You were right guys

Getting a job is the worst thing that can happen to someone.

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Wrong. Being completely broke is worse.

t. been through both

>Being completely broke is worse.
No it isn't, being told by someone else what to do every day is the absolute worst fate possible.


>tfw shitposting instead of looking for a job

make it stop

>Being completely broke is worse.
True, but knowing you are coming to a place just to earn money and you hate everyone around you is still fucked up. Honestly I thought by working well that things would be all right, but I was terribly wrong, things only become worse, no matter what you do.

and you will be doing that for the rest of your prime years
by the time you retire your mind will be trapped in an old body, you will want to do the things you enjoyed in your youth but cant because of your body
death is just around the corner now

HONK HONK such is life in this honked world

>Been through 5 different jobs of varying kinds and difficulty
>each job has just made me hate working more and more
I don't know if it's me just not finding a good place to work at, but I literally get nothing else out of work than money. The clients are shit, the coworkers are shit, the job itself is shit, the only reason I do it is to have enough money to live, so in other words I am forced to do it no matter what. Holy shit it sucks your soul right out of you.

Yes, i've been a broke neet for over a year unable to get a job because of my circumstance and it's hell. I hate fucking working 40 hours a week but at least I can actually do and buy things that can make my life more enjoyable and exciting rather than being a neet unable to really do anything but browse internet, play video games I already own, and sleep.

No, but getting a job in a shitty retirement home with corrupt directors is worse than death.
Worse when half of them are fucking retarded.

Even worse when half the staff you ever dealt with are either nastier or stupider than the rest of them.

Figure that the fuck out while I act the role of a fucking background monkey for these freaks.

Working improved my social skills honestly, yeah everyone is a boring fucking normie but it makes for good practice and in my experience over several different jobs, coworkers are honestly pretty friendly and accepting and come from all walks of life.