Quitting coffee is so hard

i'm on day 1 and slept trough sunday.

Attached: coffee.jpg (259x194, 5K)

If you keep posting threads about it, maybe it will make it easier to quit.

Is there a specific reason to stop caffeine?
Legit question.

not wanting to have an addiction

That's overrated.

I used to feel content in what environment I was in, whether it be relaxing at the beach or being comfy on a couch. Now I seem to zone out all the time despite having a good sleep schedule, and I think it’s because my caffeine dependence is too high

drinc decaf.

it will get easier. also magtein and magnesium glycinate

>actually needing coffee/caffeine
I don't get it, only thing coffee really does is regularly make me want to take a shit (if there's a shit to take). Sure every once in a blue moon I'll feel my heart rate increase, but otherwise it's just for the flavor and the coziness of it.

Under around 500mg a day, no. It keeps you overall, especially mentally way above baseline, it's not retard smokers where it's a fix