Just had an emotional breakdown at work

>just had an emotional breakdown at work
how's your day going so far

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Aw sorry bud. What was it about?

Hope you're OK

my dad's health, falling in love with the wrong type of girl, just everything man. been keeping it bottled up for months now and it's finally all coming out. fucked up at the job today too before i left. shit just sucks man.

That's terrible user. You should take it easy today, have a drink or go out with friends or something. What do you like to do that really makes you happy besides hanging out with a girl?

yeah user, go out for a bit, drink a pepsi, maybe a beer, watch some good anime and sit back.

What's wrong with your Dad? Can he get better? I hope so. I know that feel of falling in love with the wrong type of girl man, I really do. Shit sucks.

I know it's hard, but that's why you shouldn't bottle shit like that up. It always comes out in the worst place - for you, and me, work. You need to talk about it, to family, friends, or on here.

I probably know how you're feeling man. I lost my mum,dad and grandmother last year. I also got my heart broke when my gf of two years went off and fucked someone else because "I changed."

I was fucking grieving - and I still am. Of course I changed.

Like you, I broke down at work and ended up on sick leave for three months due to stress, mild depression etc.

Do you still have your job? Or by fucking up do you mean you've lost it?

I know this is about you man, but I think I can relate to you a lot

Hope you're ready to get fired. Nobody likes when ugly men show emotion, you show know this.

Delete this at once, child. Have some empathy.

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i'll try. i really don't have many friends up where i live. my parents moved away from my hometown after high school so i can only see them on the weekends. i like to listen to music but even that feels old now.

he had a heart attack about a month ago and he has to wear this vest. it keeps going off in the middle of the night and we don't know if there's any lasting problems or not. i never had much of a relationship with my dad and i'm afraid he's not going to be able to see me when i've matured and can actually form some sort of relationship with him. as far as the girl goes i haven't even known her for that long but she was the first girl that i made out with and the things she told me while we were hanging out really made me feel loved and accepted. i can tell she's not the type of girl to commit to me, and even if she was, she would just break my heart in time. i still have my job but i work customer service and i fucked up over the phone today and made our company look retarded. i'm sorry to hear about your family and the girl man, i can't imagine what that must be like on you.

>my parents moved away from my hometown after high school so i can only see them on the weekends
clarification i moved away with my parents and i can only see my friends from my hometown on the weekends

I want to ask a girl out. She gave me her number on Saturday. I don't remember her name and I don't know the social norms. Should I ask her out on a date right away? Or does she expect me to arrange going out with a group of friends? What if she doesn't remember me either?
Btw feeling awfully inadequate. I crave a gf but I want to keep my love handles private.

stop coddling the weak, brings everyone down

yeah just do something like "hey, what's up it's user, you free to do ____ this weekend"? the last thing she wants you to do is ask her out with a group of friends. make sure she's the right one and you actually like her, not just asking her out because you crave a gf. it'll save you a lot of pain.

you realize that even mentally strong people have their moments, right? stop trying to act like you've never been vulnerable or had a moment of sadness in your life.

Some surprisingly wholesome replies in this thread. Sorry to hear you're having a rough time OP. It's understandable though and if the people at your job aren't total sacks of shit, they'll check on you and ask if they can help in some way.

Customer service jobs suck, don't they? I work front desk at a gym and I feel like pretty often I do things that absolutely make the business and myself look retarded. I'm trying to learn not to mentally bash myself all the time but it's hard.

As for your dad's health, that must be really hard. I understand the stress of having a parent suffer serious health concerns. I wish you luck and it warms my heart to see how other people are responding to your post.

>how's your day going so far
Pretty chill. I did 300ug of 1P-LSD on sunday and had a good nights sleep last night. I'm mellow as can be. Weed is shit. I'm never doing drugs again.

I'm really bored and there is really nothing to do. It's like any other day but i'm kind of moody today for some reasons.

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Happened to me too almost a year ago, panic attacks, stressed beyond belief due to lack of personnel, didn't help that people called in sick on top of that 2-3 at a time a week with no replacements just "you can do this anons just work harder lol" and I just wanted to get the fuck away.
Still recovering and only back at 25% at work.
Hopefully your workplace will not push you any further

I'm sorry user but our only purpose is to provide for chad and stacy, and they don't like it when we complain.

Thanks for the advice I'll probably just do it tonight.

sorry about that, user. I had a breakdown last month too. You're not alone.

yeah it does make me feel a bit better that people can relate and understand what i'm going through, which is uncommon coming from here. my job's okay, but i make a retard out of myself over the phone a lot and that takes a bit of a toll on me. thanks for the kind words my man.

i can relate. i did 450mg of dxm this weekend and although i had a good trip, i really feel like i need to get off the drugs. marijuana especially, i've been smoking every single day and i can't tell if that's the reason why i keep bottling up my emotions or not.