What is the better program?

Hi Jow Forums, so I've been researching a ton about fitness and I'm stuck on what to do. I could do naturally enhanced by Alphadestiny and get big, he has nice big traps and really nice big neck. I could also do kinobodies Greek God program.

Each one seems to have their pros and cons. What is the best one?

Kinobody looks better overall so I'm biased towards his program. But, then alphadestiny looks like he has done steroids, so maybe that is a better program.

Attached: kinobodyoralphadestiny.jpg (1110x636, 199K)

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Is this bait?

you can workout and diet for years and you will look like either of them eventually. unironically ice cream fitness 2.0 is much better even though Blaha looks like crap.

should i roid or cut my legs off below the knee?

That being said, Ice cream fitness 2.0 is also bad.

What is the state of Jow Forums?

No. I need a decent program. I followed Athlean-X program for four months, but made zero gains.

So I research a lot of other programs.

I will look at ice cream fitness 2.0. Is it like starting strength as people who do it look like crap? Why I'm not doing it as I seen pictures of before and after of starting strength and it like why bother.

The difference in their bodies (asuming they have the exact same ammount of muscle and body fat) is 90% caused by their genetics and insertions, not their lifting routine.

Yeah it was this picture. Notice some programs you don't gain muscle, but just gain strength.

So I'm skeptical about some of the programs as I could just gain strength, when I want to gain muscle

Attached: 2yuwwtz.jpg (480x640, 130K)

Both are trash. Just do a 3x full body or 4x LU and do the 6 main compound lifts (squat, bench, ohp, weighted chins, row, a hip hinge) and add weight/reps each week along with some arm work at the end of each session. Don't pay for any trash program.

That photo will follow that man for the rest of his life

Okay, in that case I'm going to give you some advice.

Do not follow programs based off of what someone looks like. Alpha Destiny and Kinobody know very little about programming and coaching.

Please do yourself a favour and disregard their opinions on everything, particularly as it relates to training.

If you are genuinely interested in training look into the following:

>Bodybuilding or physique centred training
Renaissance Periodization & Mike Israetel (including anyone else affiliated with it)
John Meadows / Mountaindog1
Honestly? Fucking Omar Isuf or some shit

Boris Sheiko
JP Cauchi
Barbell Medicine

Gregg Everett & Catalyst Athletics

Above isn't a comprehensive list of individuals and groups but veering too far off with anyone they associate themselves with is a bad idea.

Getting advice from instagram models like Alpha and Kino is a very dumb idea unless the advice you're looking for is how to grow an instagram or social media following. They simply do not know wtf they are talking about and it should be evident to anyone with even a slight idea of insight into the topics they profess to talk about.

I should also add, that both powerlifting and bodybuilding/physique have a decent amount of crossover in terms of applicability on training.

Seeing as how your primary interest seems to lie with looking good I would encourage you to check out some of the powerlifting stuff too, even if your primary interest is in bodybuilding/physique.

Stop buying programs from e-celebs.

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How do you place all the exercices into a 3times a week full body training?
Something like SS or no more 3 times a week squats?
Also when do you know to increase reps or sets? And what do if you can't do more than 5reps with lightest band chins

Naturally Enhanced is a good program. It's more of a template where you are free to swap out exercises and rep/set schemes, which makes it a lot more fun than most programs.
After I adapted those principles I was able to abandon any sort of scheme someone else came up with, and experiment to come up with my own programs that work for my body.
That's where you want to be, ultimately. No program or exercise is one-size-fits-all.

It is not a good program and it is not a good template or concept to frame your training around.

Nor does everyone need a completely specialised program, in fact the overwhelming majority (+90%) do not need a specialised program for them and "their body".

Variations in humans in terms of injuries, physiological response from training and so on is simply not that large in how it relates to strength training.

I'm glad you're trying to create your own programs, it can be a very fun and rewarding process, however, if you think naturally enhanced is a good program, you need to do further reading on the topic.

Try 5/3/1

Both live in Canada where SARMs are legal


You're entitled to your opinion, however Naturally Enhanced is a good program and if you don't think so you need to do more reading on the topic.

It's not an opinion.

Show me the research backing your opinion. Oh yeah, there isn't any. You're regurgitating the word of people who have strong opinions rather than figuring out what works for yourself.

I don't understand your last sentence, but both do steriods

Choosing a program based on how the creator looks is retarded. The reason Greg looks better is 100% genetics: he’s taller, more handsome and has better muscle insertions. Doing their programs will not make you look like them.

If you’re just starting out, any program that isn’t retarded (and many programs that are retarded) will make you grow. Just eat at a caloric surplus (+250-500Cal/day), eat enough protein (1-1.5g/lbs of body weight), be consistent with whatever meme program you choose, then come back in a year when choosing an appropriate program actually matters.

Lol fuck off Alex, you midget.

How did you know? Obviously none of my 193k subscribers ever bought or followed my program. Otherwise I would be able to quit the 9-5 ;)

Attached: 07890450312.png (760x572, 247K)

I'm this guy Everything that is proposed by these guys is evidence based and several of the people I listed here have extensive backgrounds in:

- Medicine
- Physical exercise science
- Nutrition
- Reaching high levels within the industries they operate in
- Coaching several people (without also having personal ties with them) to high levels in the industries they operate in

With regards to Alphas programs, it is:

- Not endorsed by anyone else but Alpha himself or his close friends
- Has not produced good results for anyone but Alpha himself
- Includes bizarre ravings and rantings in the introductory section of the program with several misspellings just to really showcase how fucking dumb he is

Oh, and also, what he said:

Appeal to Authority, Very Cool!

Attached: Rippletits.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

Appeals to authority are not fallacious if the people have legitimate authority on the topic you fucking troglodyte. For instance, if you have brain cancer, don't seek the advice of someone selling CBD oils.

Also, you are literally appealing to authority in a fallacious manner.

>alpha is cool and has lots of subscribers therefore he good hurrdurr

alpha destiny is cringy tryhard insecure manlet

i wouldnt be surprised if he was blasting and cruising and people eat up his shit

Lol no, appeal to authority applies anytime you state push an argument based based on someone's credentials.
Doesn't matter if you hold a PhD, no one cares. All humans are susceptible to corruption and promoting certain ideas for their self-interest.
There is no daddy to rely on, boy. At some point you're gonna have to start thinking for yourself.

Lol no, appeal to authority applies anytime you push an argument based on someone's credentials.
Doesn't matter if you hold a PhD, no one cares. All humans are susceptible to corruption and promoting certain ideas for their self-interest.
There is no daddy to rely on, boy. At some point you're gonna have to start thinking for yourself.

>updated 2012/05/05

>"Exception: Be very careful not to confuse "deferring to an authority on the issue" with the appeal to authority fallacy. Remember, a fallacy is an error in reasoning. Dismissing the council of legitimate experts and authorities turns good skepticism into denialism. The appeal to authority is a fallacy in argumentation, but deferring to an authority is a reliable heuristic that we all use virtually every day on issues of relatively little importance. There is always a chance that any authority can be wrong, that’s why the critical thinker accepts facts provisionally. It is not at all unreasonable (or an error in reasoning) to accept information as provisionally true by credible authorities. Of course, the reasonableness is moderated by the claim being made (i.e., how extraordinary, how important) and the authority (how credible, how relevant to the claim)."

From: logicallyfallacious.com/tools/lp/Bo/LogicalFallacies/21/Appeal-to-Authority

Although I guess this is also corrupted and impure, in fact, isn't everything that you yourself aren't an expert in 100% confirmed bullshit according to your reasoning? Wait. How do I know what you are saying right now isn't corrupt and shit?! Oh noooo!

Attached: nou.gif (498x278, 2.52M)

>literal appeals to authority to get the definition of an appeal to authority
>Although I guess this is also corrupted and impure, in fact, isn't everything that you yourself aren't an expert in 100% confirmed bullshit according to your reasoning? Wait. How do I know what you are saying right now isn't corrupt and shit?! Oh noooo!
Everything is judged by the merit/accuracy of the argument and nothing more.

It is easier to program with LU but with full body I guess you would just lower the volume since you are doing higher frequency. And as for progress it is something you have to determine for yourself by what you are capable of. I have a 290 bench right now and right now on one of my days I am doing 5x4->5x5 adding a rep each week adding 5 pounds every 6 weeks and resetting. If you are a beginner I would say you just do a novice program like SS or SL and get more experience.

NE is bastardized westside applied for bodybuilding purposes, same as ws4sb is westside with application for athletes. there is plethora of scientific reasearch on concurrent periodization and accomodating resistence. he bases the volume and tonnage of his intensity days on prilepin's chart and goes balls to the wall on volume on volume days since there is planty of days to recover...the 'off' days are for pump and fluff and neck work. this isnt exactly rocket science. ive run NE for about 5 months and in that time increased my bench from 145kg to 157kg for double, my behind the neck presss from 75kg x3 to 90kg x3 and weighted chin from +25kg x5 to +40kg x3. it was some of the most fun ive had in the gym, constantly testing myself on intensity days and the pump on volume days was insane. i only abandoned it because i want to focus on powerlifting now but it definitely works

> Kinobody looks better overall
You fucking retard, do you seriously think that's because of their lifting or training routines?
It's all genetics and shit that determines how they look at this point, of course some light haired, taller, more slender, blue eyed guy with a long square jawline is going to subjectively look better according to most people than some neckbeard brown beady eyed manlet with a weak jawline and disproportionately huge traps to most people, the fuck does that have to do with their relative levels of muscular development and training?
And for the record, Alphadestiny is definitely way fucking stronger than Kinobody, I shudder to imagine how fucked up that faggot would get trying to rack pull the same weight and do some of the shit Alphadestiny does.
They're both gay though.

Sup Destiny, reply to me please

When Alex does pull ups, so fucking funny. Those short legs under that muscled upper body. It looks fucking ridiculous bahaha hahaha

Just do good compound moves and eat clean, that's all you need bro.

Attached: ebun.png (257x196, 5K)

Look up Aworkoutroutine’s beginner lifting routine. After that, do his intermediate routine. His beginner routine consists of compound lifts in the hypertrophy rep range plus it has accessories. It’s also 3 days a week. Hope this helps desu

wow malf looks like THAT

Attached: 609hgwvkscl01.jpg (354x424, 16K)

Here's alpha destiny's program, take a look at it and judge for yourself if it looks good.


Ya beb

Do big compound movements and overload progressively. That is ALL you need to do to max out your newbie gains. Stop overcomplicating things.


he just needs a good "after" photo, and then be like, yeah, meant to do that

I'm starting to look like this guys

Well put.