The brain is a muscle... is yours yoked?

The brain is a muscle... is yours yoked?

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>? = 15 + Supplement
This is the only completely correct answer, everything else is wrong or a guess


All I know is be aware that there are two cans of whey in the third row icon but only one can of whey in the last row icon

17? Bicep is 10, dumbbell is 5, whey is 2.

shit. 16 then.

The final equation has two unknown variables
>inb4 the single protein jar is half the double protein jar
Wrong. if I had a variable W=4 that doesnt mean variable V=2 just because V is half of a W

only non retards in this thread


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A bigger arm





Answer is 20

NVM I thought that last on was another addition sign. It's 30. I'll take my Nobel prize now.

No no no I forgot that the whey is 2. 24 is my final answer. Give me my cash prize.

two wheys is worth 2, but in the last row there is only a single whey

could be a ""trick"" in that ""we never showed you the value of a SINGLE WHEY" but that would eretarderd

There's only one protein tub in the last line you fucking mongoloid. Neck yourself, nigger.

no it wouldnt

guess we'll never know what flexed arm plus whey multiplied by dumbbell is worth, ever. what a shame.

Last row is casein not whey

Why is one whey =\= 1/2 of 2 whey?

It's 10 + 5(Whey)

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>this is your brain on american education

let me join 20 team.

Why is this happening? It's obviously 20.
3Muscles =30 So M=30/3, M=10
10+2Dumbells = 20 So Db=(20-10)/2, Db=5
5+2Proteins = 9 So P=(9-5)/2, P=2
So 10 + 5 x 2= 10 + 10= 20.
Why are you all like this?

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Pretty sure 17 is the right answer.

let flexed bicep be x; let dumbbell be y; let supplement be z
Then our equations are:
1) x + x + x = 30
2) x + y + y = 20
3) x + z + z = 9
4) x + y + z = ?

1) 3x = 30
2) x + 2y = 20
3) x + 2z = 9

Solve for x:
1) 3x = 30
1) x = 10

Substitute 10 for x in equation 2:
2) 10 + 2y = 20
Solve for y
2) 2y = (20 - 10)
2) y = (20 - 10)/2
2) y = 5

Substitute 5 for y in equation 3 :
3) 5 + 2z = 9
3) 2z = (9 - 5)
3) z = (9-5)/2
3) z = 4

Substitute the terms into equation 4:
4) 10 + 5 + 2 = ?
4) ? = 17.


it's graham's number




There is only one whey in the last line retards

You fucking brainlet, there's 4 jars in equation 3 and only 1 in equation 4. Look again.
Imagine unironically writing out all of this math without even looking properly at the image.

Why am I like this?

ah crap, i didn't carefully looking at it, i thought it was also two barrel. :s

Why is 1 human =/= 2 half humans?


flex(f) = 10
dumbell(db) = 5
whey bottle(wb) = 1
f + wb * db = x
wb * db = 5
f + 5 = 15
y'all retards

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Arm=10, weight=5, single whey=1

go back to school

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nigga no
do you know about order of operations

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this. are you from europe? because the Americans seem to think the last two should be multiplied as if they're in parentheses

you wut

That’s because half a W doesnt make a V just like cutting a dollar in half doesnt make 50 cents
Of course were going to assume the containers are identical, so removing one leaves you with half of the original quantity.

anyone who got anything other than 16 is a fucking dipshit but then again nothing surprises me on this board

yeah its called order of operations its not an american thing its a mathematics thing

imagine overcomplicating the math and reading the equation wrong while you're at it

My bad, 55. Didn't notice single jar.

based retard with a spastic neck tilting at a 45 degree angle so he sees multiplication signs as plus signs

its 15 retard


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It's 15, retard. 10+1x5=15.


Order of operations almost fucked me in the last line but I remembered

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It's 42 you dumbfucks

Unsolvable. The value of the image that appears to correspond to a single whey cannot be deduced mathematically unless we make assumptions such as two wheys together in an image corresponding to the sum of two wheys, which may not necessarily be true given that this is an equation and two symbols together usually indicates multiplication. However, given that we dont see two whey images side by side and instead see one image stacked on top of another, it could also be fair to assume the two symbols, single whey and double whey, might even be completely unrelated.

Since 2 whey is 2, i guess one whey is 1

So ?=16


All other answers are wrong and you'll never make it.

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lmao. do y'all not go to college or something? you do realize you have to train both body and mind, right user?

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holy shit you guys are dumb

99% of anons couldn't give correct answer

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I don't even tell who's trolling and who's being dead serious.

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It’s 15 you retards

Last equation is:


55 aswell


Wait didnt notice single whey
Last equation is:




The answer is 20, and anyone who says otherwise is retarded

I can't believe the actual brainlets on this board.

Had to scroll way too far to find this, I sincerely hope the rest of you were just shitposting.



Parenthesis first. Then read left to right because multiplication and division have the same weight of importance

Arm = 30/3 = 10
Dumbbell = (20-10)/2 = 5
Powder = (9-5)/2 = 2
Multiplication is done before addition unless brackets are used. Therefore it's 10+10. The answer is obviously 20.

well the way would be to try out different values for every fracture and then solve it because you have 3 different equations for 3 variables.
I guess 1,5 and 2 and 0,5.

It literally means that though dumbass

>10 + 1 x 5

60 is the answer y'all brainlets there's a multiplication symbol on the last equation

aaand it has no solution, i need to solv e this now, ill try more

arm + arm + arm = 30
30 / 3arms = 10
1 arm = 10
arm + dumbbell + dumbbell = 20
20 - arm = 10
10 / 2 dumbbells
1 dumbbell = 5
dumbbell + 2 jars + 2 jars = 9
9 - dumbbell = 4
4 / 4 jars = 1
jar = 1
arm + jar * dumbbell
10 + 1 * 5
11 * 5 = 55
before any retard says "HURR DURR PEMDAS SAYS MULTIPLICATION IS FIRST" is wrong. Math is to be done left to right much like reading and writing.

>This one is not. The meme is a clever, or wicked, joke. Roughly 99.999995% of the people don’t stand a chance at solving it, and that includes a good number of mathematicians at leading universities who just don’t happen to be number theorists. It is solvable, yes, but it's really, genuinely hard.
>Here is the simplest solution:

apple = 154476802108746166441951315019919837485664325669565431700026634898253202035277999

banana = 36875131794129999827197811565225474825492979968971970996283137471637224634055579

pineapple = 4373612677928697257861252602371390152816537558161613618621437993378423467772036
Well thanks for trying to kill my evening by thinking about this


Physics student here. Its a trap bro, the problem looks really simple, but if you dont have any serious knowledge about number theory then good fucking luck.

Pemdas you stupid niggers
Also theres only one whey in the last line

>10+1×5 = 55
>10 + (1×5) = 55
>10 + 5 = 55
15 = 55

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I don't see any parentheses in the image so your addition completely changes what was asked of.

10 + 1 * 5
11 * 5

I contend that everyone in this thread is somewhere on the spectrum.

You're either so autistic, you felt the need to prove your ability to solve a very simple algebra program, or you're so autistic you felt the need to bait other autists into thinking you don't know how the order of operations work.

In mathematics and computer programming, the order of operations (or operator precedence) is a collection of rules that reflect conventions about which procedures to perform first in order to evaluate a given mathematical expression.

For example, in mathematics and most computer languages, multiplication is granted a higher precedence than addition, and it has been this way since the introduction of modern algebraic notation.[1][2] Thus, the expression 2 + 3 × 4 is interpreted to have the value 2 + (3 × 4) = 14, not (2 + 3) × 4 = 20. With the introduction of exponents in the 16th and 17th centuries, they were given precedence over both addition and multiplication and could be placed only as a superscript to the right of their base.[1] Thus 3 + 52 = 28 and 3 × 52 = 75.

These conventions exist to eliminate ambiguity while allowing notation to be as brief as possible. Where it is desired to override the precedence conventions, or even simply to emphasize them, parentheses ( ) (sometimes replaced by brackets [ ] or braces { } for readability) can indicate an alternate order or reinforce the default order to avoid confusion. For example, (2 + 3) × 4 = 20 forces addition to precede multiplication, and (3 + 5)2 = 64 forces addition to precede exponentiation.

t. can't solve a simple algebra problem

What's 2 + 2?