If thots can get away with wearing a sports bra and see-through leggings to the gym do you think I can get away with this? Will they kick me out?
If thots can get away with wearing a sports bra and see-through leggings to the gym do you think I can get away with...
Is this the japanese version?
It's a shame that girls don't have an immediate sign that shows blatant sex interest like the male 'bonǝr' does
you can wear compression tights without shorts ONLY if you have fokin juicy legs. if your quads are sub 30 inches youre only embarrassing yourself
It's so small
They have. But you cannot be an autist to notice it.
If I were a gym owner I would kick you out since I don't wanna see that shit. Girls are allowed because I'm not an incel fag that doesn't wanna be around attractive women.
home gym master race
They have like five
Teach me. Pls.
name them, they have absolutely none that are as obvious as a fucking boner
>wants to be around attractive women
>doesn't want to be around attractive men
cringe and bluepilled
Why would they? It doesn't matter.
autists get the fuck out
Name them you stupid shitposter
Name five that aren't Jackie Chan
> implying girls don't want to see my joocy fakkin gloots
post body fag.
>wide eyes
>sticking their ass out
>sticking their chest out
basically everything thots already do on purpose to make the men they find attractive think they're aroused (not you). You can't point that out though because pretending they're not doing it on purpose is a part of it.
This isn't anime you stupid incel fucker. I've fucked 9 hot girls in the past 3 months (one of them was a straight up 10) and none of them showed any of these autistic signs. Post body.
Thats because you took them by force.
Even superheroes when something above their underwear. Women aren't heroic.
>Body language is autistic.
Not coherent/10
Yes I must've took 9 girls by force because they didn't show "THE SIGNS". It's rape then, call the FBI. Autism
sorry they just weren't that into you
Guess how I know you made all that up.
Because you're an incel and you can't imagine having sex with even one woman?
> calling whores whires makes you an incel
Okay user
That sure is rape.
Cope harder incel
go fluff the bull
Actually quality bait
Woah. Calm down buddy, you call people autist yet you brag about getting laid like that’s some sort of hard achievement. Get tested.
For autism.
If you think that's bragging your ego must be very fragile. You should try having sex, it could help.
>sharing chad tier information with spergs
It will not happen
This. Imagine dealing with other people instead of having your own sanctuary lmao
>not guiding others to achieving greatness
Not a real chad.
so sick of these 'have sex' posts. WTF happened to Jow Forums? It was always shit but not THIS shit.
>noone mentioned wet pussy
You guys are rapists
Or virgins which is better
you're not wrong but women don't do anything without plausible deniability, it's their modus operandi.
they make sure everything they say or do has a different possible explanation so as to cleverly maintain a way out if things don't go their way
It's called eye contact
Thats just about american average
This. Why do spergs get so offended by attractive women in their presence?
>a non-chad determining who is chad or not
If we tell you our hard-earned secrets that we had to learn without training then it means less pussy for us. Go talk to a girl and have sex.
yea because wet pussy is visible under normal clothes
>if I call myself "Chad" on Jow Forums he will believe that I'm a chad
thats the joke. jesus imagine being this retarded.
Jokes are supposed to be funny.
>implying boner is visible under normal clothes
jackie chan
who is this npr tranny
>implying girls can't have dicks
Non-Puerto Rican?
yes haha :)
Those are comfy af, I still haven't mustered the courage to go to the gym in them tho
You wouldn’t kick out a fly you flaming faggot. I’d clock your ass and you’d turn into a vegetable upon contact with the concrete. Now post body
post uncensored version
no homo
I don't want to get banned. 4channel is SFW
wheres the bound my bussy daddy poster when you need them
user pls...
Have you never looked down at a thot who's sticking her ass up everywhere at the gym? some of them get so wet that it soaks right through their thot pants
I use a power lifter gym cause I enjoy the aesthetic quality of a champion gym. That and I have a short ceiling basement and no garage. I'll reconsider the matter once I have either of those issues covered.
Tranny raids. Unironically.
>Having to train or practice for it
>Not coming natural
In going to start wearing crop tops to the gym once I'm lean enough. Fuck roasties
>those hands
>some of them get so wet that it soaks right through their thot pants
That's a sweat patch you virgin
>Gets upset by girls sweat
>Guys sweat is ok
Yeah fuck off
Micropenis detected
hordes of actual faggots
youre sniveling beta in matriarch.
Pure sex.
Spotted the virgin
you have really low standards he looks dyel
Post imgur link
Also, they won't ban you for a bulge dummy
If youve got a boner, literally just slide that shit to one side and its no longer noticeable unless youre wearing gym shorts or tights.
I have never in my life observed a thot, thot like behavior, or thot attire BECAUSE I MIND MY OWN BUSINESS RETARD. I swear you guys have laser beams on women.
goal body desu