Will I lose gainz???

Ok so I’m 135lb, and I’ve been on a consistent diet of 185g of protein a day. Made all types of gainz.

Yesterday I had only 100g protein because I ran out of meal preps. I also worked out yesterday, so I’m wondering if I made proper recovery for muscle growth.

To make matters worse, I only slept for 6 hours last night. So my question is, did I destroy my muscles? Do I have less, the same, or more muscle today than yesterday?

>pic unrelated, I just picked something from my camera roll. His huge arms are kinda a goal for me.

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Rome wasn't built (or destroyed) in a day, you retard.
Also, you don't need 185g of protein.

Well, if you think those arms are huge you probably don't have any muscle to lose, so don't worry about a thing.

But seriously, you'll be fine. 6 hours is fine. Arnold slept 6 hours at most because he considered more sleep a waste of time. 100g is fine too. The 2g of protein per 1lbs of bw is a meme created by the supp industry to sell whey. In reality only steroid users can gain any benefits from that much protein, because steroids increase protein synthesis.

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You will lose all your muscle gains unless you reply to this post.

Well the good news is that I’m going shopping today for more meat for more meal preps

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I don’t believe those arms are world class but they’re huge to the average normie. Of course I want to get bigger than them but Thor’s arms are a reachable milestone

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F off

side note because you seem new, don't be afraid of sodium. I fell into that pit my first couple years of lifting and ate food that tasted like shit and I hated my life because of it. These days I eat like 4000 mg of sodium a day and just drink more water to make up for it.

Meal preps are for fucking retards

I just cook my chicken once every few days. My carb choice is ramen noodles or canned corn (idgaf everything else tastes like shit) so its easy to make.