Dubs decide

Dubs decide
Help a bro out, I got no game. She's a cutie

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"Are you an archaeologist?"

Yo post her profile with that ish blurred out I need more information

mmmm gurl i wanna be ur skeleton, always inside u ;)

"You're face looks pretty cumsplattable"


So, how many dates do I have to endure before you let me tongue punch your fart box?

You like jazz?

Get the fuck off my board virgin

Wasted get. Kys

Trips of truth. Do it.

Why do girls always put the female emoji?

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hey bby wanna have sum fuk?

Ask her which of Beethoven's late quartets is her favorite? Bitches love Beethoven

Ficki Ficki?

Wanna travel my dick if you know what I'm saying haha please respond

reddit tier. wasted digits.
rolling for this

CHECKED deliver op

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girls love them unicode combining characters

thats trips not dubs

What does it mean though, in this instance even?

Just choose one

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