Have great bench day

>have great bench day
>Finally started diet two days ago
>Go to buy some chicken
>Get tboned by an old lady
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Attached: IMG_20190808_170000.jpg (4000x2250, 2.87M)

You don't need to lift to eat better

so you have time to perfect diet, prepare to crush your enemies and see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women, and have your gym membership paid for 4eva by the old lady?

What's with the betadine and dressing on your tit? Did you get a tension pneumothorax from the crash and they jammed a chest tube in you?

Sucks to suck rasputin you dumb weak faggot

Did the old lady get more or less wrecked than you ?

Perfect time to fast until you are skinny, with both arms broken you won't be able to eat like the fat fuck you are.

>he can't withstand a car impact

Phone holder went into my chest

you look like a soiyed fat jew