/JustJuji/ Glycopumped Edition

/JustJuji/ is a project by one dedicated fitizen to take all of jujimufu's content, remove tom and then make highlight videos and remixes to promote jujimufu and how much better the channel is when it focuses on jujimufu.


Freshest upload is an older one from the channel and basically what I am trying to emulate, high energy, a lot of lifts and a great feel to it.

All works are fair use and uploaded for the purpose of analysis with no monetization.

Attached: glycopumped.png (942x794, 1.44M)

8/533 so far, gonna try and aim for one a day moving forward and more on the weekends.

Mostly so I can cover the new ones as they come out while working on the more editing intense stuff in the background.


his content was never really prominent in this board until the channel changed. why do you care so

this thread is dumb and you need to focus on yourself. go fucking lift. i bet your physique is on par with Tom's.

Reported to Tom

Gotta do something while I recover from the gym.

Also I really hate tom's smug attitude.
Like imagine being a fucking editor and thinking you deserve that level of hype.

I actually find this really positive as I get to watch fitness content and editing videos and learn more about both while making something some people on Jow Forums might enjoy.

Attached: justjuji mad tom.png (1664x360, 103K)

at first I thought this concept was pure absurdity
but these videos are actually so /comfy/ without Tom's annoying commentary and useless over-the-top edits

sorry to hate tom, but please just fuck off and let Juji be the main focus
you are not special.
stay behind the camera.
this is not your channel.

imagine being this bothered by something you don't even have to subject yourself to

imagine see awful things in the world and doing nothing about it.

The sheer amount of dyel cucks defending Tom, Jesus

Attached: Screenshot_20190810-162610_Instagram.jpg (1079x689, 217K)

I can tell you're samefagging because you use fullstops but don't begin your sentences with capital letters. Mental illness