How do i achieve pic related?

How do i achieve pic related?
No meme answers like GOMAD please

Attached: goal_body.jpg (540x360, 56K)

Unironically SS+GOMAD


GOMAD isnt a meme. Like nobody can look at you in the eyes and say if you drink a gallon whole milk a day you wont gain weight - of course you will. That body look like mostly compounds so yea SS + GOMAD probably isnt bad advice.

GOMAD isn't a meme

I know it isn't a meme, i'm skinny but GOMAD will just turn me fat
Right now i'm 68kg 190cm. This is skinny but not skinny enough to warrant drinking 3 fucking liters of milk every day
So what other strategy can i use to go about achieving a physique similar to the picture?

Hnng ideal body desu

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GOMAD will turn you fat
GOMAD + SS + fasting in the weekends won't

Youre gonna have to eat like a motherfucker for 2-3 years and lift to get that body.

I got the lifting down
It's the eating part i'm struggling with a bit

how's nutrients a meme

im trying to attain this but all my fat goes to my fucking love handles AAAAAAAAA

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lift harder faggot, you're not burning enough calories in the gym

Drink 2 L of 1%.

That's 1600 kcal and 144g of protein.

Eat another ~1400 calories of whatever you want.

Lift harder or more often is usually the answer to this

Fuarrkkk I know that feel. I'm 14% bodyfat and still have love handles, annoying as shit. You just need to focus on those shoulders in order to broaden and even out the hip to shoulder ratio.

Eat ~3k calories and lift

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Well then just eat more food you whiny fuck

And roid

Lifting without roids is stupid in general


try lifting.

kilo of onions flour a day

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Yeah, OP pic guy has plenty of fat on him


wii fit helps