I got really wide hip bones
Shit genetics thread
>starting a genetics thread without showing what you have to work with
me too, OP. Don't let it stop you.
Focus on upper body, hit them shoulders as hard as possible, biceps, triceps and don't forget your forearms.
Your back must be one worthy of a greek god, and your dorsals big as a fucked up anime design.
laterals, laterals and laterals. Hit them, geow them, love them, they will make your hips look no-so-big.
this part is hard: grow your calves but try to stay with your current upper leg size.
Doing this one will make your body look good.
-Hips bro
same, i lost a lot of weight by fasting but i still look like shit, i need to lift more
Am I fucked?
imo not one iota. Work on upper abs alot and maybe let your obliques stay as they are. You about 6 months in?
About 6 months. Haven't been to the gym in a week, been out camping, feel bloated.
You look pretty lean, esp if this is you bloated. There's a mild asymetry in your bone structure (unless you are standing weird) that is just part of your build, but it's minor, and you don't have wide hips at the hip joint aka below the belt, so, you're good. Just keep at it, slow bulk
Narrow shoulders, long extrematies long torso. Gaining muscle is such a struggle at this point. Perma bulk. Ive had two females ive gone on dates with say
>It dosen't look like you lift
I keep trying brahs strick diet healthy food. Look better then before sure. But i see a fuck with wide shoulders who eats like shit body, works out like shit. But normies say he looks good cuz hes wide to small waist. Someone told me
>Starting from the bottom working to your goals and finaly suceeding will make you more humble.
I just wanted to be born with great genetics put in minimul effort and get the gains. Im 7dys a week for yrs now and take a rest day when i havent had one in a while. (Started going to gym 5yrs ago. Started knowing how to properly lift 3.5yrs ago)