How true is this, Jow Forums?

How true is this, Jow Forums?

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true enough not to know about

Both are true but going on motivation alone doesnt last. The second would be more accurate if motivation cheered the green on to build discipline first. It doesnt come out of nowhere.



True at first but then you fall in love with lifting

motivation is the mayonaise of the discipline sandwich

Its true in a sense. motivation is short termed and energetic. "I'm going to annihilate the gym today". you wont find the same energy the next day. discipline is long term and persistent. it keeps you going to the gym

Depends on the person and the task. For lifting, I don't really need discipline since I enjoy it.

why would you voluntarily do something you dont enjoy?


Just because you don’t enjoy something in the moment doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy the long term benefits

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Untrue. What you call discipline is just the moment where you weigh advantages & disadvantages before taking action.
There is no discipline. This is capitalist boomer hurr duurr bootstraps talk.
You either act or not. Pushing yourself against you innermost desire never brings long term results

If you do something, you have the motivation to do it. This is just nigger boomer word games.

Ya bro everybody enjoys work bro, only do what you love bro there's nothing in life worth doing if you don't love it bro

make sure to post that in a pretty picture with loaded instagram filters and a detailed border next time

>he's a wagecuck

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It's almost impossible to motivate yourself every single day. Working on general discipline is more effective to reaching your goal or you'll burn out.

>incel neet

i mean working out faggot, having "hobbies" you dont enjoy is retarded imo

Then don’t do them. You can choose your own hobbies you know.

that was my point?

Habit would rape discipline

A lot of the time people say they're disciplined but really they've just formed habits. It would be difficult to say you're disciplined if the behaviour hadn't yet become habitual


because its the means to an end that you want

>non negotiable

It's more like 50/50. Motivation is very important but obviously there are a lot of times when it's not there e.g. after work or class or w/e and when you're feeling very down. That's when you manually force yourself to do things. That said, we're not emotionless machines. Doing something through sheer discipline without motivation, gratification or genuine desire just results in burnout.

>le life is about fun at all times

You can't built anything truly worthwhile without discipline.

Motivation will get you going when things are good, discipline will get your ass to the gym even when you feel like shit and really don't want to go.

>he doesn't treat life like an IRL rpg, training to increase STR and INT
shig dig
I find it hard to go to the gym sometimes, but I always love it when I get there. It's like a little kid wading in the water, afraid to let the waves crest above his peepee, but when he's fully submerged he doesn't want to get out.


Quite honestly this.
t. someone who actually really enjoys working out, unlike most people here
>It's as satisfying to me as cumming is, you know, as in having sex with a woman and cumming. So can you believe how much I am in heaven?

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Motivation is directly correlated with dopamine levels. It's genetic and you can't do much about it.

Hahaha fucking weakling

No excuses

That works for measurable things like in a vidja, but it's a recipe for burnout in differing IRL situation.


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Completely stupid and false. Find a way to enjoy the things that improve you and you don't need to make yourself miserable with some stupid regime you'll give up on anyway.

i have zero motivation to improve myself or to go to gym since i dont believe it will improve my life and even if it did i wouldnt appreciate it since i never experienced teenage love and all that bullshit. but i still do it because i might as well, i dont really lose anything

100% legit, have been looking for this pic for quite a while, as this is my philosophy in short. You dont need motivation, you need discipline, because if you rely solely on motivation you will drop gym as soon as you get your results (GF, 1/2/3/4, 6-pack or whatever floats your boat), when you have discipline, there is no finish line.

Because decaying comes after dying, not before.

Good one user. Who said that?

Dangerously based

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Kill yourself

who the fuck enjoys working out

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Apparently OP never went to school or had a job that wasn't constant laughs and giggles

Extremely true.

Imagining you need to be constantly excited about ordinary shit in life to do it will FUCK you over. Then you find you aren't excited, and you say "oh wow, something must be wrong, how do I get excited?"

You don't run into the gym everyday pumped like you're Rocky Balboa about to go in for a fight. Some days you're just there. Some days you're dragging. You generally feel a bit of a satisfaction knowing you got a good lift in. But that's it.

But you're going to suck at life if you think you need to be constantly motivated to get shit done. Learning shit is often boring. Brushing your teeth is boring. Doing taxes is boring. Eating the best food is boring. It's not all going to be hell, but you've got to tolerate life being less than constant excitement

And after the love is gone, it becomes a part of you, I just do it nowadays, never miss a workout like i never miss brushing my teeth

What do you call the intense self hatred that drives me to improve myself?


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>Just be yourself, bro!

>t. crack addict hedonist

t. Woman

>the goal of every habit isn’t enough to don’t doubt if I need to do it.

Wagie, get back in your cagey.

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>motivation strikes
>it's fleeting, but lasts just long enough for you to implement a system
>discipline compels adherence to the system
>you do it even if you don't feel like it
>accomplish something
>accomplishment bolsters self-esteem and emboldens you to continue

That's pretty much how it works.

Because you feel great after doing it

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Why are you here?