Is it bad that I can incline bench press more than I squat?

is it bad that I can incline bench press more than I squat?

Attached: incline bench press.jpg (1092x614, 177K)

Give us some fucking numbers big boy. Height, body weight, squat weight, and incline weight.

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No I'm in the same spot
Just keep lifting.

Same boy, i can ohp 1 pl8 for 6 reps but can barely squat 1 pl8 for 8 reps without passing out

If your bench is higher than even your front squat it means you're neglecting your lower body.

Yes kys

Jesus Christ yes it does.

height: 5'9
bodyweight: 184lbs
squat: 295
incline bench: 345
how is that even possible? I was able to squat 2 plates just by doing nothing but burpees and bodyweight exercises.

Nah dude Jow Forums has had their mind warped by powerlifter fags acting like humans need strong legs rather than leg endurance.

post body

strong legs = leg endurance
the more muscle you have the longer it takes for them to fill up with lactic acid.


Post body plz.

>posting yourself
>on an anonymous messageboard
doesn't that defeat the purpose of the website?

No. Fuck legs and fuck legcucks. A heroic figure isn’t the result of tree trunk legs.

That’s an incredible incline bench. Most here won’t hit that weight on any chest movement, let alone incline. Not saying I don’t believe you, but if you’re that strong, you probably know your own priorities already, unless you’re citing machine or plate loaded press numbers

And the more energy it takes to move them around retard, have you ever seen marathon runners with gigantic quads ?

You may need to implement different squats into you leg workout. Personally, I switch from front squat to back squat every other leg day. I also got the sets and reps for example one leg day I’ll do 5x10 front squats. Next leg day I’ll do a pyramid set of 12x10x8x6 for back squat. Personally this helps my legs feel more well rounded since the two squats have varying leg muscles being activated.

No it doesn't you fucking retard. In fact the more muscle you have the easier it is to fatigue them due to lower endurance. It's hard to be efficient with a lot of muscle.

>squat: 295
>incline bench: 345

Attached: doubt.png (492x280, 85K)

t. sub 135 incline bench. the manlet faggot made it WAY too obvious.

>In fact the more muscle you have the easier it is to fatigue them due to lower endurance
>It's hard to be efficient with a lot of muscle

Attached: 1509306632273.jpg (300x300, 26K)

Not true, sadly. I've run multiple marathons, but decided to pass on my genes so I quit and despite having incredible endurance, squatting even 1 pl8 was a god-damned nightmare. Now I am finally at 2pl8 but it is a struggle.

maybe short arms. My bench is pretty fucking ridiculous. Any time I try to seriously squat heavy my right knee just caves

5'8" 170 lbs

Bench: 295
Squat: 285ish
DL: 405