gentle reminder that anyone - especially you - can make it
Gentle reminder that anyone - especially you - can make it
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If she was just average I wouldn't mind so much, but she's so fucking hot. Look at those fucking tanlines, goddamn.
no way this cripple has a real sexual relationship with this chick, she gets fucked on the side im 100000% sure. she is only in it for the attention and internet fame
we're all gonna make it brahs
>tfw u realise the bull is the one taking their pictures
There’s a disabled bro exactly like this that goes to my gym
He gets more girls than me
It's called having a personality, a lot of you alpha/chad incels dont understand that, not every woman likes a steroid rage muscled gorilla, some women actually like guys by their personality, yes. Hope I taught you something today, stay ((virgins)) /fit
>that dead af expression on her face
My old coworker had a disabled brother like wheel-chair bound. Not as potatoes as dude in OP but he just like can't walk from a car accident. He seemed to always have girls around him and girlfriends and stuff. I think just being 'fun' as a guy makes up for a lot even if you're not macho.
Imagine having her walking around your house like that all the time but you will never be able to fuck her because your dick does not work.
i feel sorry for this cripple guy
you "people" need a containment board
Fucking lads all gonna make it ayyy
would be brutal, man
>you either have zero muscle or are on roids
DYEL fag spotted
Didn't I hear somewhere that the cripple was emotionally manipulative and used his disability to get pitty fucks out of people?
I would rather be able to walk and not have a hot girl around me, sort of like how I am now
He graduated from my college. I know he has a book and a YouTube channel. He's semi famous.
Darker reminder that most people will not make it despite their being able to
What if she got mad at him and started choking him to death haha
That's what you focus on? fucking faggot anyone can get tanlines why is that something to pay attention to? retard.
This. As sad as it is. You just fucking KNOW it.
t. tanlinelet
The fact that you wrote that shit, showing your actual feelings on the matter, is fucking sad. The entitlement and bitterness is disgusting. please fuck off to whatever board you crawled out from
Perhaps it's true love... but you really, really have to wonder what the dynamic of their relationship is. He's happy to have her, what the fucks her issue though?
you really expect me to believe for a fucking micro second that she doesn't have dick on the side? kek come on man
So far I've seen people on Jow Forums say that she either doing it to get internet points, she's in it for all the Youtube money while she's getting fucked on the side, or she just feels like it's her calling to take care of him because she just feels so bad for him.
Literally all those could be (and probably are) true.
How do we know his dick doesn't work. Maybe it's normal size and she just uses him like a dildo. He literally is unable to turn her down. He could be her private sex slave and no one would know. Imagine her force feeding him Viagra and riding him him against his will while his frail little arms flail around helplessly.
She wouldn't be with him if he wasn't white.
Ohhhhhhh pls write more cripple sex posts, user.
Anyone care to explain what is going on in this pic?
She dropped the soap
I can't believe I'm actually getting hard rn
>tan lines
This is a fact. We're all capable of being so much more than we are.
Unironically this. Keep it in your pants, simp.