How much to tip?

>usually have this one dude as a spotter
>always tip 10% of the weight I'm lifting
>today had another spotter
>tipped him the usual 10%
>the fucker just looks at me weird like 'that's it'?

So how much do you guys tip your spotters?

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20% minimum. If you don’t have the money to tip properly, don’t go to the gym you fucking poorfag

>Goes to the gym knowing he can’t abide by the 20% rule

God I hate niggers

lmao are you niggers really tipping spotter? Just use the nautilus, it’s only $.25 a set

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Okay I know I'm gonna get massacred for this but do you niggas really tip people for spotting?

Are you from Australia?

Thank you based nautilus of gains

I don't use a spotter because the thought of knowing I might crush my rib cage and collapse my lungs if I fail provides my with an adrenaline rush that makes me able to lift heavier

but how can you lift till failure?

Lift until failure then hold the bar in static position until you regain enough strength to push it up

It's so crazy that it might actually work

The absolute state of Americans

In the UK it's completely discretionary, where I am ATM in France it's considered weird to tip more than 5%

If me and a group of friends all use the same spotter is it included in the bill?

Except if you're sitting there with the bar just frozen the odds that someone isnt going to rush over to save your ass is zero to none. What are you going to do, shout at them to go away?

This guy doesn’t charge me for spots is he gay for me bros?

I'd just tip afterwards

Just tell them you're doing static exercises

Even if they just run over and start spotting you because "they once injured themselves and dont want that to happen to anyone else"?
Fuck that I see through those tricks

I don't have any spotter. But for the receptionist girl I usually tip either 10% or 20% depending on how cheerful did she greet me.

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Wait....this isn’t a meme? Burgers actually tip people at the gym?

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Its common courtesy if you cant tip 20% you should stay home

Usually I just tip 10% of my monthly gym fees at the start of the month since I don't like carrying cash on me

I thought it was legit the first few months at the gym, I always gave the receptionist $15 every day I walked in. I had to go to the ATM on the weekends and withdraw enough cash to give her for the week. This continued until I found out literally no one else does this and since that point I stopped giving her money but then she started asking why I wasn't paying her anymore and ultimately it led to me completely quitting that gym altogether. My wallet has been grateful but fuck threads like these, I'm asperger and don't deal well with human interaction.

>Not tipping your spotter with dick kisses after each rep.

10% of what

Did you even read the fucking post, you stupid fucking nigger?

Did you include the weight of the bar? My spotter was mad at me for saying that the bar doesn't count.

Up here in Canada we tip a flat fee. 1 Popeye Buck per set to use at the supplement store.

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What poorfag doesn’t tip 50%


i tip my fucking asshole to my spotter's dick 100%

Or maybe I do whatever the fuck I want because I paid for the membership lmao.

Dude, don’t listen to these autists. You literally already pay for a membership to go to the gym.

I haven't used a spotter in 10 years until today because I really thought I was going to drop the 295 bench due to my new job sapping all my energy from me

i tip just the tip, in OP's pic you see how close his tip would be to my mouth anyway

Just double the tax.