What makes honey healthy but a chocolate bar unhealthy?
What about maple syrup?
What's the verdict on consuming treats? Is there such a thing as moderation for refined sugars?
What makes honey healthy but a chocolate bar unhealthy?
What about maple syrup?
What's the verdict on consuming treats? Is there such a thing as moderation for refined sugars?
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All sugars are bad. ALL.
yeah idk as long as it fits your macros and CICO I think sugar is good, but I mean honey is like sugar is like syrup they’re all carbs in the end, with higher density than carbs like bread and pasta.
They’re nature’s version of a dessert
A carb is a carb bro
and carbs are bad because...?
Reminder that Jeff is intentionally misleading about his "one carrot cake a year for his birthday" shit getting people to think it means he doesn't have desert. He has multiple videos where he claims to eat frozen yogurt, and if he's admitting that on camera, who knows what else he is doing.
t. brainlet
They aren't unless you're not actively utilizing them. Sugar is metabolized quickly and provides a short burst of energy, but it also spikes insulin. If you're active, this isn't really a bad thing since your body will be able to regulate your blood sugar more effectively. If you're just lazy then it struggles to maintain balance and you get things like higher insulin sensitivity and eventually diabetes.
Honey isn't healthy though.
Raw honey probably, but the stuff you buy in stores is 90% sugar.
what about the raw organic honey I bought from the store?
No idea, look it up.
Im sure there are some benefits to raw honey, just look at the nutritional information.
Honey was never "healthy". The digestible content is the same as refined sugar, perhaps with a dash of minerals that you get elsewhere anyway (not really sure if that is true, but this is one of the supposed health claims for honey).
Maple syrup is the same deal.
Chocolate bars all have added sugar unless they are baking chocolate. The chocolate itself inside chocolate bars is fine. Chocolate bars also will have milk solids included, if that is a concern for you. Chocolate also has higher concentration of heavy metals (lead, mercury, etc...) than most other foods, so eating pure coca as your primary fat source isn't a good idea.
Treats in general aren't healthy. Primarily because of refined sugar, but in general they are usually refined ingredients all around (flour and low quality seed oils).
>Is there such a thing as moderation for refined sugars?
No. If you are literally optimizing your diet for health, then as far as we understand things you would decrease refined sugars to zero. However you aren't going to know (and you won't be able to directly observe) what the difference is between zero and low amounts.
>What makes honey healthy but a chocolate bar unhealthy?
Chocolate is more processed and has more chemical adictives
You dont find "chocolate" in nature, you do find honey in nature
The biggest meme to ever meme. What is "healthy"?
what about dark chocolate?
Unlearn healthy.
honey is literally just fructose, which your body will quickly convert to glycogen and store in your muscles OR fat if you're in a surplus.
After exercise your glycogen stores are depleted and so it will not be converted to fat. Therefore, honey is perfectly fine after hitting the gym or running.
Everything I just said holds true for chocolate as well. Neither honey or chocolate are necessarily "healthy" or "unhealthy".
Jeff probably eats whatever the fuck he wants. He also has probably made it a habit and lifestyle to eat really healthy anyways. He has to say he has no cheat days on camera just to keep up with the image of his channel, which is training like an athlete. This dude trains world class athletes, and world class athletes have no cheat days.
Sugars aren't realisticly needed. Humans nowdays don't require rapid bursts of energy, just slow release is enough.
If its before a period of high activity, its a good idea to have sugars of some kind, jusg naturally occuring ones are better for digestion due to evolution.
Basically, have a banana or a bunch of grapes intead of a spoon of honey before a lift.
Get the fuck out of here with your sensible, well thought out replies. This is a bait thread for knee jerk shitposting and ketards sperging out about "muh carbs!"
this sounds like a facebook mom trying to justify not letting her kids have pancakes or anything sweet
>chocolate bar
processed sugar, onions lecithin
>maple syrup
is it real maple syrup?
>what's the verdict?
how fucked is your metabolism from constant sugar rushes and obesity?
ITT: idiots
You know s o y lecithin actually doesn't have the phytoestrogens of s o y milk, right? It's an emulsifier made for s o y because s o y is cheap to grow. In fact it has so little traces that even some people allergic to s o y can eat products with it no problem
stfu faggot. He's helping the new guys actually learn something on this board instead of the garbage you post.
I hate this "nature" argument, do you know what you also find in nature? Fucking poisonous plants. Mmmm so fucking natural and healthy
Doesn't really matter. But if you eat too much refined sugar stuff on your bulk it's easier to turn it into a dirty bulk ... and if you mostly eat trash you'll just feel pretty bad. I'd rather to a relatively clean bulk where I get most carbs from oatmeal, fruits, etc.
honest is sugar
chocolate is sugar AND fat
guess which is worse and which is easier to overeat
200g of honey makes me barf, 500g of chocolate makes me wanna eat more
dark chocolate tastes bad and is toxic for most people
honey is just pure clean energy
this. also saturated animal fats and oils are objectively worse than refined sugars.
honey isnt healthy you muppet
You also find plants in nature dumbass
>doesn't take atleast one spoonful of bee vomit a day
this is true
phytoestrogens in plant foods are almost exclusively concentrated in the fiber and protein solids not the lipid portions.
as far as I know flax oil has 0 phytoestrogens, and you can only get the phytoestrogens found in flax in oil form if they're artificially added during processing.
Causes fatty liver, destroys your glycocalyx which leads to cardiovascular diseases, causes diabetes, causes brain fog, leads to alzheimers, metabolizes into acids which draws phosphate from bones and subsequently draws calcium out too.... There are a ton more but I'm not a mass storage device.
Sugar makes you fat because it spikes your insulin
>Causes fatty liver
so does excess fat, particularly trans and most forms of saturated fat
>destroys your glycocalyx which leads to cardiovascular diseases
Humans have low LDL-C receptor density in the liver and thus also get excess LDL-C buildup in the blood from overconsumption of saturated fat which does require higher cholesterol metabolism and since we are not very efficient at getting rid of cholesterol in our blood we get excess low density lipoproteins in the blood due to oversaturated LDL-C receptors in the liver, which causes cardiovascular disease as well
diabetes is being treated with high carb and low carb diets alike but is only truly reversed in humans with diets low-moderate in fats
>causes brain fog
might be true, depends on the individual
>leads to alzheimers
alzheimers is a brain specific cardiovascular disease that is caused by both excess fat and carb in take in the diet
no correlation between heavy meat/carb diets exist because it is caused by genetic predisposition, nutritional imbalance(excess omega 3 fatty acid intake) and excess energy intake(over eating fats/carbs in general)
>metabolizes into acids which draws phosphate from bones and subsequently draws calcium out too
fat metabolism is acidic as well
>There are a ton more but I'm not a mass storage device.
I'm sure but you got to keep in mind that the same is true for the exact opposite of what you claim.
Look at this brainlet who got brainwashed at an early age
>look at this user who posted one line with 11 words and thinks he has debunked anything
excess energy is what causes problems, this is true in all mammals, lions and tigers in zoos who get fatter than normal also get cardiovascular and metabolic disease despite eating mostly fat in total calories
eating too much energy is what causes 99% of all metabolic and cardiovascular problems, the rest is genetic predisposition
What if I make my own?
>carbs cause Diabetes
Where does this myth come from? No medical textbook, no scientific study names carbs as a reason for Diabetes.
Where does it come from?
>so does excess fat, particularly trans and most forms of saturated fat
No. youtu.be
>Humans have low LDL-C receptor density in the liver and thus also get excess LDL-C buildup in the blood from overconsumption of saturated fat
No. youtu.be
>diabetes is being treated with high carb
Show me one fucking patient that has reversed diabetes with that.
>brain fog
I have no other proof for that other than low carb stories.
>alzheimers is a brain specific cardiovascular disease that is caused by both excess fat and carb in take in the diet
No. advances.sciencemag.org
The next step is to think what causes tooth decay.
>fat metabolism is acidic as well
Kidneys counter that by producing bicarbonate. That doesn't happen with carbs. Fuck if I remembered which lecture that was. That's what it does when you don't rely on single sources or onr viewpoint...
From the fact that you can reverse diabetes by going low carb and cure it by going carnivore
LDL-C receptor density in humans is small and it gets worse the more saturated fat you eat in general, guess what happens to your LDL-C concentration in the blood, it goes up, and it is always low in animals like lions and tigers, only animals that are bad at cholesterol metabolism have issues with this, such as humans, and thus need to eat less saturated fats in order to be healthy.
>Show me one fucking patient that has reversed diabetes with high carb
ok here you go
where's your proof that diabetes(aka carb intolerance) as been 100 % reversed on a high fat diet? carb tolerance cannot be restored unless you are eating carbs, so you cannot cure or reverse diabetes on a high fat low carb diet, you can merely avoid the symptoms of diabetes on such a diet
in fact the more tiem you spend eating low-no carbs the more intolerant you become towards carbohydrates in general(including glucose in the blood), so your insulin resistance gets worse and worse, which is one if not the main cause of T2 diabetes.
you can't reverse diabetes on a high fat diet, in fact no keto promoter like dom d'agostino actually uses the term "reverse" or "cure" when it comes to the treatment of diabetes with low carb diets, because such a thing isn't possible on such diets, keto diets are used only for the "treatment" of diabetes, not the reversal of it
reversal of diabetes in humans is only possible if carbohydrate tolerance is restored which can only be done on a diet that contains a good ammount of carbs and a lower ammount of fat.
>That's what it does when you don't rely on single sources or onr viewpoint...
except a state of ketosis is acidic in general, singling out isolated metabolic mechanisms is a waste of time.
Both are healthy if you don't fucking overeat like a hippo
>carbs are bad
Post body. I need a laugh.
he cant right now, he is busy sungazing
>honey isn't naturally occurring
Based retard poster
If its so bad why does it taste so good
Opinion disregarded. Go find other goyim to trick. Carbs are poison.