Just turned 30, doctor went ahead and tested my testosterone. Fucking shit comes back low, doc says I can do replacement therapy. What should I do bros? Go the natty way and get real about being a fitizen or do the gel?
Low Test
its your call bro
if i was low enough that a doctor was concerned, id seriously consider it for quality of life.
Take the gel, your test levels will just go down from here on out.
guess you're right, I have been feeling pretty shitty lately
go back to your skinny women faggot, and stop posting here.
great fucking point
bruh I love slampigs, you got me all wrong
Just do gomad + nofap for 3 days
37yo here
I did bloods a few months back and shit was lowish, so I bough shit on the black market, did a 500mg test cycle and after that stayed on TRT 150mg weekly
Total T -> 350 (range about 200-1000)
Free T -> 10 (range about 8-40)
Total T -> 900
Free T -> 35
Shit didn't make me Chad but I feel much better in general and erections are rock hard.
no you dont.
my dick is fine but my energy levels have been super low lately.
If I'm about to make a decision that's gonna make em take injections for the rest of my life, I'd at least try and increase it naturally first. Eat unprocessed foods, take some supps, have more sex, cut out porn, stop smoking drugs and/or cigs, stop drinking alcohol and lift heavy. At least implement this in your life and keep it up for three months before making any decisions. My test levels shot up 120 ng/ml or whatever the fuck after I stopped smoking for three months it's fucking crazy.
Gel? Wtf. Make him give you injections.
That's what I'm considering first, I don't wanna be on hormone therapy for the rest of my life.
Take the TRT, your health and quality of life is more important than your natty card
Nothing is more important than a natty card
Try nofap. The first week is a huge test spike. During this period I had urges to get women where I went. Weeks later it normalized but I still have this urge but to a more tolerable degree. Before nofap it wasn't more like this. I'd say it's a sign of more testosterone.
a lot of mixed answers here, I appreciate y'all tho
Always good to do literally fucking anything you can before depending on something your whole life big man. Stress is a big factor too, I unironiclly recommend meditation once a day if you're feeling a little wired. As for mood, lots of factors play a role and working on "feeling down" pretty much varies person to person. At least try the test when you're feeling a little more well rounded and happier while also implementing all the things I wrote before. Good luck man, we're all gonna make it.
How difficult would it be for you to keep acquiring test independently? Imo if I was gonna get on it, I’d see if I could just do my own scheduling and dosages, perhaps with the help of a friend who knows a lot about roiding.
>OP uses natty methods to increase test by a whopping 50%
>still super low, but now doc won't let him get TRT
If you have low energy levels because of your T it will improve substantially. I do hard manual labour and I go to the gym and I was absolutely destroyed lately, also getting depressed as fuck. It's not magic, obviously I'm still get tired but mood have improved a lot and I feel more energy, for sure.