F.
Spend as little time with students as possible outside of class setting. Haven't had problems so far.
cringe and old hag pilled
Are there any cute single teachers at the school?
I never said little girls m8, 14-16 yrs old is literally prime pussy
Handfuls but I'm married so it don't matter.
That's little.
how did you get the job? do you need a masters of ed for PE? also what state, is it a good area/inner city?
I just have a bachelor's. Small city
>Pop. 25k
how do you feel about north american PE curriculum essentially being "here's a ball, go have fun" rather than teaching kids about actual physical education like diet, proper exercise and how their bodies work?
my 6th grade pe teacher was an awesome guy. male teachers are frequently heroes to boys, especially if they are even a little bit physically fit
you know, its really interesting how hard it is for people to separate the impossible to ignore physical attraction to a female vs taking action to pursue a relationship with one. I started noticing girls in middle school. was I a perv then? no. some middle school girls are hot as hell, but i'm not going to do anything about it other than a glance in their direction. its like people want to ignore that impulse men have to look at just about every female that our eyes come across
my 6th grade pe teacher was also my health teacher. probably depends on the school. christcucks also don't like other people teaching their kids about their bodies even though they themselves don't want to
>i'm not going to do anything about it other than a glance in their direction
That's just because you're a betamale
>it's fine to be attracted to under 18 girls. But it's wrong to pursue relationships with them.
>my 6th grade pe teacher was an awesome guy. male teachers are frequently heroes to boys, especially if they are even a little bit physically fit
Did he inspire you to get Jow Forums at all?
Fat teachers and women are like that. I make mine run for 15 minutes (basically a mile) if it's a weightlifting day I'll make them do SS. Thankfully my school has 3 classes a day (2 hour classes.)
Attraction to children doesn't exist for everyone. You being attracted to children when you're a child is normal since they were your peers. Some may normalize foot fetishism but that doesn't mean I'll be attracted to feet. Same shit, I don't find children physically attractive in the least.
>Seek help
most american parents don't like their kids being taught about dietary health because it exposes the absolutely terrible diets they feed their kids.
bachelors in phys ed/teaching? or just a general bachelors? I'm about to graduate with a meaningless [spoiler]history[/spoiler] degree and need to decide what to do
kinesiology degree with minor in education.
I gather that this girl is unattractive to you despite the fact that she obviously is?
so is it ok for my mom's coworkers to say "oh, you're son's so handsome" when I was a high schooler? because I know I'll never say that about anyone's daughter. what I'm trying to say is I'm still attracted to the same things on the female body now as when puberty just started for me. whether or not its ok to have sex with kids is all relative
the greeks liked having a literal fuckboy and the romans thought anally raping a man was the highest form of dominance. if I was born then, I'm sure I'd think that too. when and where I was born, its not cool to have sex with kids, and so I don't think it is either. but I'm not going to pretend that the "caveman" part of my brain doesn't exist like it seems you are
the reason I started lifting was to get good at pushups and pullups for the military
when & how do u usually fit workout into your 9-5?
how do stay motivated/positive everyday?
>some middle school girls are hot as hell
literally a pedophile
if she is "obviously attractive" to you, you are a pedophile.
Know how I can tell you've never had a gf or sex? I'm not even memeing here, your virginity and warped sense of sexuality is oozing out of you.
1) in that picture she's a child, a trashy one at that. I prefer educated women that stutter when reading a book out loud
2) telling a child they're handsome isn't the same as wanting to fuck them.
Were you ever molested user?
>when & how do u usually fit workout into your 9-5?
I use th3 school gym when classes are done, if not, I go into my garage where I have a power cage with oly plates.
>how do stay motivated/positive everyday?
Some days are tough man, but some days can make you feel like nothing can stop you l. Just gotta take the punches
Little story
>Find out one day a good student of mine died
>Asked other teachers and found out she jumped out of her apartment building because her boyfriend dumped her.
>A 12 year old heart broken by a jr high romance jumped out of a rooftop
She was a good kid. Felt crushed
>1) in that picture she's a child, a trashy one at that. I prefer educated women that stutter when reading a book out loud
That don't stutter when reading out loud**
Without revealing too much personal stuff, how did you and your wife meet?
I'm assuming it's a happy union as of now.
Met her at the gym about 6 years ago. Happily married, kids, a house, 2 dogs.
Oof right in the feels :( I'm sorry to hear about your student.
I've known a couple classmates who relocated to sky temple in highschool, but 12 y/o is insanely young. Does this happen often?
Yeah, it was sad. Went to her funeral and paid my condolences to the family. First suicide of a student that I know of but this school is only about 12 years old. A bit new.
have any students gone on to do interesting/incredible things?
haha gottem
Maybe if my PhysEd teacher didn't struggle to run 5k on the treadmill, I wouldn't been a fatass until age 15. I wish I had you when I was a kid
Private or public school? Also, I'm working my way up to become a teacher (social studies/econ), do you have any tips for networking/finding a job
This post right here.
>Know how I can tell you've never had a gf or sex?
>cruelly dunking on a perceived 'incel' for being an incel
and then, in the same post
>oh no a 12 year old girl had a bf once and was dumped :( so sad
Fuck you. I hope your school gets shot up.
What's the dumbest thing a student has done?
2 of my students from my 1st year of teaching have made it to USC and 3 to UCLA. all in STEM too (5 males)
Public. Don't be afraid to get rejected for work. Apply everywhere possible, even if it's a new school or a school with a bad reputation. For all you know you may be what can make a good impact on the students that are considered bad.
sorry to hear that user, thankfully it's almost never too late to start, right? Be the positive change you want in the world, especially when it's not there.
Hoe much does it pay? What do you do for the summer?
I don't respect pedophiles. I don't care what they or you use to justify your attraction to children, definitely don't try to push or project that shit on to me.
Sounds like you're probably the same poster from above trying to justify his attraction to kids. Let me guess, no gf when you were in school so you're still fixated on school girls?
>cholo (mexican gangster) type kid
>weightlifting day
>thinks he can bench 1 plate even tho no prior experience
>immediately falls on his chest.
>has to go to the hospital to make sure he's fine
Principal chewed me out. She said I wasn't paying attention to the students,blah blah blah. Nothing bad happened to me or the school. Kid eventually stop messing around in my class.
I relax at home, enjoy summer bod, etc. Despite being physically active, I love to be fucking lazy when I can be. Slowly have worked on upgrading things in the house.
>just spend $18k on replacing entire AC system in house
>definitely don't try to push or project that shit on to me.
That stands for "Child molester" btw
>definitely don't try to push or project that shit on to me.
oh ok now I know eppstein faked his suicide
I see a lot of anons posting pedo shit here. When I was in high school I had an English teacher who was based af and made a huge impression on me and made me love writing. He was a "hunk". Everyone knew it. Guys wanted to be him and girls in our high school wanted him. Do you have any issues with girls mirin you? How do you shut that shit down? Even the PERCEPTION of a relationship can be a career ender.
observing that someone is attractive =/= being attracted to someone. makes sense you're just a teacher. seems like you enjoy it so keep it goin'
Its chomo you retarded dipshit. Dont use prison slang I'd you've never been you niggerface
he says while incorrectly using contractions
>like pottery
>It rhymes
chomo also sounds like its short for chode molester
>Do you have any issues with girls mirin you?
It's no different than when I'm at the beach or anywhere else in public.
>How do you shut that shit down? Even the PERCEPTION of a relationship can be a career ender.
You just ignore it. Haven't had any problems, and I don't walk around in a tank top in school. I wear our school shirt.
>I see a lot of anons posting pedo shit here.
Forgot to mention this wasn't the norm outside of /b/. Anyone with that sort of inclination was always called out on their shit. WT Snacks was even fired/banned for that shit.
Yeah that makes sense. Times have changed tho. I'm in the military and I have had complaints against me for using someone's first name instead of their rank and last name before. Even though females use my first bane when I'm familiar with them already
If you had to choose a different career, what choose?
Law Enforcement or fighter fighting. Anything fitness related to be honest.
From what I've heard from military family and friends is that it's gone down hill with the equality shit and that females get a shit ton of leeway. Oh well. Diversity is our greatest strengths.
There's no comraderary now that females are in combat arms. We get the job done and are prepared to kill yet you can get your career ended and kicked out of the military for a joke. Even a light hearted joke could now be seen as sexual harassment. A one-sided event that makes simply cannot reciprocate. Men tend to report violations less and even if they do it's under strict scrutiny. Complaints are now weaponized. Perception is everything and even if you are innocent it's now guilty until proven innocent. The military is backwards and the American military will not fall to the enemies but to put own forces. Our female force.
It's bad one the enlisted side but it's even worse in the officer corps. It's all politics in a upside down manner.
>not 'camaraderie'
You know how I know you're a communist infiltrator?
Fire fighter is master race LEO is rip every piece of shit would rather watch you get jumped by resisting criminals and film it then help you. Basically it's not worth protecting people anymore because no one gives a shit about you. t. left the job
Do you drink alcohol?
How many trannies are in your classes
Late reply, but just wanted to say:
Good for you user. It took me a while to get myself in gear, physically, and my hatred for all mandatory physical activity didn't help until after my epiphany. Keep being amazing for those kids, user.
In my senior years of HS I picked maths and physics so I could study engineering at uni. I kinda wish I picked P.E as an elective so I didn't have to result to learning about fitness from a bunch of virgins on a mongolian basket weaving forum, but I can guarantee you the P.E at my HS would be as shit today as it was 10 years ago when I graduated. Doing the Lords work OP, hope you inspire the kids to learn healthy habits and get swole.
Question: do you need to finish a bachelor's in teaching to teach P.E at your HS? Or is it more of a cert thing.
im not OP or an expert but I had a friend who teaches SocialStudies/History and substitutes after he got associates degree.
Know how I know you're autistic?
I read through the thread, keep being based OP