Yo Elliott!

Absolutely based and strengthcamppilled

Attached: YoElliott.png (747x739, 255K)

Breathe through your balls pilled

>pending war with iran
>anti-second amendment

based and redpilled

He's right

Trump's been shilling both of those hard recently
Try harder boomer

How are these not true?

Very based desu

Just read his most recent few tweets. Since when was Elliot this fucking based

both true

>Elliot is smarter than Jow Forums now


Okay now this is based

Holy Mother Of Based

Elliot Is Back

Fucking anti-semite should be jailed

Attached: 988BAAE0-02D2-46D5-9805-95A487FE6D96.jpg (392x299, 8K)

I'm from israel and you guys are fing stupid

I'm from earth and you better shut the fuck up.

he's great.

Attached: Hulse.png (734x529, 241K)

See I would have no problem with non whites if they weren't retarded gibmedat tyrones, and smart like Yo Elliot.

As soon as we vote in someone that'll take the kikes out of power (left or right I don't care at this point) we'll fight with Iran to slaughter every Jew in Israel.

>Impending war with Iran
Lmao, just like Syria right? Honestly have we had a better president on foreign policy in the last hundred years than Trump?

Yes goy, throw your vote away so the Ds can gain back power and flood the country with illegal immigration and destroy the economy

Also Trump may have to kiss ass a little bit just to appease them, but he's still the best president we've ever had in our lifetimes unless you are old enough to remember JFK

>he thinks voting for someone different will change anything

W was better on foreign policy than Obama or Trump ffs

Gee, I wonder who is behind this post :^)

>I am now a #BidenMissile.
Seriously though, as much as Trump sucks, who is there to even vote for?

dude even then, there's always drawbacks to high IQ in nonwhites. It's similar to how certain organisms in nature gain immunity to poison or fast aging, but lack in other fields. It makes the chance of mental illness much more likely

>twitter screenshot of politics is somehow Jow Forums related because an e celeb said it
kys and rape yourself faggot

Jow Forums - Fitness

Who the fuck cares
How is the first 4 years of Trump administration any different to the first 4 years of Obama or Bush's?
Idgaf about minor foreign or ecomic policy shifts that are done to keep donors happy. No muslim ban, no wall, more money to Israel, BLM and antifa are still a problem, gun laws are getting worse and no attempt has been made to save the nuclear family (if anything it's even worse)
The solution won't be a democratic one.

> he's still the best president we've ever had in our lifetimes unless you are old enough to remember JFK

yes goy Civil Rights act and Vietnam were good for you!

just vote trump fag..

>just vote for him goy

>just vote trump fag..
Yeah. But only because there is nobody else.
I would rather (((they))) fart on my face instead of taking a full on shit in my mouth.

"oy vey, shut it down" the post

Bernie would fix your shithole country, but amerimutts steady acting like he doesn't exist. Israel has won.

>anti second amendment
Yeah but the opposition really will try to outright ban things so until we get a new Republican presidential candidate trump is the best choice we have

Just be an elightened fence sitting homo goy!

wow. he is based

>Bernie would fix your shithole country goy

He is getting too based; normies will silence him.

>Bernie would fix your shithole country
That stunt pretty much disqualified him alone.
There's also:
>haha let's get rid of student loan debt
>fuck everyone who busted their ass already paying their loans off, these cunts who got a 100k degree in feminist wanking theory need your tax dollars.
Then there was the
>lel no refunds gaiz see you 2020.

Bernie's a subversive kike true and true. At least with Trump there is the small chance he's gonna do something wacky and hilarious in his second term, since he can't be voted out anymore.

0.05 shekel has been added to your account

and obama wasnt?

?? Zion Don isn't popular on Jow Forums either.

>b-but Obama!!!

>?? Zion Don isn't popular on Jow Forums either.
He's the most popular out of all candidates in that there are actually people supporting him unironically.
Other meme candidates like Yang and Tulsi get shilled, but there doesn't seem to be any genuine support behind them.

It's mainly two groups:
1) Trump is awesome
2) Trump sucks
But if you ask 2) who to vote for they'll just tell you voting is pointless because (((they))) control both sides - which is basically true, but imo Trump is still the slightly less shitty option.

>He's the most popular out of all candidates
Well, yeah, not like there are any other options

>Bernie would fix your shithole country, but amerimutts steady acting like he doesn't exist.
yeah because socialism totally works. but i guess nonworking sub-20 year old basement dwelling lefties can dream too?
literally look up bernies ideas and think them through. he speaks of valid issues but offers no plausible solutions. "oh ill just implement a program". sure thing, goyim, sure thing

Attached: jew computer.jpg (1111x597, 433K)

>Well, yeah, not like there are any other options
Accelerationist. Go full "fuck white males" and vote Tulsi with the hope of speeding things up.

>trump bad
>mention that the previous president did the exact same thing
>"stop saying things i dont like!"
careful there reddit

Fuck off, kike. If someone wants to "accelerate", they should go full minecraft.