Post op tranny wants to meet but it's kinda weird tho. Should I stay a virgin?
Post op tranny wants to meet but it's kinda weird tho. Should I stay a virgin?
She's got a nice tum tum at least
Fuck him and tell me about it so I can laugh and call you a normie faggot
That's not a tranny. What are you on about?
What app is this user?
Shit tier bait honestly. Do people even try anymore?
you have to put your penis into a real vagina to lose your virginity, so you'll stay a virgin either way
cool fantasy bro. that fag is out of your league.
Another pic she sent me
Might as well say you want to meet him, chances are he'll have heroed by the time you would have met so it doesn't matter anyway.
Gonna make the 100 mile drive. I'll gladly kiss this faggot in public. He's the most beautiful specimen I've ever seen
What app? Fren
>What app? Fren
Prove to me that's not a female (female). Show me the texts where "he" says he's post op
Grindr nigga
thats a cis woman, you're retarded
Hot but I cant say Id ever put my dick in his inverted penis desu
In bio. But just look at the indent where the dick should be. Way too high to be vagina. I'll find out soon enough though
Can you filter all the gay guys out? Are there a lot of cute trannies?
Just specify what you're looking for. But honestly it's pretty validating to get mssgs like this even if it's from a guy.
You can filter it down to just trans, but don't be surprised when the nearest one is 50 miles away, in a closed relationship, and just there to talk with other trans people.
I see, Ive had luck with okc and tinder when it comes to finding cute trannies to creampie, its like looking for a needle in a haystack though
>If you're older than the age limit, I'm calling Chris Hansen
So not only are you looking to sleep with a man that is mentally ill enough to cut off his genetalia, you are looking to sleep with an UNDERAGED man that is mentally ill enough to cut off his genetalia.
You don't want to stick your dick in that. The way post-op "vaginas" have to be dilated makes them weep puss. A lot of people view pussies as open wounds, but MtF "pussies" are LITERAL open wounds. You may as well use a knife to cut a hole in someone's leg so you can fuck that.
There's trannies on Grinder ?
>Can you filter all the gay guys out?
Delete the app.
Yeah Grindr decided to be "inclusive" a few years ago and even lets FTMs and bio women in now. Be ready to be disappointed though. A good half are just manly sub crossdressers, and most of the cute ones turn out to be prostitutes.
You use the app frequently ? what can be improved in your opinion ?
I use it sometimes, then delete it a while after since I don't find anyone good around me. Rinse and repeat. I found good matches but they lived in whole different countries.
What annoys me is that the people who use and fall under the Trans filter are too varied so the place is a mess: MTFs, FTMs, crossdressers, and just plain old guys looking for that cute trap. I stopped putting myself in the Trans filter because guys would message me thinking I'm the trap.
So I would split the filter into at least two, Trans (trans people and crossdressers, sissies and drag queens and whatnot) and something like "Trans Fan" (non-trans people who are interested in the former group). Would help both parties really. I'd even go as far as split MTFs from FTMs but then all those enbies or whatever they call themselves would complain about their 1853 genders not being respected.
The app is good for real quick hookups (like in the 70/80/90's in the public park) or they talk too much ?
Do you prefer the Tinder-like configuration (with the matchs and the swipes) or the Grinderlike with all the users and you make your choice ?
Fucking a post-op dude is still gay. A mutilated, inverted penis isn't a vagina, it's just a mutilated inverted penis.
I would say most just get to the point. The flaky ones and/or those who ignore you turn out to be hookers who just use the app for some publicity. If they want to meet up or at the very least are interested in you, they'll show it without much ambiguity.
I prefer Grindr's approach for hookups. Tinder and the other ones just take too much effort for not enough results and I'm bad with online chat. At least with Grindr I don't need to wait for match notifications or stuff like that. Just say hi, open with a pic and see if they take the bait.
You fuck a lot of it's 80/20 ? The lust push you tu use the app or it's the design that is addictive (like tinder) ?
>You fuck a lot of it's 80/20 ?
I don't understand the question
>The lust push you to use the app or it's the design that is addictive (like tinder) ?
Grindr simply lets you message someone directly without thinking too much about it, with Tinder-esque apps there's always this waiting game that doesn't amount to much and is honestly tiresome. And you know exactly why people are on Grindr for so you don't have to beat around the bush.
Of course, if you want to meet actual, non-trap girls without dicks Grindr is useless, so you have to use something else. But it's good for the rest.
>>You fuck a lot of it's 80/20 ?
>I don't understand the question
*or it's the 80/20 --> 20% fuck the 80%. The 20% chads fuck the 80% staceys(male)
>falling for catfish in 2018+1
Unless you ask her to pose besides a clock or something like that as proof it's obv a fake
The difference between pre and post turns that from a 10 to a literal 0