What is your favorite source of protein?

What is your favorite source of protein?

Attached: 1565484022925.webm (800x450, 2.49M)

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My own semen, of course.


Plain Greek yogurt and chocolate whey

Coconut milk from my bf’s meat hose.

Fitness girls protein farts

Attached: 123543383783.png (310x203, 144K)

mmhmm All fine choices.

Attached: hassciencegonetoofar?.webm (800x448, 2.74M)




Attached: whoher?.webm (800x450, 2.52M)

this is the supreme choice, especially when they are forced out during squats

Attached: 368346756.png (1211x797, 1.44M)

almost perfect, if only the pebis was even smaller and actually hard


implants, estrogen, and a little bit of magic

Fuck. I just want to tear off those panties with my teeth and proceed to tongue punch her asshole. Would go balls deep in this tranny chick.

Don't forget all the flattering angles and other camera tricks that trannies pull online. Irl, it's very easy to tell that they're a man.

Somehow, I knew this would be a tranny before I even played the webm. I also knew he'd have a dick. They ALWAYS have a bigger dick.

It's getting harder and harder to.

Attached: science.webm (720x480, 2.33M)

How many trannies are you meeting irl?

Shellfish. Then fish. Then eggs.

none that I know of

in my experience it's super fucking easy to tell if they're tran irl. humans are generally real good at pattern recognition and while you might not be able to pinpoint everything wrong about their body, you can often times get that gut feeling that they're not a real woman

Unless you're staring at bitch 15-20 feet away for like 3 uninterrupted minutes, you won't be always be able to tell in some cases.

How about the real fucking name

Get good at googling, idiot.

Any sort of beef

erin anderson

Yeah looks like her but it’s not the same tranny

yeah maybe if they were born with poor genetics like small chest, narrow shoulders, birther hips, and a feminine face. or they had just slightly poor male body and some decent face surgery. But other than that, if all they're taking is hrt, you can absolutely tell. Even if they got something going for them like poor shoulder to hip ratio, there's a damn good chance you can see past it

How would I fucking know. Use google, genius

uhhh thats definitly the same person user

Checked a couple of vids out and yeah, looks like it is the same trap. I remember seeing the story about him on news sites, finding his insta and busting many nuts and being disappointed that there’s no porn. Pretty wild.

have dick girls gone too far?


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